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Everything posted by franski

  1. I have found that there are often more similarities than differences... One of the biggest factors we have found is the Cruise Manager. They have the potential to make or break a cruise experience IMHO. The very best Cruise Manager we have ever had was on Scenic. The worst was also on Scenic. You have no control on that. The devil is in the details... look closely at what is offered. I have travelled a number of times with Viking and have been quite pleased. I was VERY impressed with the way the crew handled a medical emergency of a passenger when I was last sailing with them. The issue with Viking from my perspective is the full-payment date. You could be asked to pay in full more than a year away. That doesn't work for me. We like Avalon - it is (or at least has been in the past) a bit more relaxed environment... Which suits us. That being said, we have booked AMA for next cruise as we get 3 nights before and after the cruise - with inclusions included on the pre/post trips that are optionals with other lines.. (Believe me, I looked into all of the lines at great depth...) Also, Avalon seems to have a price point that works for us. Fran
  2. We were lucky with Emerald in that they have a laundry room on board - and it was free to use!! We went through MANY changes of clothing with the heat & humidity. If they didn't have laundry facilities, I would have paid to have laundry done. Laundry is one "luxury" I will splurge on when cruising. It is done and returned so quickly... If I need items washed that won't dry overnight (and it would have been hard in Vietnam) then I will plan to do laundry once while away. Figure that is a small price to pay, and "peanuts" in the overall cost of the trip. Fran
  3. Didn't worry about Malaria... so didn't have anti-malarials with us... but, take good bug spray. And use it liberally. My feet & ankles got quite bitten - but I didn't realize it was happening... so am thinking it might have been sand fleas or another insects? We did Siem Reap, Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom....I didn't notice the bugs being worse there than in the places we stopped along the river. Angkor Thom was more "green" than Angkor Wat, but not a lot of open water around so maybe that helped reduce the mosquito interactions? Fran
  4. We did this tour with Emerald earlier this year - but flew from Hanoi to Ho Chi Min City (not Siem Reap) after Halong Bay. We did not have any weight restrictions in Halong Bay, but there were some weight restrictions on the internal flight. We are used to 23 kg/50 lbs for weight restrictions. If I remember correctly, the internal flight was 20 kg. Not a huge difference, but it was important to our travelling companions as they packed right to the limit. They are strict with the luggage weights - and with the amount of checked luggage. When we flew from Siem Reap to Bangkok, our friends had purchased a second bag for souvenirs - and just thought they would pay a set amount for that. Oh no... they weighed both bags together - and then charged them by the pound for the overage. It was not cheap!! Just an fyi... Fran
  5. As far as I know, pre-paid gratuities includes everyone. I have added them to my trip booked next May. Fran
  6. We didn't travel with AMA, but expect most details are the same. The boat usually dropped anchor mid-river and we were tendered into shore. We did lots of local travel with local transport (tuktuk, motorcycle drawn carts etc...). A comment on money --> take lots of crisp $1 USD bills,,, lots of opportunity to spend them. Whether it be a bunch of fresh bananas, some touristy magnets etc... The local people really count on tourist dollars. But - the bills have to be crisp and new - they won't accept anything wrinkled or torn. Fran
  7. Have cruised this part of the Danube twice - although our Viking cruises were the Elbe and Lower Danube. The included excursions usually have great guides... You can learn a lot about the area from doing the walking tour. And, as mentioned above, the guides don't care if you branch off. Although, if you have taken a bus to the location, make sure you know when and where you need to return to the bus. The challenge with private tours is timing. There are many things that can impact your arrival/departure time in any port. Plus - the docking location may change. The only way that you *might* be safe is if the boat is docked overnight. But, again, you won't likely know where you will be docked so you would need to arrange to meet on shore some where. Ship tours seldom book up. The included tours are always available to everyone on board. The optionals may fill up - but you would find out about number restrictions in the port talk. You run a greater risk - IMHO - of having something cancelled if the optional doesn't meet the minimum numbers. For Cesky Krumlov, you could always take the excursion - just for the bus to get there - and then do your own tour. You mentioned extension in Budapest.... That is such a wonderful city that you could easily spend a week there and not see it all. Easy to get around - quite walkable. We have been 4 times at the start or end of a river cruise - and have extended every time... And, would still love to go back. Fran
