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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good evening. We have a pretty sunset tonight, which means we won't be seeing the planets in alignment. The clouds moved in late this afternoon. Maureen, I'm glad the surgery is behind you both, and you are both home resting. I hope the stent works so your DH can get off the meds he's allergic to, Ann, glad to know you are safely in Ft. Lauderdale. Joy, welcome home. Ethan is a real cutie. We agree that those heavy chairs need to go. I'm sure they made them heavy to keep them from moving around, but when passengers can't move them, they're too heavy. I'm happy the hotel is okay for one night. Fred, thanks for the links to the articles. Besides the fried cheese curds, we probably tried the Pronto Pups. Being from Texas and occasionally going to the Texas State Fair, we always stop at Fletcher's Corny Dogs when we go. They are very good too. Lenda
  2. Caron, when younger DD was in grad school at St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota, her apartment was within walking distance of the fair. The three of us had a great time that day. We tried a lot of different food that day including the fried cheese curds. They weren't bad. Lenda
  3. Terri, we had the guy who put the cover on our patio tell us he'd be back on Wednesday to lengthen the gutter downspout. That was in 2001 or 2002, we're still waiting, but decided a long time ago that he's not coming. Lenda
  4. Good afternoon. It's been a slow morning which was much appreciated after two busy days. Vanessa, sorry you couldn't get your BFF's DD's computer running. I'm also sorry your hand is bothering you. Karen, I'm glad you had good news about your DH. It's good that he is now responsive and the doctor is more optimistic and that your DH may be moved to a stepdown room and then hopefully back to your local hospital. I hope he will be able to do the acute rehab in the hospital. That must have been a shock to learn you are being moved to a different hotel. Do you know which hotel you'll be moved to? Terry, that was nice of your cousin to come take you DH to his appointment, especially after being up all night. I have also been wondering about @Seasick Sailor Joy and Allen and if they made it home safely and that all is well. Lenda
  5. The first time we were in Moorea, I got my black pearl enhancer. When we were back there a year later, I was lucky enough to find a pair of earrings to match the pearl. DH found his videos and stills taken in 2007 when we were snorkeling off the beach at the Intercontinental Hotel. Some of these pictures are stills and some are screenshots of the videos. It is easy to see how shallow the water was. This is the hotel looking from the reef. Lenda
  6. We have been to Moorea five times on Wind Star, Princess and HAL. Most of our pictures are from prehistoric times before digital cameras, but I did find a few. In 2002 on the APEC cruise on Volendam, Moorea was not a port. Like Roy, we took the ferry from Papeete to Moorea, and rented a car. In fact, we've rented cars there every time except 2007. That time we took a taxi to the Intercontinental Hotel to snorkel. The reef comes very close to the shore there, and the colors of the fish and coral are outstanding. Sadly, the hotel was permanently closed last year. Looking at Google maps a few minutes ago, it looks like there is a Hilton resort where the Intercontinental Hotel was or it's very near the site. These first pictures were taken in 2007 at the hotel. These were from our drive around the island in 2002. We stopped at a park where a tour was watching a feast being prepared. A young man carrying on an ancient craft. Moorea is our second favorite port after Bora Bora, and our first cruise there was the best. We sailed in at sunset on Wind Song, and then spent two days anchored in the lagoon. The second day, there was a cookout on a motu put on by the ship, complete with a whole huge fish. When we were not eating, we could snorkel. The best part was it was my birthday. The night in Moorea on Wind Song, dinner was a barbecue on deck complete with a roasted suckling pig. In 1996, on the Wind Song, anytime the pilot was not on one the bridge, passengers could walk into the bridge. One evening, probably in Bora Bora, we did and started talking to the young deck officer. He even took us out on the bridge wing and pointed out the Southern Cross and other constellations. Fast forward to 2016 on the Prinsendam and a talk with Captain Tim Roberts. In 1996 he was a young officer on Wind Song. We all decided it was probably Captain Tim who was the young office we talked with 21 years earlier. It really is a small world. Lenda
  7. Good morning from a mostly sunny but very windy central Texas. Our high will be in the mid 60sF, but right now it is 49F. The winds will be between 15 and 20 mph until about 4 pm when they drop to between 10 and 15 mph. Later, they will drop to below 10 mph. I hope the skies stay clear enough we can see the planetary alignment tonight. Our spring weather is typical for this part of Texas, with highs in the 60s today and tomorrow, the warming to the 70s. Next week, it will be 90F on Monday and dropping into the upper 80s for most of the week, before being in the 70s again. Just remember this is Texas weather I'm talking about, and it could all change quickly at any time. There are some things on a stick that I'll eat, like chocolate covered cheesecake. I appreciate the medicinal quality of some weeds, but I cannot appreciate weeds when they take over the yard and choke the grass out. Living in the country in Texas, we get a lot of invasive native grasses, which are difficult if not impossible to kill. We always respected our cats when they agreed to be part of our family. Today's quote is one I'm not sure about. It seems there are times I have a thought, but by the time I go to tell DH, my mind has let it go. 