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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. Not sure what your expectation would be from Travel Insurance based on this comment. The airline is going to give you a travel credit for future air travel if a flight is cancelled for some reason. They will rebook for a cancelled flight. The Travel insurance will consider this as a refund. The best you could hope for would be reimbursed for hotel and meals under Trip Delay. (Most Trip Delay or Trip Interruption policies require that the delay be 5 hours on some policies even up to 12 or more hours on others) The marketing for buying your air travel from the cruise line says they will get you to your destination. However, the fine print in their marketing brochure says they will attempt to do their best. The fine print in the cruise contract says they are not responsible. IF you have Cancel For Any Reason coverage, 3rd party insurance requires you cancel 48 hours before trip begins. Cruise line insurance allows you to cancel up to scheduled sailing time. To answer the OP's question. The best insurance policy is the one you never need. The second is a policy you buy from a broker like Trip Insurance Store or Insure My Trip or someplace where they can discuss with you what your needs are and how to best protect against the losses you want to be insured against. Myself? I don't want to lose any money or my vacation/holiday, but I can absorb the cruise cost. What I cannot absorb is the potential cost of medical and evac. Those are the hotspots for me.
  2. They’re adults. Put the problem solving on them. Thats my initial solution anyway. My wife would probably overrule me though.
  3. I don't know for sure but it could be that Babr lives in a State that allows or requires this "Item 35", while your State does not allow or require this coverage as lists as "Item 35".
  4. I believe you are correct. Very unique situation. The only thing that could have possibly helped ( not resolved, but helped) would have been a Sat Phone. ( Or, now that they are available would be an IPhone 14 which has emergency Sat Phone capabilities)
  5. I agree 100% What I can’t agree with is posters who want to do nothing but complain about “Todays Kids” while easily forgetting how they were as children. Is there room for improvement? Yes Will the curfew help? Some, maybe But are todays kids worse than we were? No. In many respects I think they are better behaved than we were. We didn’t have phones that we could be immediately reached on. We didn’t have location tracking. We didn’t have speed/emergency braking recording devices on our cars. We didn’t have social media pages with pictures/video/sound of our activities.
  6. Haven’t read your policy but here’s what I know about most. What is the definition of “Evacuation” and from where to where? Evac from ship to shore? Usually free. From a shoreside facility to a shoreside facility that can better provided life saving measures required? Yes, Pricey From a shoreside facility to a facility of your choice for continued care? Usually has many requirements, to include but not limited to Patient stability, approval of receiving Dr, approval of discharging Dr., approval of insurance company. Many also have the requirement that the patient be listed as an “inpatient status” at an approved “Hospital” not a clinic. Many also require an approved airfield.
  7. Tradition doesn’t excuse poor behaviors. Maybe within the youth cruiser community, it’s “Tradition” to run screaming down the halls kicking over room service trays while knocking on doors. Since it “Traditional”, I guess it’s okay? We can’t make up excuses for our poor choices in behavior, while admonishing “Todays Kids”.
  8. I wouldn’t consider knock knock run, egging houses and cars, or TP’ing yards as being respectful of others.
  9. Maybe the cruise line is in contract negotiations with the port and/or excursion vendors for the port.
  10. On my recent Alaska cruise, I didn't insure anything. I self-insured or took the risk that I wouldn't have to cancel. If a medical emergency happened on the ship, the Coast Guard would provide the evacuation and that's no charge. The ports all have hospitals that even if they cant do open heart, they can at least stabilize and evac to a larger hospital. And, being in Alaska, even at the smaller ports, your regular insurance and/or Medicare will cover.
  11. You've come a long way in 3 days with your education regarding the intricacies of Travel Insurance. When I first started, I was just happy that I finally adulted and bought travel insurance. My thought process said, hey I'm covered for everything. Miss the plane, call the insurance company and they issue new tickets. Get hurt somewhere, hey call the insurance company and they directly pay the bill. Man, was I stupid. Glad nothing ever happened. Then I started reading this board and/or talking to Steve.
  12. I would ask myself, do I REALLY need cancellation/interruption insurance. A world cruise? Yes, maybe something to look into. Local cruises? (Yes, I would consider a 7 day to the Caribbean a local cruise), Maybe not so much. How many have you had to cancel in the past and they were cancelled for a covered reason? After all these years, would you be financially devasted if you had to eat one due to cancellation? Maybe consider sharing some of the risk to reduce your potential for loss. Maybe look into a credit card that has decent (none have great) travel benefits to include some cancellation/interruption benefits.
  13. It would be very dangerous if the walls and doors were magnetic. could you imagine trying to walk down the hallway if you had body piercings? However, the doors and walls are made of a material that you can use magnets if you choose.
  14. 6 weeks would be MY expectation. However, to be honest and not trying to cover for these people, reality is that you probably won't hear anything for about 12 to 16 weeks.
  15. File a formal complaint with your State Insurance commissioner.
  16. My 1st question is, what State do you live in? All insurance is regulated individually by each State. My State of Washington, for example, does not have the requirement that all non-refundable costs be covered to waive the pre-existing condition clause. Just the time frame of initial deposit. I didn't know this until I spoke with Steve at Trip Insurance Store. I don't insure my air travel because my elite status allows me to cancel and receive a future travel credit, or, if I use miles they will rebank my miles with no question. I also don't insure my hotel stays because I always book with the option of canceling within 48 hours of the beginning of my stay. Even if I was overwhelmed with a crisis and I forget to cancel, the penalty is 1 night stay. I can absorb that if needed.
  17. Royal will not give you a definitive answer. They sell cruises, not international immigration professionals. That's why they have a legal disclaimer saying that it is the passengers responsibility to ensure proper documentation.
  18. On a cruise to Mexican ports. I go with USD. On a land vacation to Mexico, I take Mex Pesos that I exchanged at my local AAA.
  19. The breakdown is none of my business. I don't ask for the breakdown of my cruise costs. How much goes to marketing? How much goes to R&D? How much goes to facilities maintenance? How much goes to HR? How much goes to technology. Why would I care how much goes to Rudy in the paint department or Samantha in Guest Services? It's just the cost of the cruise and for me and my family to get away from it all.
  20. I love reading all these "Todays kids are horrible" comments. I mean, these are your kids or grandkids. They learned this from watching you or listening to your stories. In my opinion, todays kids are much more well behaved than I ever thought of being and I come from the generation where a daily whooping took place, sometimes, just because. Of course, there are outliers, but the generalization and putting all kids in the same bucket is wrong in all facets of life.
  21. I would just recommend that you read the pinned thread above this one titled "Cruise Air and Air Deviation" and just become familiar with the possible issues that could be involved when buying air travel thru the cruise line. A large percentage of the time, you the consumer will never know the difference and might save money. However, if things go TU, you could be in a world of hurt. Just make an educated decision. (The thread might be old, but the information is still valid today for the most part.)
  22. Isn't it the TA's job to know this or have this information when selling a product? It's certainly not the customers fault. The TA has the opportunity to "make it right" with a small OBC, or an offer to go 50/50, or some small gesture. And, if not, the customer has the opportunity to take their business elsewhere.
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