  8. You won't be disappointed!! Not only are there +++ samples as you wander the shop, but - after we checked out - the cashier reached down behind her till, and dumped 2 or 3 large handfuls of product into our bag... No charge!! Fran
  9. We did the Seine with Avalon - 6 years ago now. We have sailed the Seine twice --> the first time was with Uniworld. We re-sailed with Avalon as they (usually) have more than 1 option for the included tour. So - it was the same river - but a different trip. We loved it... The only place where they only had one option (and we had already done it) was in Rouen. But - they had recently opened a Joan of Arc museum attached to the cathedral, so we went there on our own instead... We found that Avalon suited us wonderfully.... Fran
  10. Just back from 2 weeks in Scotland... It has been reported that Covid is rearing it's ugly head again over there, but didn't see too many people wearing masks. Still quite crowded in the usual tourist areas, but definitely less than during the Tattoo and the Fringe festival. Lots of rain (no surprise there...) but also had some lovely sunshine. Driving there is not for the faint of heart!! Fran
  11. We did Emerald... and were very impressed. We are experienced river cruisers (Vietnam & Cambodia was #17 for us) but are not brand loyal. We started in Hanoi and did sail on Ha Long Bay before flying to HCMC to start the cruise. Visa for Vietnam was on line - Visa for Cambodia was handled on the boat (can't do an e-visa if you enter the country on the water...) and the cost was just charged to our shipboard account ($30 USD/pp). The boat Emerald uses is beautiful - and the staff are probably some of the best (if not THE best) we have ever encountered. With Emerald and Scenic all gratuities are included - so there is a bit of a saving there. Also, airport transfers are complementary - even if you book your own air, and arrive in early (as we did). One difference with Emerald - although I don't know if this a big deal for you - is that the Emerald Harmony actually sails from HCMC. Most (if not all) of the other lines bus you to My Tho to board. We found it interesting to sail out of HCMC. Not a particularly scenic sailing, but it is a working river and we enjoyed watching all of the activity on the river. Am happy to answer any questions you may have. We did this itinerary in February this year (17 day itinerary) with extra days in Hanoi to start and then stopped in Bangkok for 3 nights on the way home. Fran
  12. Another issue is related to cancellation. If the company gives you a credit for a cancelled cruise, you don't qualify for money from the insurance company. Fran
  13. If you like chocolate (and are willing to pass on a wine tasting) you can visit the Valrhona factory in Tain L'ermitage. It is walkable from where the boats moor - and a great place to visit. I felt like the Pied Piper wandering through the streets as I ended up with quite a group following me over to the store. Lots of free samples... And the chocolate is SO good. I brought lots back as gifts. (Well, not as much as I planned - quite a bit was devoured before we left the boat...🤣) Fran
  14. You can get an e-visa for Cambodia if you are flying in. Your point of entry will be the airport. You cannot use an e-visa to enter the country if you enter on the river... but the company usually arranges that on board and charges it to your shipboard account. And, you will likely need two single entry visas for Vietnam. Fran
  15. We did the Rhone with Avalon. Our trip actually started in Monaco, and we went to Nice for 3 nights before taking the train over to catch up with the tour. At the end, we went by TGV to Paris for 2 nights. I just checked Avalon's website. They do not offer a tour that starts in Monaco anymore, but you can get one that has 2 nights in Nice. We loved our time in Nice. Took a bus out to Eze and spent part of a day there. We wandered around the market and bought bread, cheese, fruit, sausage - then bought some wine - and headed up to the park overlooking the water for a picnic. An awesome day!! The hotel in Paris wasn't in the best location from a tourist perspective, but they did include a tour of the city (we didn't go as we had been to Paris a few times before...) But, taking that itinerary allowed us to get to Paris so that our flight home was easy to plan. That was our 1st Avalon cruise - and we have done a few more with them since. Our cruise with them on the Rhone was a jazz themed cruise - and the jazz was spectacular!! Fran
  16. Flying out to Edinburgh in less than 48 hours... but, it looks as if you have been hoarding all that beautiful sunshine. The long range forecast on my weather app show primarily rain for the next 10 days 😢 Fran