🤣 I have a very easy recipe for stuffed shells with spinach that the entire family enjoys. However, as long as DH is taking blood thinners, it will not appear on our table. I also have a recipe for stuffed shells in a vegetable garlic sauce that is very good. I haven't fixed it in years since it's more involved to make. We'll pass on the drink, and I think DH would say it's a waste of good Jameson whiskey. We'll also on the wine. We have visited Moorea many times beginning in 1996 on Wind Star's Wind Song. It is second only to Bora Bora as a favorite port. I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes. @RMLincoln Maureen, sending positive thoughts for a successful surgery and quick recovery for your DH. (((((HUGS))))) @Vict0riann Ann, safe travels to you and Pat today. I'm glad you got to visit with your friends so the unexpected layover was not a total waste of time. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm so sorry about the aide leaving, but can understand the more money. I hope the search for the new aide goes quickly, and you find a good aide who can handle the routine and any emergency. Sending positive thoughts for good outcomes from your DH's doctor appointments. Hope some of the family in the area can help Tana while you and DH are out. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the information on today's days. @puppycanducruise I'm afraid the appliance gremlins may stick around until all of us replace our appliances. 😁 Maybe they were sent by the appliance manufacturers to boost sales. 🤣 In the case of our washer, it wasn't the gremlins but old age. @cat shepard Ann, sorry about the smoke from the wildfires. The last meme also made me tear up, too. @ocean sounds It's good to see another dachshund lover on the Daily. Neither of our two dachshunds liked thunder or fireworks. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry you had such bad weather in Moorea. It is such a pretty island on sunny days, and we've had both sun and rain on our visits there. Loved the memes today. @ger_77 Gerry, your DH's latest project sounds very interesting. @aliaschief More great memes today, Bruce. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you can get the shower glass installed at the earlier date. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad the drain is working again, and the expert's charge was not too bad. @sunviking90 Welcome to the Fleet/Daily, and we hope to see you here again. We're a very friendly and welcoming group. Lenda
  8. Good afternoon from a gray and windy central Texas. There was some sun this morning, but the clouds have moved in and our high has not reached much above 71F. Without the sun and with the wind, it is cool out. I got the house finished and the last load of towels are in the dryer. DH got my cuckoo clock working again. It had stopped in November. All it needed was a little oil and the accumulated dust blow out of the works. Here is another Consumer Report review for today. This week was the third time I've used the new steam mop, and so far, I'm very pleased with it. It does take a little longer to do the floors, but the up side is they dry much faster than when I used a regular mop. We had a few places where stains would not come up with the mop, and one place that had glue dropped on it, that we couldn't up since 1999 when we moved in the house. The glue came with the house. 🤣 The stains were gone the first time, and each week, the glue globs are getting smaller. I doubt I'll every go back to a regular mop for this house. After all the yard work and car washing yesterday, and house cleaning today, I think I'll dig the last of the One Pot Mexican Beef and Rice Casserole out of the freezer for dinner. With guacamole and sour cream, it should make a good, easy dinner. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, congratulations to Ren's team on the wins this weekend. Bruce, this is even better than Consumer Reports since there is no paywall to get to the meat of the reviews. 😉 Carolyn, thanks for your pictures of Quebec City. We now have some new places to check out the next time we're there. Debbie, I too wonder how much longer we'll let the school shootings continue. One child killed in a school shooting is one too many. I hope the plumber can clear the blockage easily and not too expensively. Annie, I hope your blood tests do not show any surprises, and that your DH gets a good report from the eye doctor. I do not wear a lanyard on a ship. While I wear necklaces, I do not like anything else hanging around my neck. I make sure my shorts, pants and jeans all have pockets where I can carry my cruise card. Unfortunately, many women's pants have very small pockets that can't accommodate cell phones or glasses. For daily wear, I try to get cargo pants. At night, I carry a small purse to hold my phone, glasses, cruise card and kindle, since my dressier slacks don't have pockets. When we bought this new washer, I was determined to get another front loader until I saw how low the bottom of the drum was and how much I'd have to bend over. I also thought about getting the drawers, but that would not work. We have cabinets over the washer and dryer. Even without the drawers, the units would have been tall enough to make getting into the cabinets difficult. Lenda
  9. Terri, our old washer was a front loader, and it could smell pretty bad at times. Also, there were black places on the rubber seal for the door. We used a washer cleaning tablet which got rid of the odor for a while, but did nothing about the black spots. Lenda
