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Everything posted by franski

  1. I look forward to hearing about your trip. Will you come back and post? Or perhaps post along the way?? Fran
  2. We are scheduled on the February 5th sailing. We have decided to book our air with Emerald just in case something happens to the cruise --> and then they will deal with everything (including the air). Our TA spoke with someone at Emerald a couple of weeks ago. We usually have our air booked quite early so this has been a change for us to not have our air confirmed. The Emerald rep told our TA they wouldn't look at air until 4 months out - especially as things continue to change almost daily. We have gone ahead and booked extra days in Hanoi before the tour - with the option to cancel without penalty if necessary. We have decided to fly home via Bangkok - so booked a hotel there as we plan to stop for a couple of days on the way back. Booking air early can result in some great deals - but we have experienced some of the challenges. Our trip to Eastern Europe has had some significant air changes since we booked. We now have an 8 hr layover in Frankfurt going (we had just under 3 hours when we booked) and our flight home begins with a 6 am flight out of Warsaw 😵. That flight was originally scheduled for 9:30 am - so a bit of a shocker to discover that change!! Fran
  3. Thanks!! Enjoy your trip... Although this is not in the "what to wear" department, remember to pack some bubble wrap and/or tissue paper. Lots of treasures to be found in the markets - and you want to be able to get them home safely!! Fran
  4. It can be brutally cold... When we were in Cologne, it was the coldest December 1st in many years... And - we are used to cold weather (we live in Whitby - so just down the road from you!!). We did hit some snow, but also some cold, wet drizzle. If possible - take a down jacket. They can often be compressed into a small bag. Warm socks, mitts, hat. We didn't need boots, but were glad our shoes were somewhat water resistant. Fran
  5. Yes!! He could eat dinner at my table any time... These shorts would just be a bonus!!
  6. Well, I admit I am of the opposite opinion... I see no issue with dress shorts on men at dinner. Women can (and often do) wear short dresses... So why are men's "naked" legs more offensive?? You won't see the person's legs once they sit down anyway as they will be below table height. There are other things that have the potential to disturb me more at dinner. Heavy smokers and passengers who come to the table wearing strong perfume or cologne can ruin the atmosphere when that is all I can smell. Or those who have been drinking heavily before dinner and reek of alcohol, or are drunk to the point that they can still make it to the table on their own but are obnoxious in their comments and conversation. Luckily there is no assigned seating, so you shouldn't have to sit with people you don't enjoy eating with more than one meal. Give me men's naked legs anytime over obnoxious or smelly people!! Fran
  7. We have done 2 cruises with Scenic - and our 3rd is booked. Hopefully (river levels permitting...) flying out mid-September to do the lower Danube with Transylvania pre-cruise. We have been very happy with them. We booked our 1st cruise with them as they had an awesome sale. The reports were only so-so (they were new in the European market at the time) but we figured that even a so-so cruise was ok given the price we paid. We were surprised and impressed with the entire package. I did look at their "2nd passenger free" sale, but timing doesn't work for us. As mentioned above, we are already booked with them in September - and have a cruise booked with Emerald (their sister company) in the New Year. Go for it!! Fran
  8. Thank you... I know that one of the challenges with the lower Danube is the positioning of the boats. The river may be sailable - but only if there is a boat there to sail on!! We had a previous sailing cancelled due to this issue a few years ago... the river was there and had water!! but no boat available... Keeping my fingers crossed. This is the 3rd time we have this booked --> first booking cancelled due to low water... second due to Covid. Am hoping 3rd time is the charm!! Fran
  9. notamermaid - how are things below Budapest? We are scheduled to sail the lower Danube (Bucharest to Budapest) but haven't heard much about that stretch? Fran
  10. We had Local currency for all places …. Got some Egyptian pounds before we left - and then money for Israel & Jordan via ATM when we arrived in each country (we were there just before Covid shut the world down…). We did an e-visa for Egypt before we left - very easy to do and then arrival was smooth. Our host for Jordan did a group visa do didn’t have to worry about it. Fran
  11. I have travelled with those you mention - as well as Avalon, Emerald and Viking. Scenic does offer a great variety - and there are no extra costs. However, their initial cost is often higher so you could say you "paid" up front. Many of the included tours are the same across the board. Often 1 included - no options. Except for Scenic. It is great to have a choice with no extra cost. We found something a bit different with Avalon. They often have a 2nd choice for the "included" tour. When we cruised the Seine with them, it was the same river - but a different cruise - than when we did it with Uniworld. Because we had sailed that river before, we were able to choose a different excursion. And the price point was really great. When we did the south of France with them we were torn. We wanted to see the Aquaduct - but it was an extra cost excursion - and only available in the morning. The same time as the included tour of the palace. But - our CD arranged it so that the included tour was offered a 2nd time - in