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Everything posted by franski

  1. Daisi - a bit off topic, but notice you have booked the Canals, Vineyards & Castles itinerary next year. I have this booked with a girlfriend - going this June. Which direction are you travelling?? Fran
  2. It may have been me that made that recommendation... It is our "go to" place anytime we are in Budapest. Traditional Hungarian food... So good. We make sure we eat there anytime we are in Budapest (have been there 4 times at start or end of river cruises.... and would love to go back again!!). You really do need reservations as it is quite busy. It is a small place - and the tables are quite close together - but we have met some interesting people since the tables are so close together. Fran
  3. Maybe yes, or maybe no... Sometimes Avalon books a "host hotel" - and passengers may be transferred there before and/or after the cruise while the ship is being cleaned. If they do this, they usually have a large room with refreshments, and store your luggage on site. Fran
  4. The front desk can often change bills for coins if you ask... Fran
  5. I went back and reviewed their latest information... They are now saying "transfers to the ship"... so not sure. When we have gone in early and requested transfers, the trip started with a night (or nights) in a hotel before we boarded the ship. We stay in the host hotel - so our ask has been for the included transfer - just a couple of days early. We did this last February when we went to Vietnam... Emerald met us at the airport as we were staying an extra 3 nights in the hotel where our tour started. If a pre-cruise stay is not included in your package, they may not provide transfers. It does not hurt to call and ask however. They may provide for a cost - or give you the name of the local company that they use. Depending on the city, I am sure there are people here who can help you with arranging transfers. Fran
  6. We are fairly well travelled - and have clocked up quite a number of river cruises. I am always honest if asked. I have not gotten the sense that I am perceived as "boasting" when I mention the number we have taken - as people often ask how many times we have cruised the rivers. Rather, people have usually gone on to ask my favourite line, my favourite itinerary etc. Or ask specific questions about an itinerary they are interested in. Just as I would (and do) if I meet people who have travelled places I have yet to visit. Is it because river cruising is considered an expensive way to travel? I almost always book a sale - and travel lowest category. I am also not brand loyal... and when people find out I have travelled with different companies, there are often questions about the differences. If people ask about my cruising history, I will tell them. If it is considered "boasting", and is unpleasant for them, they can always sit at another table from that point on. Fran
  7. Almost always book Aquarium class... Only difference was 1) in China - where we booked the last cabin, and 2) in Vietnam, as I wasn't sure if I could manage the heat - and felt having a window to look out of might make things a little less disappointing if I needed to spend extra time on board. One cruise we booked lowest category - and we were upgraded to a French balcony. I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would (went in early October - so still lots of light...). I needed to ensure the curtains were closed if I was wandering around the cabin partially dressed.😲 Not an issue with the smaller window... Fran
  8. HaHa... Yes - it is identified as the Japanese foot bridge - that Money constructed. Fran
  9. I actually responded to your other post. There is a published difference of 15 sq feet between these two cabins. Aquarium cabin = 150 sq feet... French Balcony = 135 sq feet. Does the bulkhead equal 15 sq feet?? Not sure... The biggest difference might be in the available window (upper window vs sliding glass door)... as well as the cost difference to upgrade. I don't know of any other cruise line that has a balcony cabin with less *published* space that an entry level cabin. My comment was made to encourage the original poster to look closely at the cabin sizes (if size is important) - especially given that they are looking to compare liens. Fran
  10. The Viking website identifies that the Aquarium class rooms are 150 sq ft - while the French Balcony rooms are 135 sq feet. You do get a full glass "wall" with the French Balcony, but not sure losing the bulkhead results in more (ie: equal) space. The extra window size is important for some - but the extra cost isn't worth it for many. Lots of people don't look at cabin sizes before they book... and if size is important, then it is worth taking some time to look at details like this. Fran
  11. Completely agree... We were there early - and I also have a shot of the Japanese bridge with no one on it!! Fran
  12. With Emerald, airport transfers are included - even if you don't book air with them. AND - they will provide a transfer even if you go in a few days early. You have to ask for that, but they will provide a transfer. Fran
  13. Funny you should mention Les Andelys... We asked our cruise director about the hike up to Chateau Gaillard - and was told it was a gentle 15 minute walk. So - we chose that excursion. We made the hike - and it was worth it - but there was nothing gentle about that hike!! Fran
  14. I second the suggestion about the Orangerie... Giverney is magical - but then you can go to the Orangerie and see Monet's canvasses of the Water Lilies. I had no appreciation of impressionist art until I saw the Water Lilies. Fran