  10. We have been to Quebec City four times by ship. In 2004, we were there on the old Regal Princess doing b2b out of NYC.. In 2013 on the Veendam we were there for a total of six days as we were doing b2b roundtrips out of Boston. Since Quebec City was the turnaround day, we had the day before and the day after the turnaround. The difference in the crowds in August/September and October was amazing, with August/September being much less crowded. My pictures are from the 2013 stops In 200 , we visited Montmorency Falls, and in 2013, we visited the Basilica St. Anne de Baupre. My pictures of the Basilica are inside since @dfish Debbie showed a picture of the outside. Looking from the front of the church toward town One of the pillars with the crutches and canes left by those who said they were crued This caught my eye and showed they were prepared for a lot of visitors and pilgrims. The main altar We rented a car both times in 2013. These pictures show how uncrowded town was as we walked to the car rental agency. When we left the Basilica, we drove along the St. Lawrence. Pictures later in the day in Quebec City. There were more people, but not near the crowds we encountered in October 2004. Battle Field Park on the Plains of Abraham, and the Veendam taken from the overlook One day we drove to Saguenay and another along the far side of the river to cross back at Three Rivers, before returning to Quebec City. Along the way, we found a farmers market and stopped to look around. Lenda
  11. A very early good morning from a cloudy central Texas where it is 50F and cloudy. It should be in the mid 70s this afternoon, but the clouds will hang around all week. I really enjoyed the sunny days this weekend. I can remember three Joes I've known. Two were very nice men, one of whom was the Capt. Joe Dawson that I've mentioned before, who was a hero at Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944. Sadly, one date with the third Joe was enough to tell me he was a total jerk. It's been decades since I've been to a theater to see a play, but I always enjoyed going. If I write slowly, my handwriting is legible, but it can be a scribble that even I can't read if I'm not careful. Another interesting quote by J.K. Rowling. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. We've had Sterling reds before, and their Merlot was probably one of them. Their wines are very good. We've been to Quebec City several times, and I'll post my pictures in a few minutes. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope the thunderstorms are not too bad in your area and that you stay safe with your power staying on. @grapau27 Graham, I'm glad you will be getting injections in your knees and finding out what needs to be done for your hips. Steroid injections can help hips too up to a point. @aliaschief Bruce, another batch of great memes. @cruising sister Lorraine, enjoy your trip to Tucson. I'm 5'6' and still have trouble reaching the bottom of our top load washing machines at times. However, I'm too tall to comfortably reach in the front load washers, especially the new ones which are even lower to the floor. I've thought of using DH's grabber he got in rehab to reach the bottom of the washer if necessary. @Cruzin Terri Terri, we decided to replace our washer even though the parts were about $50. Since DH wasn't able to do the repair work on our old one, the cost of the repair would have been more than the washer was worth. The rule of thumb on old washers is the repair should cost less than half the price of a new washer. Now, I'll go find my pictures of Quebec City. Then, it'll be time to start cleaning house. Lenda
  12. Ann, I'm glad you decided to do the live from. I look forward tagging along with you. Wish we were able to join you on the TA.
  13. A very late good evening. It was a busy afternoon spent working outside on a lovely, warm spring day. The yard is mowed and trimmed, and the cars and golf cart are washed. The cars were all covered in dust and pollen, and looked horrible. It was getting so that I was embarrassed to be seen driving them, and it was getting difficult to see out the windows. We also got the covers back on two of the cars, so maybe they won't need washing for a while. Naturally, it all took longer than expected, so we had a late dinner. DH cooked a ribeye which we shared along with baked potatoes and salad. He is our expert steak griller. Tomorrow, I'll have to break down and clean the house. I've put it off as long as possible. Terry, day dreams are nice, and we could all use some good day dreams. Terri, DH and I know just what that noise your washer is making. It's the bearing that spins the drum. Our old washer was making that noise for a couple or three months. DH found he could replace the bearing and assembly for about $50 of he was in better shape. We discussed getting the washer fixed, getting someone to help us fix it, but finally decided to replace the 23 year old washer. Neither of us could stand listening to the jet take off from our laundry room any longer. The new washer arrived last week, and it works very well. We decided to keep the old dryer until it gives out. DH reminded me that most appliances fail when they are new. Rich, I think there are enough of us who would keep the Daily going. We've managed with your work setting everything up before hand to keep it going while you are enjoying your cruise. I hope you will be able to continue with the Daily for quite some time. Brenda, thanks for the picture of the aurora with the moon and Venus. That's incredible. Paul, the Germans might not win the Iditarod, but in my opinion, they have the cutest dog sled team. Paul, thanks