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Everything posted by jimsig

  1. It was showing on my account yesterday but now is gone. 😡
  2. I'm sure each cruise line probably has speed but it could also vary by cruise line and the Captain probably has some sort of say in it as well. If the lowest speed is say 20kts but it's blowing 18kts the Captain might still feel it's unsafe depending on other conditions. A few years back on RC the Captain said 645a the wind was blowing too hard and that if by 7 it was still blowing that hard we would have skipped CocoCay. In the end it laid down enough for him to make a decision it was safe to tender. unfortunately he never said what that speed was.
  3. That would be the second one 🙂 As I had read here, maybe from your post? that it hadn't been performed it was a nice surprise when we heard it would be performed.
  4. A now co-worker was a magician for NCL about 20 years ago. Some weeks he would be on the same ship all week and others he would change ships mid cruise if there was another NCL ship in port. He said there were times when he might leave say Miami on ship A, transfer to ship B, and then return to Miami on ship C. He said it was always a challenge when changing ships if one or both were at tender as he had to move all his props in a huge trunk or two along with his clothes and costume. Luckily that didn't happen to often.
  5. It was only the first couple sailings that Legends was not performed on the Pearl. It was brought back on the April 15 sailing on the Pearl. They actually had some people from corporate on board to see it.
  6. My parents are currently on the Spirit and they only had 900 on this week so there is still hope I would say. When I got my upgrade for BOS to Bermuda in April I only found out about 4 days from sailing. Good luck
  7. Once you get to the check in at the dock (or on the ship) and you asked about a cabin change I don't think they would care if you had used a TA. By that point the ship is probably under "local control" for check in purposes.
  8. If you don't want to book an additional night as a PP suggested the you should call the hotel location directly (not the corporate 800 number) the day before you arrive. Let them know you are on a red eye flight and are looking to check your bags when you arrive and if it will be a problem. It shouldn't not be but by asking (nicely of course) they are aware of you . You can then say you would appreciate it if a room opens early you would appreciate if they could let you know as you would like an early check in or if there is any chance a room is available when you arrive if you could have it and could they note that on your reservation. The when you arrive in the AM ask them if they were able to honor your request.
  9. This was posted earlier on this thread in terms of what is more popular.
  10. I would guess it will take at least a few weeks or more to get the entire fleet changed over depending on where and when they get back to their current homeport pr other place they can do the swap.
  11. Must have dreamt it as well that one of my bags didn't show in my room on an RC cruise back when they still sent you tags. I told the cabin steward I was missing a bag and he told me where to go to find it. There were about 50 bags in two separate piles and a couple crew members with them. I told them my bag never showed up. They asked my name and they told me I was not on the list, and I asked what list and they said the list of those that tried to sneak alcohol on so it would be in the second pile. It was there without a tag and I took back to my cabin.
  12. Maybe it gets checked and maybe it doesn't but if someone else gets your bag by mistake they have the info to get it back to you.
  13. I always place an 8 1/2x11 piece of paper inside each checked piece of luggage with the following info: SMITH Cabin: 12345 Cell number For airline flights I do it like this: SMITH Airline name Flight number(s) Routing (BOS-MCO or BOS-PHL-MCO if there is a connection) Cell Number
  14. I got these from CC a few years back and they work great. It doesn't look like a link but click "wide tag" and it brings you to the purchase page. You can't see it in the photo but it does come with a flexible plastic tag holder to connect to your luggage. Buy Cruise Critic Cruise Luggage Tag Holder Narrow TagWide Tag https://boards.cruisecritic.com/ccstore/luggage-tag/
  15. My feeling is if the cruise line really wanted to know they would have a special number to call if you tested positive after you return listed in the last Freestyle Daily . I also feel if you called NCL it would fall on deaf ears at the end. The agent might take you info, make you feel warm and fuzzy inside etc. and make it seem like they care, but your info would just end up in the trash basket. A lot of things done at the beginning of Covid are not done anymore. When my parents tested positive in Jan 2021 they both got separate calls from the State asking a few questions and if they needed anything like setting up grocery delivery. I got covid in Jan 2022 and when the phone didn't ring I knew it was them.
  16. Yes, the PCR tests can/will pick up dead virus and that is why people can/will test positive for months after. The antigen tests only pick up live virus. That is why when traveling most places tell you to use an antigen test.
  17. I know this is a "my friend saw some who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night" thing but... My dad talked to someone he knows in Menemsha on Martha's Vineyard who knows someone at the CG their. He was told the Pearl did everything they could to avoid a collision. They tried radioing the FV but they would not answer. The Pearl could not turn to the port as there was a near by shoal and they would have run the risk of running aground and of course turning to Starboard they would have hit the FV. Maybe whoever was at the helm of the FV fell asleep??
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