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Posts posted by lazey1

  1.  I have only been able to read the daily off and on for the past few weeks and I feel like I have missed some or many important things going on with our Daily Friends I am not going to be able to back and catch up with everything so if I make any inappropiate comments please forgive me.As many of you know  we brought my son here on Aug. 3rd, he wound up in the hospital the next day for about a week, was discharged and the following weekend he fell while I was at church and had to go to ER.  Since then he has been seen at the wound clinic once a week and by his PP once a week. He is slowly but surely getting stronger. We can't find a GI Specialist to see him before Nov. This past 10 day period my body has rebelled with a flareup of my colitis and also a flare of either heart failure or bronchitis. Today I am feeling somewhat better and hopeful that I can get my son to wound care and also go to the grocery store tomorrow. I continue to worry about and pray for Dailyite Friends who need it and praise God for those who do not need our prayers.

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  2. 36 minutes ago, kazu said:


    I am sorry I have not been on.  Just doesn’t seem to be time.


    Sick or I guess sick at the heart.  Just running out of strength and trying to find it in me.


    @kazuJacqui, I am feeling the same way, just not for the same reasons. 

    Either MS Tony has had medical appointments or I have, sometimes two a day like today, every day for the past two weeks. He had a slip and fall doing the splits last Sunday morning while I was in church and was stranded on  the kitchen floor for almost an hour and a half until I got home. The rest of the day was in the E.R. He saw his primary today, blood pressure extremely low, potassium extremely low, billirubin high. I get to see my primary this afternoon for new dx of osteoporosis, then we both have tests tomorrow. This old lady is running out of steam. 

    Prayers for those who need them and cheers for those who don't. Very glad to read that food is interesting Tana and she can enjoy eating in small amounts.



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  3. DH and I did the South America Explorer (San Diego/Callao/San Diego) aboard the Statendam Nov.2-Dec.3, 2014. Also aboard were a couple familiar to a great many of you, Kakalena and her DH Virgil. Unfortunately both of the gentlemen were ill at the time. No photos to show but we did basically the same excursions allready mentioned.

    We finally had a strong Monsoon rain last evening; all of the rain that has been happening in Tucson has been skirting around us. It was cool going to church this morning but over 100 by the time I got home at 12:30.

    No on the drink of the day and on the red wine but the chicken salad sounds onderful.

    DS continues to improve very slowly but I can see some progress every day. I am beginning to believe that I may be able to go on my scheduled Thanksgiving cruise, fingers crossed.

    Prayers for all who need them, whether spoken or not and Hoorays for those who don't need prayer.











    also aboard 

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  4. Quick update. My son Tony was seen by a Primary Care Provider yesterday and he liked the Dr. Tony has qualified for Arizona Healthcare and now has a policy in effect. Tony's auto insurance carrier has denied medical payments coverage as not connected to the accident. The insurance has made a very fair offer on his car. Needless to say Tony is feeling better, not well by a long shot but better. He still is having problems getting up and down and with walking but these are the issues that caused him to lose his job and will probably take a long time to resolve.


    I am feeling greatly relieved with the way things are going.




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  5. 12 hours ago, JazzyV said:

    Today’s Care List:

    Lindaler’s DS with an emergency situation

    Heartgrove’s DSIL with fall and tri-malleolar ankle fracture

    Vict0riann’s DH Pat having an angiogram today

    Lazey1’s DH with multiple medical issues

    Hal Sailer with Lymphoma


    Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US

    Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held

    All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


    From the Rotation:

    Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness, poor appetite

    StLouisCruisers’ twin with upcoming shoulder replacement

    Smitty3487’s untiring caregiving


    Celebrations and Shoutouts:

    Kazu’s house is on the market, with lots of interest

    Kochleffel feeling better


    The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

    All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


    Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


    2 days for 0106 (Rotterdam Aug 17 to Aug 31) 14d Best of Norway

    5 days for TiogaCruiser (Volendam Aug 20 to Aug 31) 11d Newfoundland & New England Discovery

    7 days for Lady Hudson (Vision of the Seas Aug 22 to Aug 31) 9d Cabada/New England


    Haljo1935 (MSC Magnifica to Aug 16) 4d Bahamas ski ww (Rotterdam to Aug 17) 14 Night Britain, Scotland & Ireland, Luvteaching (Discovery Princess to Aug 17) 7d Alaska Inside passage w/Glacier Bay National Park, Horizon Chaser 1957 (Volendam to Aug 20) 24d Canada, NE, Iceland, Cunnorl (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings, St Pete Cruiser (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings,  RMLincoln (Emerald Princess to Aug 28) 17d Greenland & Canada and Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to Aug 29) 44d Epic Northern Adventure London to London, celebrating 50th anniversary

    Thank you for the good thoughta however my Dear Husband is deceased; it is my Dear Son with the multiple medical issues.