for the article about the five planets aligning this next week. Unfortunately, our weather prediction is for cloudy and windy most of the week, along with thunderstorms. Gerry, I wish we'd known each other in 2017. We drove through Saskatoon from Moose Jaw on the way to Edmonton, with the ultimate destination being Alaska. We could have had a nice visit. Maybe next time. Roy, I feel the same way. Frankly, I was a little unhappy after the daughter went back to Canada. She mentioned she keep us posted about how her mother and step-father were doing, but never posted again as far as I could tell. I've thought of the couple several times since then, and wondered how they were getting along. Roy, thanks for sharing your pictures and day in Praia. Denise, I'm glad your father is back home and is comfortable. Ann, safe travels to you and Pat tomorrow. I don't envy you leaving so early in the morning. Thank you for the update. It is sad news that more did not survive, but I'm glad all are accounted for now. Our condolences to their families, coworkers, friends, and the entire community. Such a terrible tragedy. Annie, I can sorta relate to your terra cotta pipes being ruined. Our tale is a little different though. We moved in to our first house on a Friday only to discover on Saturday that the builder had failed to connect the sewer line to the main sewer line at the street. That made for an interesting weekend. Karen, thanks for the update after a busy and trying day. I hope the numbers continue to head in the right direction and they identify the source of the infection. Sending positive thoughts that your DH rallies after this latest illness. Please, take care of yourself, too. ((((((HUGS)))))) Lenda
  14. 🍷 🍹 HAPPY 3RD ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL DAILYITES DAY! 🥘 🛳️ This is the best example of Make Up Your Own Holiday. I am so glad that Rich @richwmn turned the Fleet Report into the Daily in March 2020, even though it was a few months later when I found the Daily. What started out as a refuge during the height of the pandemic, became a warm, friendly, supportive place for many of us to gather. I hope we'll be celebrating the Daily anniversary for many years to come even as our lives get back to a more normal routine. I hope to live long and prosper, and Spock was the Star Trek character I liked best. Spinach is good raw in salads, wilted with bacon and mushrooms and in pasta dishes, but not as a cooked vegetable. Besides being bad for those prone to kidney stones, it is one of the leafy, dark green vegetables that should not be eaten when taking blood thinners, especially the older blood thinners. The Mark Twain quote is very interesting and good. The meal looks interesting, and I think I'd like the third one the best. I'm always looking for new ways to cook chicken. I like Mai Tais, especially at the Royal Hawaiian on the patio watching the sun set behind Diamondhead, but I'm not sure about a strawberry Mai Tai. We'll pass on the wine today. We have been to Mindelo, Cape Verde, twice, but we've not been to Praia, Cape Verde. I would love to see pictures of Praia. @USN59-79 Ray, I hope you both have a great cruise on Westerdam. @richwmn Rich, thank you for the time line and the history of the creation of the Daily. I hope and feel, we'll be continuing the Daily for a long time. After all, we've become friends and family during the past three years. @rafinmd Roy, thank you for digging and finding the timeline for the evolution of the Daily. @mamaofami HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY to Jeremy. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you get the begonias potted without too much mess. Loved the memes. @dfish Debbie, welcome back to the recipe department. We appreciated Tina @0106 covering for you last week. @aliaschief Thanks for more great memes today, Bruce. @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm glad you are managing well without the splint. @AncientWanderer Thank you for your nice comments on my port photos. I enjoy sharing them with all the Dailyites, and they bring back good memories of past cruises when I share them. We've been very lucky to have seen so many wonderful places in this world, and especially to go to some places we never thought we'd see when we were growing up. @dfish Debbie, I couldn't like your last post, but thanks for the information. I hope the plumber can fix the problem. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope you stay safe today during the storms. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm glad you did not have any damage from the winds. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the doctor visits tomorrow go well. Congratulations to your DH on his CYO sale. @luvteaching Karen, I hope things are going a lot better this morning, and that your DH is feeling better. Be careful driving and take care of yourself. There are so many who contribute to the Daily and make it the best thread on CC, and thank you to all the contributors. It would not be what it is without Rich @richwmn, Roy @rafinmd, Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Vanessa @JazzyV, Debbie @dfish, Tina @0106 Dixie @summer slope, Graham @grapau27, and Ann, @cat shepard who get the Daily started every day, and who give us the important information on the days, quotes, meals, drinks and wine. It was 46F when I woke up this morning, and it is now 66F, sunny with no wind. It will warm to about 78 this afternoon. I plan to get out and mow the yard and get some other outdoor chores done. Earlier, I made a quick run to the store to get something on sale before they ran out. Lenda