  17. We have done the lower Danube twice. First with Viking, and then with Scenic. I had it booked twice with Avalon (loved the fact that there was more days on the river...) but it was cancelled both times (low water, then Covid). When we booked the 3rd time, the Avalon trip had really increased in price so we went with Scenic as they had a "free air" promotion. We also booked the Transylvania pre-tour - and loved it. I would suggest going in a couple of days early to Bucharest. There is lots to see there, and you can easily book a tour if your Avalon tour doesn't cover what you want to see. We toured the Parliament (Palace of the People) the first time we were there, but it was closed when we went last fall. We were able to see Ceausescu's home on the last visit. Well worth the time to see it if it is not included (a real eye opener to see how he lived - while the rest of the country struggled....). I love Avalon - and think you will have a great trip. Would definitely have gone if Avalon if the sale with Scenic wasn't so enticing. Fran
  18. We were told that sleeveless tops were not allowed - your entire shoulder must be covered. It was a bit of a challenge as I brought many sleeveless tops. At least the laundry was free, so I could keep washing & re-wearing the same clothes as needed. It was very hot when we went... It was cooler when we were in Hanoi, but once we hit Ho Chi Minh city the heat was over the top --> 35C or above every day. But - this is the norm. It would have been nice to be able to wear sleeveless tops a bit more often, but not possible with the number of temples we visited. Fran
  19. Just curious.... What hotel are they using that you can't get booked into? Fran
  20. Amazement isn't the response I got when I pulled out my Blackberry in Macchu Picchu and when sailing the Nile 🤣 The youngsters hadn't seen one - and didn't know how to work it. Took great pictures, though! Fran
  21. We have been to Budapest 4 times - and would love to go back again... So much to see & do --> visit Central Market, the Church in the Cave, the Hospital in the Rock, tour the Opera House & the Synagogue. Walk across the Chain Bridge and go up the Funicular. Visit Matthias and St. Stephens church(es). Eat Chimney Cakes and Strudel (great stall at the market!!) - and then have a traditional dinner at Cafe Kor. Visit the Shoes on the Danube - and the House of Terror. Go out to Statue Park (we were picked up in a Trabant - and then my husband got to drive... He was SO happy!). We had tickets booked to tour the Parliament, but Covid hit - and then we couldn't get tickets on our last visit. So - guess we will have to go back!! Fran
  22. Hi - I went back into my account, and looked up the tour --> the guide we booked with is not available any more. The guide we ended up with was named Harry - and he was great - but not listed as one of the current guides. The places we saw were Ho Chi Minh's mausoleum (including seeing Ho himself), the One Pillar Pagoda, the Tron Quoc pagoda, the museum of Ethnology, the B52 lake and the Hanoi Hilton. We also got to have egg coffee by the railway market (it is now open again) and had lunch at a street restaurant (we had Bun Cha - the only thing on the menu so everyone got it - and it was awesome!!) Many of the places are included on tours currently on their website - except no one mentions the B52 lake. My husband is a bit of a history buff and wanted to see that (rather underwhelming in my opinion - but he wanted to see it...) and we would have never found that on our own. It was a full day. Only supposed to be 6 hours - but we were over 9 by the time we got back to our hotel. All entrance fees & lunch were included in the cost. Fran
  23. We are not brand loyal... and have travelled most of the major lines. I think that there is not enough credit given to the cruise directors - as they can make or break the experience. Our very best cruise director was on our 1st Scenic cruise... and our worst was also on a Scenic cruise. We have had some issues with shore excursions with different lines, but the ones that could have been handled better by the staff (the crew has no control over things like lock closures so don't count those) have been on Scenic. Not bad enough that I would not travel with them again, but our experiences has been mixed. Fran
  24. Good to know!! We are doing this next May (anniversary cruise) and it will be our 18th river cruise (our 2nd with AMA). Haven't done Antarctica (and doubt we will - as I get seasick on big ships...) but I agree that the Nile was amazing. Fran
  25. Give me a day to look at their website and see if I can locate him. I just went on the site and picked a tour that gave us what we wanted. The beauty of Tours by Locals is that they will customize a tour for you - so you can see what you would like. Fran
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