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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. @bennybear Brenda, I hope you have a great day, and many more happy birthdays. Lenda
  2. Good evening. I'm just now getting time to finish reading the what has been happening on the Daily this afternoon. Susan, I'm very sorry you have been fighting the crud, but I'm glad you are finally on the mend. It is nice of your neighbor to bring you soup and walk the dogs. Speaking of the dogs, dogs can be such good comfort and nurses when you don't feel well or upset. Take it easy and rest until you're 100 percent again. Lorraine, some people are just obtuse, and that guy at the dealership was one of them. Lucky for you that your friend with you knew the law. I hope it all works out. You didn’t need this hassle. We have been fortunate to have sailed around the tip of South America twice, once in each direction. DH and I talked about it, and could not say one direction was better than the other. The biggest factor will be the weather, which is beyond anyone's control. Going east to west has the advantage of gaining an hour with each time change. Terri, I'm sorry about the latest development. I hope you are feeling better soon. In the meantime, take care of yourself, and get as much rest as you can. Graham, I suspected you two had gone somewhere last week. I'm happy you and Pauline had a good birthday week. Lenda
  3. Good afternoon from a very windy central Texas. It's still sunny ☀️ and 57F. Eva, I'm sorry your DD and her family have Covid. I hope they all have mild cases and are well soon. Vanessa, I enjoyed seeing your pictures of today's port. Thank you. Debbie, that is good news you can now have the tumor removed. Will that be done at the same time your have the other surgery? Eva, glad you got the passport application submitted. Hope the new one arrives soon. RNB, I remember that song too, and recognized where you got your inspiration. Maybe, I'm not that mature after all. 🤣 Lenda
  4. Good morning from sunny and not windy yet central Texas It is currently 45F and will reach 61F this afternoon. We are in for typical March weather in Texas with the highs swinging between the upper 50sF to 81F for most of the rest of the month. Our lows will swing from the mid-30sF to the 50sF. There's not much on the agenda today except laundry and a blood test for DH to monitor the blood thinner. I still have a pair of ear muffs, but don't really need them in Texas or Arizona. I save them for Alaska cruises that go to either Glacier Bay or Hubbard Glacier. Jewels are nice, and I have a few that I take on cruises. They don't really go with t-shirts though. My paternal grandmother and great grandmother were names Jewel, another reason to celebrate Jewel Day. DH thinks I'm still sexy and I think I'm smart. The Maya Angelou quote is good, especially after @0106 gave us the rest of the quote. Thank you, Tina, for the full quote. I think we'll pass on the meal, but it all likelihood, we'll have spaghetti tonight. We'll also pass on the meal and the wine. We have not been to Dunedin or Port Chalmers -- yet. They are on the bucket list. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm sorry your tour in Barbados was a no-go, but that is good news you could cancel and get your money back. I hope the day in Dominica is a lot better. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for the pictures of Dunedin and Port Chalmers. And thanks for getting the Fleet/Daily going again today. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you slept well last night, and there's nothing wrong with being lazy. Thanks for adding your pictures. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm so sorry you both tested positive, and I hope you both have very mild cases. I also hope your DH can get his needed surgery soon after you both test negative. Take care and get plenty of rest. @kazu Jacqui, good to see you here this morning. I hope weather forecasters are wrong, and you can get to your physical therapy on Wednesday. Enjoyed the memes. @smitty34877 Terri, that is great news the aide arrived bright and early and that things are going well. I hope you can get to your appointment tomorrow without any weather problems. @cunnorl Charlene, thanks for your pictures of today's port. Lenda
  5. Karen, all the news was good today. I hope your DH continues to improve and can go home soon instead of to skilled nursing. Take care of yourself so you will be in good shape to take care of your DH in a few days. Bruce, not only is the alternative not on my calendar, it isn't even on the radar. Yes, I know I am one year older today, and I don’t feel old. Again, thank you to everyone who wished me happy birthday today. It was a quiet day, but a nice day. I had lovely calls from the DDs, and we had nice long conversations. DH cooked another good steak for us to split for dinner with Caesar salads and the last of the scalloped potatoes from the other day. Of course, there was red wine and birthday cake. Lenda
  6. I don't look at it that we're getting old, Instead, I blame it on not going to the movies or following the goings on in Hollywood. At least, we knew who the emcee was since we watch Jimmy Kimmel some times, and I recognized some audience members. Boy, they are getting old though. 🤣 😉 Lenda
  7. Annie, I can’t like your post, but appreciate the information. I hope your DH can get help for his eye. Maybe a call to the doctor can get an earlier appointmanet. Part of the area around the Seaview Bar will be under cover and at least partly out of the wind. I like that we've gotten to know each other well enough these past few years that we can tease each other in a friendly fashion. Lenda