  15. A late good evening. After I posted the pictures of the Church of the Annunciation, DH and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and drive around the area to look at bluebonnets and other wildflowers. We saw some, but the afternoon didn't go exactly as planned. We saw some scattered clusters before life got in the way. Going down a main backroad at about 30mph, we hit a Texas size pothole. This time, only the tire was damaged beyond repair, but the wheel is all right. I was just glad I wasn't driving. DH had to drive it a ways before we could safely pull off the road. We were in an area with spotty, almost non-existent cell servicel. Even though we both have T-Mobile, his phone didn’t work, but mine got a weak signal. It took five or six calls to our roadside assistance service before they got all the information they needed. The calls kept dropping out; then, he would have to call back and go through everything again. They finally said they would call a tow truck. That's when we learned they will only tow the car for ten miles then charge for the additional miles. Then, we just sat and waited about an hour or longer for the tow truck. The driver was very nice, and didn't take too long to get the car loaded. One small problem was getting into the tow truck was impossile for DH now because the cab was so high off the ground. I'm not sure if I could have gotten into the truck either. We ended up riding home in the comfort of our car which was sitting on the flatbed of the tow truck. I'm not sure if it was legal, but that eas the only choice we had. We've known for a long time that our secondary roads were not smooth. We just didn't know how rough they are until we went down the roads on a flatbed truck with not the best suspension. The view up there was good though. DH ordered a new tire from the online tire store which has free delivery. It will cost less than $2 more than the tire we bought last fall, and we don't have to go to Waco to get it. Procrastination can pay off, since we didn't get the front end aligned last week. This was the third damaged tire on the car since we bought it I told DH I thought the car might be jinxed, or as they say in west Texas, "snake bit". Caron, I'm sorry you also had that awful virus. I'm glad you are feeling better. Take it easy until you are 100 per cent. My father wisely had me take Driver's Ed in the ninth grade. It was taught by the coaches, one of whom didn't think I was ready to take the driving test. He reluctantly gave me the paperwork for the test. A couple of years later, he rather condescendingly asked if I ever passed the test. I could proudly tell him, yes, with a 92 on the first try. I loved the look on his face. We also had the DDs take Driver's Ed. That is good news they pulled a survivor from the rubble. I hope they can find more survivors in time. Congratulations to the basketball team on the state championship. Katen, I sending positive thoughts that your DH makes it through this latest development. Sending you ((((HUGS)))). I hope you can get a good night's sleep, so you're ready to face things tomorrow. Lenda
  16. Since today is the Feast of the Annunciation, I thought I'd post my pictures of Nazareth and the Church of the Annunciation. We were both surprised at how modern the church was. In the open area beside the church was a view of the remains of the ancient village of Nazareth. These were originally posted on July 23,2022 Lenda
  17. Karen, I'm sorry things have been so rough since your DH came home. I'm sorry your DH is still battling the UTI bacteria and is now dehydrated. I hope you can avoid the ER, but if necessary, I hope he can come home afterwards. How nice of the assistant fire chief to clean the downspout. Small town EMT's are wonderful. The EMT's we've dealt with have also been wonderful. One even gave us a piano concert while the other finished the paperwork, and they also replaced the rug they'd moved. Please take some time for yourself everyday so you can stay strong. Annie, you do seem to meet some very interesting people. I guess they make life interesting. Susan, I'm glad you are feeing better, but sorry you still tire so easily. Dixie, sending positive thoughts for your friend with the brain injury that she will heal over time. We were on a b2b2b2 cruise when we had to leave before the last segment which was fully paid. HAL refunded the cost of the segment since we had their insurance, and the insurance paid the other expenses. Tony, my apologies for giving you the wrong name. Some how, I got you and another Dailyite from your general area mixed up. RNB, I keep the pecans in the freezer, and they do last for several years. Maureen, thank you for the pictures of today's port. That cruise sounds very interesting. Lenda
  18. Good morning from a sunny central Texas, where for the moment, there is no wind. If it wasn't 58F out, the weather would be perfect. We're supposed to reach 75F this afternoon. Even better, the humidity is 40% with a dew point of 34F. It's that time of year, when our highs are in the 70s and 89s most days, and the lows in the 50s ort 60s. I'm not sure what is on the agenda today. We'll probably go for a ride to enjoy the nice weather and to look for more bluebonnets and other wild flowers. If not, I may get some yard work done. Many people will be celebrating the Feast of the Annunciation. Pecans are all right, but not my favorite nut. We like strawberry waffles and may have them today or tomorrow. My father's favorite waffle was a pecan waffle. The J. K. Rowling quote is very true. The jury is still out about whether or not we'll use the strawberry basil relish on our salmon. We'll pass on the drink and probably on the wine. I like Rieslings that are between the sweet ones and the dry ones. We have been to many interesting and lovely ports in Norway, but sadly Sandnessjoen isn't one of them. @Seasick Sailor Welcome home, Joy and Allen. Safe travels today. I hope you had a wonderful cruise. @57redbird Welcome home, and safe travels. @seagarsmoker Welcome home, and safe travels for you too. @mamaofami Carol, I'm glad you are recovering well even if it's slow. When DH had his cataract surgery, he found it was easier for him to put the drops in his eyes while lying down. I've also been told to pull the bottom eyelid away from the eye and put the drops in the little pocket that forms. @RedneckBob RNB, in Texas we pronounce pecan as puh-kahn. Hearing others pronounce it pee-can is like hearing fingernails on a chalkboard. 