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Everything posted by leaveitallbehind

  1. 12 oz. aluminum, at least with the ones I consume.
  2. Sounds like you have time, even if you go ahead with the eventual deposit, and clearly will not be penalized with a cancelation as long as it is before final payment. Hope your wife recovers fully and can decide to go and enjoy the cruise.
  3. I agree. I don't think anyone is suggesting Celebrity will be involved at all with any refunded money other than with port fees and taxes on the second passenger, which will be refunded. As others have said, any refund for the second passengers' fare would come through an insurance claim.
  4. I agree in that if the other passenger goes on the cruise they have gained the benefit of their fare and therefore would not be reimbursed that fare portion.
  5. Eagle Beach, Aruba; Cockleshell Bay Beach, St. Kitts; Horseshoe Bay Beach, Bermuda, are a few that are very good as well. There certainly are others.
  6. How did booking a refundable deposit give you more cruise credits? By cruise credits do you mean OBC? It sounds like your TA booked you into a type of group rate that likely includes some amount of OBC and a refundable deposit that is deferred. Those types of programs are not uncommon - we are booked into two cruises like that currently. But if that is the case that wasn't the result of booking a refundable deposit, it is the result of the group program into which they booked you. Booking with refundable rate in of itself provides no other benefit other than the flexibility of changing or cancelling the booking prior to final payment without penalty.
  7. Can't argue your experience but find it strange, as if someone shows up alone for a double occupancy booking the counter agent would typically ask about the other passenger. Seems odd that she would just walk up to check in and no questions were asked and no comments made by her as to your whereabouts, especially as I am guessing you were both pre-checked in. But it is what it is, I guess.
  8. Although it may not be required, as there are situations where passengers in a given stateroom are not traveling together, it certainly is expected and typical, especially for those on the same booking by stateroom. And if someone is arriving at a later time, the agent would typically ask those checking in about the others to confirm the original booking. Groups perhaps not so much. But the check in for each stateroom is not considered "closed" until all parties actually boarding have checked in and notice has been provided for those not sailing.
  9. Typically announced at some point during the change day, noted in the app, and indicated in the daily newsletter, if one is published. They pretty much cover all bases and it is pretty hard to miss - LOL.
  10. The comments made by @TheOldBear reflect our experience as well with adjustments being made to ship time to match the time zones transitioned on the day they occur. In this manner you also have the opportunity to adjust to your destination time, typically one hour on a single day at a time.
  11. What a difficult topic, and my condolences for your loss as well. You raise a good point regarding insurance coverage and that certainly is worth checking and perhaps notifying them in advance. I hope you enjoy your Bermuda cruise!
  12. To add, what is charged and what is complimentary, as well as what times during the day a charge is applied also can vary by cruise line. With some mass market lines, typically continental breakfast and other similar items may be at n/c, but other menu items will carry a charge. And past 11:00 PM a service charge may be applied. Again, as it depends on cruise line it will be helpful to identify which cruise line to which you are referring.
  13. Our experience with RCCL has been favorable, and when needed, we have combined the standard wash and dry laundry with dry cleaning. We have been able to have polo shirts and shorts included with the laundry. Just note the options on the laundry tag for how it is processed. Not sure the procedure of how they manage keeping it separate from others, but what we have given them has come back to us without issue. My guess is they must do each bag separately, but with all clothing in the bag combined.
  14. Sorry for your loss as well. I don't think it matters as both names appear on the booking together. Honestly, not sure that there is a "lead" passenger on a double occupancy booking with both names having not changed since it was originated. Either way, notifying the cruise line at check in that you would be traveling solo would result in the same situation as I mentioned before.
  15. I am very sorry for your loss. If you check in at boarding with a double occupancy reservation as a solo they will issue a refund for the port fees and taxes for the second person. They will not reprice as a solo, nor at that time are they obligated to return any portion of the second person's fare. Depending on your coverage, a claim filed with the insurance company should result in some degree of return of the second fare post cruise.