  8. Thank you, Graham. KL is a fantastic place. It is. We saw a lot more by taking a taxi than we would have on a tour. Debbie, I was thinking of you when I mentioned the carrots. 🤣 Lenda
  9. Part 2 of our day in KL. Our driver took us to the Batu Caves, which had 272 steps to reach the caves. DH and the driver made the climb, but I chickened out when I saw all the very steep steps. these are DH's pictures of the caves, but first, one of the locals This how I know there were 272 steps. 😄 More steps inside Back in the city center we stopped at Merdeka Square, a city landmark with its 95m flagpole to mark the site of the first Malayan flag-raising. Also in this square is the Sultan Abdul Samad Building which Roy @rafinmd showed in his pictures. We went to the top of the Menara Kuala Lumpur. KL from the tower The Petronas Tower in the distance. We really wanted to to up to the observation deck on the Petronas Towers, but it was closed that day. The lower floors are an upscale mall. This was our last stop of the day. Lenda
  10. We were in Kuala Lumpur on April 13, 2003, on the old Regal Princess. This was the mystery cruise that started just after the invasion of Iraq and at the height of the SARs epidemic. Kuala Lumpur was the substitute port for Singapore. We hired a taxi to take us from Port Klang to KL for the day, which was a very interesting day. I'll begin with the three pictures I have of Port Klang taken from the ship. BTW, because of all the uncertainty, the ship was not full. In fact, everyone had a balcony room and all the ocean view and inside cabins were unoccupied. When we booked, they needed people on the ship, and we paid about $1130pp for the cruise including air from DFW to Bangkok and Rome to DFW. Port Klang which had a nice cruise terminal. Malaysia is a country of many cultures and religions, and still shows the influence of the British. On the way to KL, we passed a Hindu Temple. Our taxi driver took us to a Buddhist Temple, Thean Hou Temple, which we were able to visit. In the distance, we could see one of many mosques in the city. We also drove by the Kings Palace. For our lunch break (we were still eating lunch in 2003), we went to the Hard Rock Cafe. We tried their special of the day which was spicy Malaysian noodles. They told me the noodles weren't that spicy and they'd tone them down. Well, they were very hot spicy but good. I made the waitresses day and gave them a good laugh since I was really sweating by the time I finished the noodles. The polo grounds I'll stop here and put the remainder of my pictures in another post. Needless to say, we managed to cram a lot into one day. Lenda
  11. I'm glad the power is back on and you're not stuck in or out of your chair. Hope the storms are not too severe. Vanessa, that sounds like a plan. Roy, I totally agree with you. Hope tonight is a better night for you. Brenda, thanks for the birthday wishes. I like the description of the Earl of Grey's "little place". Lenda
  12. Good afternoon form a still cloudy and windy central Texas. It was nice to go out for breakfast even if it was just a drive-thru one. I have finally finished reading the Daily. For the past couple of years, DH and I have been looking into our family trees on Ancestry. I was a Brownie and a girl scout, and both DDs were Brownies and the older was also a Girl Scout. I remember standing outside the A&P in Newark, Delaware, with them selling Girl Scout cookies. It is about time to plant some flowers here, but I may wait until after the bearded iris finish blooming. I agree with the Vivien Leigh quote. I haven't had goulash, but the first two recipes Debbie @dfish gave us look good. I may try one of them, and leave the carrots in it.. We'll pass on the drink and the meal. We were in Kuala Lumpur in 2003 on the mystery cruise on the old Regal Princess, and we docked in Klang, which is about 30 miles form KL as the British passengers on the cruise called it. I'll look through my pictures when I finish this post. @RedneckBob I love the "redneck" birthday cake. I'll take the cupcakes and DH would love the Twinkies. @Rowsby Sue, as I mentioned we've been exploring Ancestry for a couple of years. When they had a half price membership sale in February, I bought the six month membership so I could look at all the records behind the pay wall. That is really the extent of my digging into the family history, but I'm not above taking advantage of the work of others. So far most of my ancestors are from England, Scotland and Ireland, but there is one branch that has a German ancestor. Family lore on my mother's side says that once of her mother's ancestors was a Cherokee. So far, I have not found anything to indicate that was true. Still that does not mean much of anything. Growing up DH was told his material grandfather was an orphan, but we found that wasn't true and have traced his family back several generations so far. @kochleffel Paul, we didn't have Campfire Girls in the city where I grew up, but the smaller, rural communities nearby had Campfire Girls instead of Girl Scouts. The size of the town may have been a factor in which organization was in the town. I also strongly dislike the idea of year round DST. I had seen that article in the WP, and totally agree. While I was glad for the extra hour sleep, it played havoc with my morning. That's the nice thing about being in Arizona when the time changes occur. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, originally Quartzsite was spelled like the mineral quartzite until the Post Office added the s. It was easier to change the name of the town than to get the PO to change the spelling. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad you are feeling better and that your DH is beginning to feel better. Fingers crossed 🤞 that nothing interferes with his much needed eye surgery. @marshhawk Annie, as @lobsternight said, the aviation museum is a nice, small one. We have friends in Victoria, so when we stop there, they meet us at the port. One year, we wanted to see the aviation museum, so they drove us there and we treated them to the museum which they'd never visited. The admission was not that expensive, under $20 CA for four of us, IIRC. You could probably get a taxi to take you to the museum, and there should be taxis at the airport who could bring you back to the port. It is easily doable even if you arrive for an afternoon call. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope your power is back on by now. @kazu Jacqui, thinking about you and hoping things are improving for you. I'll go look through my pictures of KL now. Lenda
  13. Sharon, thank you for the birthday wishes. I also like not having to change the clocks when we're in Arizona. In fact, until this year, we haven't changed the clocks for several years since we are usually in AZ when we spring forward and fall back. Being so close to California, we just have to remember if we're on AZ time or CA time. 🤣 I like the fact that my computer has Arizona time as a time zone setting, but we have to play with the clocks that get the time automatically. Lenda
  14. Carolyn, thank you for the birthday wishes. The daylight savings time changes do not bother me that much, but after our drive-thru breakfast, DH decided he needed more sleep since he got up earlier than normal. I think I slept later today because our bedroom was darker longer. It faces west, which helps keep it darker later. Lenda
  15. Linda, thank you for the birthday wishes. Somehow, I missed you when I went through the daily to post my first thank you to so many. I was afraid I would miss someone, and I'll blame it on the time changes. 🤣 I hope you've had a great cruise, and that the remainder of the cruise is just as nice. Lenda
  16. @Lady Hudson 🛳️ 🎈 BON VOYAGE! 🥂 🍾 I hope you and your sister have a great cruise, a lot of laughs, and a great day on the extra sea day. Lenda
  17. @Overhead Fred 🌹 🎂 A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MITZI! 🥂 🍾 Lenda
  18. Good morning from a cloudy/bright and windy central Texas. It is currently 56F and our high today should reach 64F. We're into a week of cooler temperatures. Last night I got 7 1/2 hours sleep with only getting up once. By the time I woke up with the time change it was almost 9 am. I wanted to thank everyone individually for their birthday wishes, but that would make the Daily way too long, and it's now on page three. Vanessa, @JazzyV thank you for putting me on the celebration list. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, @cat shepard Ann @grapau27 Graham @puppycanducruise Melanie @Cruzin Terri Terri @Heartgrove Jack @smitty34877 Terry @RedneckBob RNB @mamaofami Carol @ottahand7 Nancy @ger_77 Gerry @cunnorl Charlene @superoma Eva @aliaschief Bruce @RMLincoln Maureen @marshhawk Annie A very big, heartfelt thank you for starting my day off so nicely. I really appreciate everyone's good wishes, especially those for many more years. I'm planning on being around for a long time. 😄 We are planning on doing a drive-thru breakfast , so I'll read the Daily a little later. Lenda
  19. Sandi, that is great news that your DB's medicine will be paid in full. Karen, I'm sorry your DH has another UTI. I'm glad he's doing better, and may not have to return to skilled nursing. It sounds like the UTI was caught in time.. Lenda
  20. Good afternoon from a warm, 85F and humid central Texas. The sun is out even though there are still clouds. It was hot when I took my walk a few minutes ago. The house is clean. Even though it takes longer to clean the floors with the steam mop, the floors are much cleaner. We both agree that we hate to think what all the mop was not getting off the floors. Early this morning, I didn't have any trouble with CC on my tablet, but about three hours later, it said this site is unavailble. Since I was busy, I just left it alone. This afternoon, some weird site came up with the message I needed to give some information before I could login. I just closed the tab, opened a new tab and clicked on the CC icon. CC came up as it normally does. Since our internet was working this morning when I couldn't get in, I also tend to think it was a problem with CC they got fixed. Charlene, congratulations to you and your DS on the awards. Very glad the day was a success. Gerry, that day must have been so terrifying for your DS, DDIL, her family, you and your family on this side of the Pacific. I'm glad everyone in the family was safe, but feel for everyone who lost so much. Eva, that's good news you missed the worst of the storm. Tomorrow will be a quiet day here, then, laundry on Monday. I'm taking my birthday off tomorrow. Debbie, please wish Sue a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. Ann, our condolences to you and Pat on the passing of three people you knew. think there was a problem with CC that they got fixed. Paul, thanks for the information on the Bourbon roses. Congratulations on the great lab results. Rich, thanks for the pictures from the Tamarond pop-up. I really enjoyed the Tamarind on Kdam. Loved the steak and the lamb chops. I'm sorry we started the leak club. People have been trying to find the source of ours for six or seven years. The flowers turned out really pretty. Lenda
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