😱 We also had a huge pecan tree in our yard, and every year my DF would shell the pecans we gathered. My DFIL also had a huge pecan tree, and we'd get a lot of pecans from him, which I'd shell. Now days, I just pick up a bag of pecan halves at W-M. It's so much easier. 🤣 @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm sorry the brace was so uncomfortable. I am glad that Molly is helping with your hand exercise. @cat shepard Please wish your sister a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! for us. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the party prep goes well, and the party is a success. I'm sorry about the problems with the spreadsheet. Sometimes, I've found if you just forget something that's not working for awhile, it will work when you get back to it. @marshhawk Annie, it's probably to late for today, but you might want to try warming the French toast casserole in the oven. @ger_77 Gerry, I agree that it doesn't seem like three years for the Daily. For me, it is not quite three years, since I didn't discover the Daily until the summer of 2020. It has certainly been a refuge these last three years, and we've formed such a close and supportive "family". @aliaschief Bruce, another great batch of memes today. We can relate to the last one about the RV. Whenever we have a line of cars behind us, we try to pull over at the first convenient and safe place to pull off the road so that others can pass. In Alaska, there are signs saying if there are more than five vehicles behind you, pull over for them to pass. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad Sue's DGD had a good time yesterday, and that Farkle Friday was fun with a dinner that was a big hit. Thank you for the pictures, and River is a cutie. @0106 Tina, thank you again for filling in for Debbie @dfish this week. I'm sure it made her week easier. @superoma Eva, I'm glad you DD is feeling better everyday. The getaway in the sun should do wonders for her recovery. @1ANGELCAT I hope the new owners of the restaurant will keep it being as good as the previous owner. I saw the news and pictures of the candy plant explosion and fire. Such a horrible event, and so sad about the loss of life. @HAL4NOW Ray, thanks for your picture of the snow. Untouched snow is so pretty, especially from this distance. My heart goes out to all those in Mississippi who were affected by last night's storms, and for the families who lost loved ones. While it's sad that many lost their homes, they can be replaced, but loved ones cannot. Lenda
  19. Normally, we don't watch college basketball, even the March Madness. However, I just watched the Xavier v Texas game. It was a good game, especially since Texas led all the way. They are now part of the Elite Eight, and they will play Miami next. Even though I failed the parallel parking part of the test, I got where I could parallel park fairly decently. Now days, I don't see many places where there is parallel parking. Thank goodness. Over the years, I've driven three of our motohomes, but I was really only comfortable driving our 25 foot class A. I wouldn’t even think about driving our 40 foot diesel pusher. Fortunately, DH loved to drive it. In recent years with the increased traffic and the roads getting so crowded, it has taken some of the fun of driving away. I'm sorry you may have to have radiation to get rid of the last remaining bit of skin cancer. It seems our medical issues aren't always straightforward either, and we don't do things the easy way. We weren't sure what to think last summer when the nurse practioner at two appointments thanked DH for being her most interesting patient of the day. Lenda
  20. Good afternoon from sunny and breezy central Texas. The predicted high did not materialize, and neither did the thunderstorms. It's a comfortable 75F. However, with the sun, but the time I finished my walk, I was hot. The new washer did a good job, and I only had to to three loads instead of the usual five with the old, smaller washer. The old dryer, while small than a new one would be, was still big enough to handle the larger loads. The washer takes a little longer per load, but it's not a big difference. Brenda, thank you for the fantastic pictures of the aurora. We saw the northern lights in North Pole, Alaska, once, but they were not a spectacular as these. Paul, I'm glad you slept better las tnight. Carolyn, I also do not have a problem driving, which is a good thing with all the driving I did last fall between home and Waco. Backing up is not my favorite move with a car, but I can do it. The only thing I failed on the test to get my license was parallel parking. I learned to parallel park, but it's been years since I had to do it. Gerry, congratulations to your DH on receiving the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Medal for all his work in education and the work on promoting tourism. Maureen, thanks for reminding us what we should do in an emergency situation. We have a very good EMS system in our county, and they were a big help last year in getting DH into and out of the car. Wow, Linda, they really did a job on those suitcases. I hope HAL, luggage forwarding or travel insurance can help pay for new luggage. Debbie, I'm very happy you are back to normal in more ways that one. Thank you for your pictures. We're looking forward to seeing more. Enjoy your dinner in Canaletto and your last evening on NS. Safe travels home tomorrow. Laura, thanks for the pictures. I'm glad you are enjoying your cruise, and seeing a friend. Lenda