  16. While one could make that argument, it is a matter of what the market will bear. If they don't get any sales at the new price it will likely change yet again. But as long as people pay it, they will charge it. Different cruise line, but you should see the prices charged by RCCL for things at CocoCay. Example - a few years ago, we paid $85 pp for Coco Beach club which includes an excellent steak and lobster lunch. Last year they wanted $360 pp - and the place was packed! But people are paying so they are charging.
  17. First of all, welcome to Cruise Critic. Not criticizing your idea, and JMO, while it may be more costly, the option to have the ship take care of it on board would outweigh any cost benefit in consideration of the time in having to locate a facility, get to it with laundry in tow, wait while the laundry is being done, and return to the ship with the laundry during a port of call day. We have had the ship do our laundry on long cruises in the past and will be doing so again with our 14-day TA in October '25. Again, JMO. But to your question, while waiting for others to respond, maybe google could provide some direction.
  18. Which clearly with the NRD with suites they have achieved. But that is still an option with the non-suite categories with the refundable deposit fares. Just as a side note, the move to NRD was also a not so veiled price increase opportunity for RCCL. Back when it was first initiated, we had several cruises booked with refundable deposits. When the NRD was announced, we went back and did mock bookings of our booked cruises using NRD and almost to the dollar, the "new lower" NRD fare was the same as our original refundable deposits with which we had booked, and refundable was measurably higher. Obviously moving forward the NRD was the lower fare resulting from the increase base to refundable. But at the time it was a (not so) quiet way for them to raise fares with new bookings on existing itineraries with NRD replacing the refundable fares and refundable increased.
  19. Sorry, as you never specified, I guess I dangerously assumed your group was smaller. Your group size being the case I agree you will never likely all show up together, so you would only need to be a bit early the first night to confirm your table location. And yes, whomever is the host will have the necessary details for check in, boarding, dining, group functions, etc., arranged as much as possible in advance and that information conveyed to you prior to boarding. Just go and enjoy!
  20. I realize I am commenting from an old post, but just making some comparisons. Liberty has been in service since 2007 (17 years) and Vision since 1998 (26 years). Vision is currently the fourth oldest RCCL ship. IMO Liberty offers more in terms of venues and ship design with the Royal Promenade, etc. Vision is a much smaller ship as well. JMO but my preference would be Liberty, but it has been many years since we've sailed on her so I have no recent experience to draw from.
  21. Understand completely and that is always the consideration with refundable as the fares are indeed going to be higher. My point is the deposit is the same.
  22. I was responding to another poster that indicated deposits are higher for refundable deposits - which they are not. Obviously the increase is in the base fare for the privilege of complete change and cancelation flexibility without penalty. We are saying the same thing.
  23. The deposit amounts for non-suite category staterooms are the same for NRD and refundable deposits. There has never been a difference in our experience booking both. The fare rates are different.
  24. May just be semantics, but there are two fare bases - refundable and non-refundable deposits. Refundable is at a higher fare base and NRD is at a lower fare base. There is not a fee per se being added to NRD to make it refundable. Selecting that deposit option simply directs your booking to the higher fares. Often those fares are at a higher differential than the NRD deposit amount, in a sense mitigating the NRD change and cancelation risks. And I am not aware of any suite refundable deposits. That is something new in my experience but certainly worth looking for. BTW you can convert a refundable deposit fare to a NRD fare prior to final payment at the then prevailing NRD fare base at n/c.
  25. To clarify with US originated bookings, no, all deposits are not now NRD. The only stateroom deposits that are always non-refundable are suites. All other stateroom categories have the option for refundable or non-refundable deposits and corresponding fares. The key to note is that the default option on the website is NRD. But refundable is an option, and available to any booking. Travel agents have no special access to them, but do have access to non-published group fares. The deposit amounts for all non-suite categories is the same for NRD and refundable fares, with refundable having the option to change or cancel a booking without penalty. NRD will charge a fee for changes, but the full deposits are sacrificed if the cruise is canceled. Our current Odyssey Oct. '25 cruise is booked with a refundable deposit.
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