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  6. Good morning all. For the past couple of weeks I have only read the daily a few time and I have not posted. As you may recall my son, Tony, was forced to retire because he was physically not able to do his job about 2 or 3 months ago, then he develope cellulitis in both legs and feet and was hospitalized a couple of times in Tulsa Ok. 2 weeks ago he thought he was well enough to drive to Az. to live with me but he had a single car accident. He says he was not hurt but his car was a total loss. My dear BIL and I flew to Ok picked him and his belongings up, flew back home and the very next day Tony was admitted tp the hospital with a multitude of illnesses. He was discharged after 5 days and seems to be doing a little bit better but is still both sick and having a very difficult time getting up and down and walking. Needless to say I have been somewhat stressed out. I know that recovery will take some time for him, I believe that I will be back to my normal soon.

    I have continued to pray for Jacqui and Tana and others who need prayers without naming them. Hooray for all who are in good health and for all who are traveling. I am not going to try to catch up on all that I have missed on the daily but will try to at least read the daily again.


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  7. We had a visit to Torshavn on our 50th anniversary cruise aboard the Eurodam in 2008. No photos to show, sorry. We did a ship sponsored walking tour of the city, ending up in a very old turf roofed home where we were treated to lunch. My memory must be failing as the only thing I remember is reindeer sausage. Our guide was a young lady about 30 years younger than me who looked so much like me that several people on the tour asked if we were mother and daughter. The guide told me that I have a very typical Welsh complection; black (at that time) hair, dark brown eyes, very white skin with a bit of rosacea.

    I had to go out for appointments every day this week and it has been miserable. Yesterday the actual temperature was 117 with winds both dusty and smokey. Today felt like a blessed relief at 106, very slight breeze and some clouds. We are in our monsoon season but no rain so far. 

    @kazuthank goodness the infection has cleared, hopefully the growth can be cleared soon and you will be pain free.

    Prayers for those who need them and hurrahs for those who don't.


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  8. I have not been to Mumbai, I really like Chenin Blanc, wouldn't be adverse to trying an Arnold Palmer and no thanks to today's meal as I don't care for eggplant. Roy's alternative meal sounds good.


    My father passed 20 years ago today at the age of 92.


    I am finally feeling good although I still tire easily. Who knows if that is left over from the Covid or if it a part of my new normal. I have been getting physical therapy for the Vertigo and it has been amazing. Next week I may get to begin cardiac rehab to increase my stamina. @JazzyVplease remove me from the care list.


    Happy father's day to all who qualify. Prayers for all who need them and hurrah's for all who don't.




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  9. Here is another hurrah for Miracle Whip on basically everything. I love the light tangy flavor. I like deviled eggs but not spicy. So deviled eggs and the white wine sound like a real winner for dinner tonight. Pass on the drink.


    Finished up my Paxlovid last night and was thinking I am over the Covid however this morning I am coughing up high quanties of "stuff" and my chest hurts. If this continues for more than a couple of days I will see my pulmonist to determine if I have developed bronchitis.


    Prayers for all who need them and cheers to all who don't.





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  10. I have been trying to keep up with the daily postings but haven't felt up to posting myself. I have Covid (again) and allthough I am obviously recovering I still have no energy or stamina. Am I the only one who hates the aftertaste of Paxlovid?

    My son who was forced to medically retire was hoping to get moved here by the end of last month but that obviously didn't happen. He developed cellulitis and spent 5 days in the hospital. His feet are still swollen and painful but he said last night that he was able to get a little bit of cleaning done. His goal now is to get moved buy the end of this month.

    I have not been to today's port and am certainly enjoying the beautiful photos. @marshhawk I also would love to see photos of the kitties.

    @kazuI am glad you are able to get some of your gardening done. I was surely hoping to read that you were fully recovered or if not at least well on your way. For the past year or more it seems that if it weren't for bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all. @grapau27I am glad that you and Pauline are recovered and out and about. @smitty34877I can't say how much I admire and respect you and especially Tana throughout all the troubles.


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  11. Yum yum on croutons, hummus and todays white wine; that would be a wonderful snack or even a meal for me. Hard pass on the sandwich, black beans are about the only kind of bean that I dislike. A baked sweet potato with butter is always good.


    My late husband was a lifelong model airplane enthusiast and had converted a TuffShed into his workshop. It has sat untended for almost 9 years now and it is quite full of junk and stuff plus very dirty. I am trying to get it cleaned out first then cleaned up so my son can make it into his man cave when he moves in with me. That should be around the end of this month. I can only work for an hour or so at a time so the clean up is slow but steady.


    I have cruised Atlantic Canada 4 times but I can not remember ever porting in Gaspe. Is it a faulty memory or have I never been there; who knows? I am enjoying the photos. I hope to cruise Atlantic Canada again in 2025. 


    @kazuI am praying that yuor foot is healing and that you are no longer in pain. Please let us know.


    Prayers for all who need them whether they know it or not.



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  12. I did not know that Mexico and some of the Central American countries celebrated Mother's Day on May 10th. The meal of the day sounds good, the drink intriguing and I would love the wine.

    We never had a hamster or any pet with fur or feathers as DH had severe asthma. We did had turtles, goldfish and desert iguanas. 