  21. Good morning from a partly cloudy and windy central Texas. It is currently 71F and our high is supposed to be in the 80s. There is a thunderstorm warning for this morning, but from looking at the radar, most of the rain will be north and east of us. We both enjoy a good cheesesteak, but haven't had one in years. When we lived in southeast Pennsylvania, we'd get cheesesteaks from a small shop in Newark, Delaware. They might not have been Philly cheesesteaks, but they were very good. Sadly, when we were back there in 2012 , the shop was gone, and the site was home to apartments for University of Delaware students. I'll pass on the chocolate covered raisins. Actually, I'll pass on anything having to do with raisins. 😁 There are a few special cocktails that I like, but I don't have them often. The Dr. Seuss quote is very good. We'll pass on the meal today, but younger DD makes very good vegetarian enchiladas, and I intend to try her recipe sometime. It uses black beans, onions and either green chilis or jalapenos. DH might like the Bloody Maria since he likes Bloody Marys and Bloody Caesars. We might like the wine, though I prefer red or while. We have not been to Dar Es Salaam. In 2004, we were supposed to go to Zanzibar, but that port and Kenya were canceled and two other ports added. Our cruising friend got her TA to transfer our booking and hers to a Cook Island and Tahitian cruise at no charge. @seagarsmoker Enjoy your last day on board NS. @richwmn Rich, I hope the Captain managed to position the Zuiderdam where it was in all four hemispheres at once. That would be a once in a lifetime experience for most people. @aliaschief Bruce, that was a shame about your take out last night. Since it was the first time you had a bad meal from them, I'd let them know what was wrong. @cat shepard Ann, I'm sorry the cable installation was so chaotic yesterday. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you are feeling better, and that the calcium and parathyroid hormone levels were normal. Enjoy your outing with Sue and her DGD this afternoon and Farkle Friday tonight. @mamaofami Carol, I'm glad the cataract surgery went well, but sorry about the delay. @smitty34877 Terry, that was very nice of your friend to fix lunch while taking care of Tana. @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm sorry the splint is not comfortable. I hope you can pad it enough for it to be comfortable. @lindaler Oh no, Linda, about the third piece of luggage ruined. I'd certainly let HAL and the shipper know about the damage. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad your visit with your PCP went well and everything checked our well. I'm sorry you will need to go on Prednisone again. Hopefully, a low dose won't cause many problems. @superoma Eva, thanks for sharing the menu. It looks interesting. @RMLincoln Maureen, I don't blame you for laying low until time for your DH's surgery Tuesday. Sending good thoughts that nothing interferes with the surgery. The new washer has finished one load, and it looks like everything worked as expected, once the operator figured one thing out. 🤣 It does take a little longer to wash, but it will hold two loads of clothes, so that's not a problem. Lenda
  22. Good afternoon from a very windy, 20-21 mph, and cloudy central Texas. At least, the temperature is a comfortable 79F. I was very impressed with the two guys who delivered and installed the washer. We got an email about noon that they were two stops away. Then, at the next stop, they called and told DH they were just down the street, and would be at the house shortly. We had it set up for them to bring the washer in through the carport because coming in from the front door with a washer on a dolly would be a tight squeeze. We were surprised when they carried the 148 pound washer in the house. It took hardly anytime for one of them to hook the washer up and set it in place. They also did a quick clean cycle to check for leaks. They had six more deliveries to make before heading back to the warehouse in Dallas. The washer is similar to the one in Quartzsite; so after a quick reading of the instructions, I feel confident about laundry day tomorrow. Bertie Woofster is a very cute dog. Ann, good news that the reservoir is full. Thanks for your pictures of Punta Arenas. Cute dogs, Carolyn. Have a great cruise! Sneaky, but very practical and probably necessary. 👍 Jacqui, Maverick was a cute puppy, and a handsome big dog. Eva, that was a great turnaround time for your passport. Lenda
  23. The table decorations turned out very pretty. I know they'll be a hit at the tea. Sandi, I'm sure there will not be a problem with the delivery today. We had our refrigerator delivered a few years ago, and they were very careful. I was more worried about getting the washer out of the laundry room (glorified closet) without any damage. The only casualty was the wall clock which fell when I opened the outside door to fast and knocked it off the wall. We now have a major gluing job to put it back together. Sandi, that is good news that your DGS is a NM finalist and can get a reduction in tuition. College costs have gotten way to high since we were in school. The University of Texas admits anyone in the top ten percent of their class in Texas high schools, and IIRC, waives tuition for the top two in their class. RNB, I'll stick with our Texas caviar then. Most of the roadkill around here are skunks, and I don't think the aroma would enhance the dish. 😀 Lenda