the afternoon - so people could do both. I have never seen another company do that. That did impress me, I must admit. One thing to also consider is the ability to branch out on your own if you are not interested in the included excursion. This is where the cruise director comes in. If you know you want to go to see "X" while you are docked, have a discussion with the cruise director. He/she can assist with planning, event tickets etc. The cruise director, IMHO, is THE person who has the greatest potential to make or break your experience. The CD arranged extra time for us at Juno Beach when we sailed the Seine. And then arranged for a night time sailing of the Seine for a reduced cost and promptly took almost the entire ship on the Metro to get us there!! It was the CD who arranged for extra time at the Keukenhoff when we did our Tulip Time cruise --> and arranged for a bag lunch for all who wanted to stay longer. When we were in Ruedesheim, we did not want to go to the Mechanical Museum - as we had already been there. We wanted to take the cable car up to the monument. The initial brochure said the cable car was an option but it turned out not to be when we got there. We hitched a ride on the little train with the rest of the group - and she gave us 20 euros to cover our tickets. We have very seldom been disappointed with our tour guides. If we get a "dud", it is a "one off" and I can't say it comes with any particular line. Fran
  12. Thanks for this post. We had this trip scheduled twice with Avalon - and it was cancelled both times (first due to low water, 2nd due to Covid...) We are now booked with Scenic - leaving in about 5 weeks. We have 4 days in Transylvania before we board --> glad to hear it is worth the trip. Hopefully things will improve on the rivers over the next month. One of our day trips is over to the Black Sea --> hoping we are able to get there!! Fran
  13. Since you bring up the Monuments Men, I was really glad we were able to visit the Historische Kunstbunker in Nuremberg. We stayed on in town for a couple of days after our last cruise ended there (we had been to Prague before - so wanted some extra time in Nuremberg instead of continuing on with the group) and were happy that we did. A fascinating bit of history. Frna
  14. We have done the Seine twice... the first time we went to the beaches in Normandy. We were able (due to "extra" arrangements organized by our wonderful CD) to spend extra time at Juno Beach - and then visit the Canadian cemetery at Benys sur Mer. My dad apparently landed at Juno - but not with the 1st wave. He never told me - but talked about it one day with my DH. A sobering visit. The 2nd time we went, my DH went back to the beaches - but I took the trip to see the Bayeux Tapestry. There are no words.... Simply stunning. Our group then visited a Calvados distillery - so was able to reflect on the day with some fresh apple tart and a small glass of Calvados. On this trip, we also got to visit Chateau Gaillard - the castle of Richard the Lionheart. It was a bit of a steep climb (even though the CD said it was a gentle walk...) - and well worth the visit. Ahhhh... such great memories!! Fran
  15. If you do Petra, look for a tour that includes an overnight (or 2) there. You can spend the whole day inside the city. Our hotel was just outside the entrance - so we walked over right after breakfast. Some tours only schedule a few hours there - and it isn't really long enough. The treasury (which is the most recognizable part of Petra) is only part way in to the village. If you walk right to the village and back, it is about 10 km. If you head up to any of the sites up the hills, the walk can be much longer. Definitely worth the trip. Fran
  16. It is hard to come up with a "best river for the newbie"... it really depends on what you are looking for. Our first river cruise was on the Seine with Uniworld - and it was awesome. We were hooked. We redid that itinerary with Avalon about 5 years ago and it was still awesome. So much history... and you can't go wrong with time in Paris. If you do decide on the Seine - look for an itinerary that includes Giverny (most do...) and then visit the Orangerie in Paris to see Monet's water lily canvases. Stunning!! Given that you are a foodie, the Rhone should be considered. The French are very proud of Monsieur Paul (Bocuse) and it is evident when you are in Lyon. Perhaps a few days in Nice before you board the boat might be of interest to you? When we did the Rhone, I set off to find the Valrhona chocolate outlet in Tain l'Hermitage - and felt like the Pied Piper as I led a group of about 8 people along the streets to find it. It was a fun excursion - a bit different than the included walking tour that morning. The Danube is popular for a first time - as is the Rhine. Hard to beat spending time on the deck watching the castles go by (weather permitting...). For me - any cruise that starts or ends in Budapest is perfect!! The Elba can be a crap shoot with water levels, so wouldn't recommend that in late August. Once you get the bug, you may find that river cruising is addictive... We leave for #16 in about 5 weeks - with # 17 (Vietnam & Cambodia) scheduled in February. Host Jazzbeau commented on his African cruise - and how it was amazing. One of my bucket list items was sailing the Amazon - which we did with Avalon. A short cruise - but, I got to swim in the Amazon --> a surreal experience, made even moreso when a pink dolphin breached right in front of me!! Enjoy your planning!! I have always felt that there are more similarities than differences in the different lines (although many will disagree with me on this...). We are *not* brand loyal. Lots of good advice to be found here... Fran