    My late DH and I had several cruises with Sydney as a port. I am loving all the photos. We did many wonderful excursions including the Cabot Trail to Cape Breton where we had lunch at the Inn.  Anne Murray was in residence and sang a couple of her favorite songs for us. The one excursion we never did was the Louisbourg Fortress. If I am fortunate enough to do another Canadian cruse I will rent a  Scootaround.

    Prayers for all who need them and thank you God for all who do not.



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  13. I have been to Norway but not to Flam. The quiche sounds wonderful if someone else would make it for me and serve it with a white wine. No on the drink and on the red wine


    Yesterday afternoon there was an areawide outage of Cox Cable internet that lasted from about 3PM until??? after 10PM. Today everything seems to be working.


    I had my appointment with Dr. Eng at Banner University Hospital. After further intensive review of my heart test procedures he said that the valvuloplasty would not work on me so after ruling out surgery, TMVR and valvuloplasty I can only be treated with medication and diet. I am okay with that; in a way I am relieved that I will not be undergoing any invasive procedures, even if minor. I am feeling well as long as I take it slow and easy. Please take my name off thecare list rotation.


    My son was forced by the company he worked for to resign due to health reasons. So far he has not been able to get any help at all in Tulsa so he will be coming here to live with me probably by the end of this month. I am sure it will be an adjustment for both of us but in the long run it should be good as we will have each other for help and care as needed.


    Prayers for all who need them and praise God for those who do not.



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  14. Love the carrot cake, would like to try the drink but not the wine as it is both red and way to expensive for me. I also got the EFFY email and I pass. I have not been to Marseille so I am enjoying all the photos.

    I heard from the research Dr. and the special CT Scan of my heart shows that I am not a candidate for the TMVR procedure as something is to small. He is having me come back to his office to explain another possible procedure for me called a valvuloplasty. While this will not replace the Mitral Valve it would hopefully stretch it and help the blood flow. My DBIL will again drive me to Phoenix University Hospital so I am treating him, his wife and his eldest son to dinner tonight at Serranos Mexican restaurant. (in honor of Cinco de Mayo the restaurant is having a special on a dish called Mexican Flag Enchiladas which none of us have tried before.)

    @ger_77 Gerry, I think I know the anxiety that you and Maurice have been going through and I Thank God that Maurice has been approved and has a date for his Valve replacement.

    Prayers for those who need and yeah for those who don't.



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  15. Yum, yum. I have never tasted a cole slaw that I didn't like however my all time favorite is from Kentucky Fried Chicken.

    I've never been to any of the Greek Island so I am really enjoying the photos of Mykonos; it is so beautiful and so clean.


    @kazuI love the concept of your Merry Widow cruise and intend to follow your thread. I wonder how many of us regular readers of the Daily are widows. Is a support group here a viable concept?


    Prayers for all who are in need and double so for Vanessa with her surgery today. I hope she is able to give us an update soon.  Yeah for Tana's recent progress.  And a big hurrah for all who are healthy and happy.


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  16. I have never been to Sydney and my age and medical problems now forbid it. Thank you to everyone who posted photos. Same with Mumbai, thanks for the photos.

    I love spinich/artichoke dip and I love grilled cheese sandwiches but the thought of mashing them togather is very off putting.

    I had my semi-annual neurological exam yesterday and my mild peripheral neuropathy remains unchanged.  I have not had any colitis flares or bronchial flares for several months and generally I am feeling good except for the frequent, severe fatigue that is heart related. I am scheduled for an enhanced CT of heart and lungs on April 29th then a week later the cardiologist at Banner University will let me know if I am a candidate for the TMVR study, if more tests are needed or if I am not a candidate. If yes he will refer me to the reseachers for hopeful approval.

    @kazu I am very happy to see that your foot is improving and you will be able to cruise.  Remind your self to take it very easy.

    Prayers for all who need them, whether mentioned or not and hurrahs for those who don't.



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  17. I would love to have some of that potato salad if only it could be prepared without salt and low sodium mayo. Pass on the drink and would like the wine.

    I was at Costa Maya 1 time, took a HAL expedition to visit the ruins of Tulum, the most beautiful Mayan Capitol as the ocean is it's background.

    A strange day for me so far; I woke up about 15 minutes before my alarm feeling very dizzy, very weak and slightly nauseous. Almost fell as I staggered into the bathroom. After taking my morning meds I made my way into the kitchen by holding onto the walls, fed my cats and had a cup of coffee. Blood pressure was 161/87, high but not alarming for me. After sitting for an hour or so the dizzyness slowly went away. I was afraid to try driving so I watched a live feed for church and now the nausea has gone away. Still feeling somewhat weak but able to walk unsupported. I have an appointment at Banner University Hospital Interventional Cardiology department on Wed. so I will be sure to tell the Dr. about this. 


    @Sharon in AZ thank you for the video of the rocket launch. Gives a new perspective of how fast they travel.

    @grapau27I swear you are making me gain weight just looking at your food porn.

    @aliaschiefThank you for posting the beautiful photos of Kuala Lumpur, also the rest of your photos of your world cruise. You are a gifted photographer.


    Prayers for those who are in need and hurrahs for those who are not in need.



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