  24. Good morning again. It is still cloudy and still 69F. It turns out, I'm not sore today after moving the washer and dryer. I did miss a bet though. While I had the dryer moved and no washer, I should have gotten the step ladder out and cleaned and straightened the cabinets above them. At least, I can to that with the cabinet over the washer before they get here with the new washer. I'll also do the one over the dryer, but it will not be as easy to reach. However, I'm NOT moving the dryer again. @seagarsmoker I've always liked Melba toast, but haven't seen it in years. We both like chips and dips, but for the sake or our waist lines, we don't have them often. And who doesn't like a cute puppy? When I read today's quote, I thought of another epitaph that is also a trivia question. Rodney Daingerfield had this put on his tombstone, "There goes the neighborhood." We'll pass on the meal, the drink and the wine. I'm not a fan of Syrah/Shiraz wines, and if I were, the price would be way out of our price range. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, congratulations on your DGS being the second one in his class. Very cute puppies. @grapau27 Graham, again I learned something (two somethings) on the Daily. Thank you for the explanation of two of today's days. Thanks for your nice comments on my pictures. @mamaofami Carol, I hope your cataract surgery goes well and smoothly. @RedneckBob RNB, the Redneck caviar looks suspiciously like Texas caviar. 😉 @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you are sleeping well, and that you are back posting sunrise and alternative meal pictures. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the doctor's appointment goes well. I'm glad you found someone to stay with Tana is knows about medical issues and is calm and capable. Loved the picture of the two dogs, Fred and Zoey. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope the doctor visit goes well. Enjoy your free time and dinner with friends. @dfish Debbie, I hope the blood test shows the levels are in the normal range. Like Dr. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Dr. Lenda also prescribes more ice cream -- lots of ice cream. @aliaschief Bruce, another batch of great memes. I hope your neighbor's flight is not delayed by the fog. @kochleffel Paul, I'm sorry the work situation is so bad. @ger_77 Gerry, I know it doesn't seem possible that dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers, but that is why they have short legs and long bodies. That way, they could go into the badger burrows. I never found out if they were good at hunting badgers. I do know that our two dachshunds would sniff at every critter hole they found in the desert. And they would dig at the holes to make them bigger. @marshhawk Annie, congratulations on being one of the top sellers for the bowl. I hope you can get the PET scan scheduled soon. @ottahand7 Welcome home, Nancy. @lindaler Linda, I'm sorry your suitcase was damaged getting to you. Will they pay for repairs to the suitcase? @cunnorl Charlene, I'm still amazed that they could build a 3D rocket and that when launched, it met expectations. I hope all goes well with your DD's doctor visit. Lenda
  25. Good morning from another cloudy day in central Texas. It's currently 69F with a predicted high of 80F this afternoon. Rain is predicted overnight and into tomorrow morning, but then it was supposed to rain overnight last night, but didn't. I'm going to repost my pictures from Punta Arenas, then finish reading the Daily. Below is what I posted on August 17, 2022. We have been to Punta Arenas twice. The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III. We did not see much of the town because we did a flight over Antarctica which was wonderful. The airplane was a very old 737 with no doors on the overhead bins, just elastic cords. All we saw was the drive to and from the airport and the airport. I did get a t-shirt at a shop in the airport. This was also in pre-digital days. We were back in 2015 on Ruby Princess with @StLouisCruisers Sandi and her DH. I'll post my photos in another post, but be warned, there will be repeats. These are the pictures I took in 2015 when we stopped in Punta Arenas on Ruby Princess. We had planned to take an excursion to see the penguins, but we were told they had left the rookery two weeks before, which was much earlier than normal. Instead, we walked around town to see what we'd missed in 1999. We also visited Shackleton Bar, but those pictures I will not repeat. The first two our Punta Arenas as we sailed to the anchorage. This whale tail was near the end of the pier as we walked toward town. When we reached Sacred Heart Cathedral, there was not a service in progress, and we were able to walk around the church. Palacio Sara Braun The statue of Magellan with a different dog napping. The legend is anyone who rubs the feet on the statue will have good luck. You can see how shiny the foot is in the second picture. The demonstration was either just breaking up or was just getting organized when we reached the site. Below are various scenes of the town as we wandered around. This was an interesting display, but I don't remember what it was about. On the way back to the tender, we walked to the waterfront and came across this new hotel. Back at the pier, we saw this clock. We also saw the street vendors on our walk. Lenda
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