  17. We have done the Rhine and Danube twice (at least, from Budapest to Nuremburg twice - the lower end of the Danube once so far...). By sailing with different companies, it is the same river - but a different tour. The Nile was awesome... If you are looking into doing that, I would suggest you look for a company that gives you 7 nights on the river. You get all of the same stops regardless of how many nights you sail (there are 3, 4 & 7 night sailings) but I imagine it could be a bit frenzied if you only sailed one way. We had 7 nights on the boat (round trip from Luxor) and felt that there was lots to do - with some "down time" to be able to relax & reflect on the trip. Fran
  18. Food is very subjective. Many people are brand loyal --> and this extends to food. The thing about river cruises is that the kitchen is very small. Often, when a chef is brought onto a certain boat, he will bring many (if not all) of the kitchen staff with him. So - the food (in my experience) is only as good as the current chef. You will also find strengths & weaknesses in all kitchens. For example, on one of our cruises, dessert options always included ice cream. Lots of puddings also on that cruise - but very little cake - and no pastries to speak of. We guessed that a pastry chef wasn't part of the crew on that sailing. We have done 15 river cruises to date - with #16 & 17 booked. We have travelled with many of the main players (Uniworld, Viking, AMA, Avalon, Scenic and Emerald). Food expectations (at least IMHO) cannot be tied in with the company - or the river. Some of the best food we had was in Russia (after I had prepared by husband for a less than stellar dining experience). On the Elba, our chef was of Czech descent - and he met a passenger with the same background. They got talking - and he made "old favourites" for Sharon and her DH (and us - as we often ate with them!!). So good. Surprisingly, our AMA cruise was not up to the level that many others have experienced --> but I felt it was the Cruise Director that was part of that problem. The food was OK - but not as good as on other sailings. It wouldn't stop me from sailing with them again, but my expectations are lower now. Fran
  19. I am not an ex-sailor, but I enjoy the sound of the water against the sides... A bit of white noise that helps me sleep!! Fran
  20. We have friends that will not cruise unless they have at least a french balcony cabin. The wife says she is too claustrophobic to stay in a cabin with a window you cannot see out of. Each to his own... I agree... pick your battles. Luckily my DH and I are on the same page with cabins. And - we agree that if we have a few extra dollars to spend, it goes toward making the flight "better" (ie: premium economy seating, no budget airlines etc).
  21. My guess would be that your sailing still had a number of cabins available, and Uniworld took the opportunity to take the charter as it was a guaranteed full booking. I do agree that a $200 compensation fee isn't much - especially when they run the risk of losing you as customers. The credit wasn't large enough to make it worth your while to choose an alternate date - and you booked with Viking, so they lost 8 passengers. It was good that your TA was able to find another cruise for you. And, I wouldn't worry about one cabin being on the lower level (aka Aquarium Class) --> we always book that deck as we don't spend much time in our cabin. The money we save goes towards the next trip!! Fran
  22. Actually, I use ATMs regularly while travelling. I have not had any issues so far. I look for ones associated with a bank, but if I am unsure where to find one, the staff on the boat, or one of the guides, can help out with locations. If you are just looking for change (ie: coins in exchange for bills), ask at the front desk - they can often help. I find the exchange rate using an ATM is good (better than at a currency exchange) and I don't have to carry a load of cash around with me. Some banks (ie: in Budapest) offer money in more than one currency (I found ATMs that offered a choice of euros or forints). Also, not sure about your bank, but my main bank has articulation agreements with a number of banks around the world - so I can use their ATMs without an extra fee. Fran
  23. I always use a TA. When we started river cruising, she was a novice in this type of travel. But, we have learned together. I am a planner - and very detail oriented. But, when she has booked our trip - and our flights - she is always there to help out as needed. An example: Before Covid, we had a trip booked to Peru (with a cruise on the Amazon...). We missed our flight out of Miami (delayed flight from Toronto) which meant we would miss our flight to Araquipa (pre-tour extension on our own...) Before we went to bed (we were given a hotel room - but didn't get there until 3 am), I sent her an e-mail explaining about the flight delays - and asked her to move the Araquipa flight to the earliest flight the following day. We went to bed, and when we woke up a few hours later, the flight changes had been made and e-tickets were already in our in-box. She has our credit card on file so did all of that when she first came into the office. We have great travel insurance, so were able to claim the change fee, as well as the cost of the hotel room for the 1st night. By the time we got home, she had all documentation ready for us to submit for our claim. I don't book any river cruises without involving her (# 16 coming up next month...) Fran
  24. Thanks, Jazz... didn't realize local banks have ATMs at the airport. I usually wait until I hit town and then hit an ATM --> trying to navigate the airport and the luggage carousel takes all my concentration (and patience...). I do try to look for specific institutions as I do not pay fees at the ones that have articulation agreements with my host bank. Fran
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