  15. We have cruised - multiple times - with both Emerald and Viking. We actually did the Rhine with Emerald... My thoughts. There is no right or wrong answer here. Our trip with Emerald started off on a rough note as my DH's luggage didn't arrive with him!! But the cruise director went over & above to get the tardy piece of luggage to us before we left Cologne (so only a couple of days that he had to live with limited clothing...) Emerald staff washed his clothes each evening for him - free of charge. That being said, you have no control over the cruise director - or the kitchen staff - so making decisions based on food, wine or staff may not be the best qualifier IMHO. The things I would look at are size of rooms (if you go with Viking, be aware that the French balcony cabins are actually smaller than the lowest category...), itinerary and tours (both included and optional). You could get some cooler weather in late October - but you might not. Gratuities are included with Emerald - as well as airport transfers even if you don't purchase air with them, and arrive in ahead of the tour. You have to ask for the transfer, but they will give it to you. Docking locations? Unless it is a port that has a dedicated Viking dock (and some do...) the docking location is determined by the harbor master (not sure if this is the correct title...). So - unless there is something you really want to see that is only on one of the tours - or there is a huge cost differential (although you have indicated there is not...), I would go with the one that best meets your dates. If that is Viking, then rest assured you have made a good (and informed) choice. Fran
  16. We have sailed both - a couple of times. Viking often asks for full payment months in advance. Emerald does not - unless you go with one of their "super early bird" special fares. Emerald includes gratuities - and airport transfers (even if you book your air on your own, and/or come in a day or two ahead). Viking does not include gratuities - and only includes airport transfers if you book air through them. Although, you can book transfers with them if you wish. Two of the biggest details that can affect your cruise (IMHO) are the cruise manager - and the kitchen crew --> neither of which you have any control over. We have had good experiences with both companies. I would look closely at the itineraries. Are the stops the same? What time of day are you in port? (ie: if you arrive and leave early, will the markets even be open?) Not sure which river you are looking at, but look at where the boat is docked. For example, in Budapest, you can walk off the boat and most likely hit a market on your own. In Vienna and Nuremburg, you will need some type of transport to the city centre. Do you have one stop like this? Or are there many? I would travel with either company again - if the details work out. One thing to note, if you book Viking, the hallways on the top 2 cabin decks are off centre. This is to allow for the space required with a full balcony. French balcony rooms on Viking are smaller than the lower deck Aquarium class cabins... So look at cabin sizes with both lines. If you are doing a Christmas market cruise, do you think you need a balcony (given the fact that it will be cold, and sunset is quite early). just as an fyi. Not sure if this helps... Fran
  17. Unfortunately, one thing you have no control over is the kitchen. The chef often brings his own crew - and they play to their strengths. One cruise we were on had nothing for dessert that wasn't ice cream or pudding based - so obviously there was no pastry chef on board!! The food on our one & only AMA cruise to date was ok - but nothing to write home about. I am not holding out any hope for our cruise in May - but I don't book it for the food. The best food we have had was on our trip to Russia. I had prepared my DH with the warning that it might not be up to what we had experienced in Europe (as per the caveat on the Uniworld website) but it was absolutely amazing. The Elba with Viking was also memorable - as was the Seine with Uniworld (our 1st cruise). On our Scenic cruise in 2022, it was very memorable for the fact that the kitchen went over and above to address my food intolerances. Even baked a dairy free birthday cake for me! Even if the food isn't "the best", I have found that the staff often make the experience memorable. Fran
  18. I have always found them to be very accommodating I was the only one who wanted Rose at our table - and I didn't see anyone else at the tables close by drinking it. But - they always made sure that they had a bottle (or two) handy for me - and after the first night, just brought it to the table instead of just the usual red or white. Fran
  19. Thank you!! This itinerary is one I have watched for awhile. But, it doesn't seem to ever go on sale - and it sells out quickly. Decided to bite the bullet and book anyway - as a way to celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary. I am excited that AMA also includes a visit to Toledo when you include Madrid. Fran
  20. You might be surprised to see how many small shops take credit cards. Most (if not all) shops will have a sign on the door saying which cards they will accept. When we did this itinerary the 1st time, I had cash for Bucharest - as we were there a bit early. Other than that, I only used an ATM at one stop along the way as I wanted something in a shop that did not take a card. So, I went down the street to an ATM (the shop keeper told me where one was...) and I got out just enough cash to pay for the item. After that, it was a credit card all the way to Budapest. I got cash there as we were extending a few days. Of interest, the ATM that I used there the choice of either euros or forints. Fran
  21. I am sure if you wanted to take your own wine to the dining room they would be more than happy with that as well... Just less wine they have to supply!! Fran
  22. I have friends who won't book Aquarium Class as they want a full sized window/sliding door. Doesn't matter what the itinerary is. The cost to upgrade to a balcony (French or otherwise) can be quite significant... If I have that money to spend, I would sooner pay for Premium Economy air fare. Or - an extra night or two on land before or after the cruise. But - that is just me!! Fran
  23. We are booked with AMA in May... We start with 3 days in Lisbon - then 7 nights on the boat before disembarking in Vega de Terron and heading overland (via Salamanca) for 3 nights. I expect you could travel the other way (ie: starting in Madrid) , and get off the boat in Porto. Perhaps discuss ending your trip there if you don't want to spend time in Lisbon again? We have never been to Portugal or Spain - so really looking forward to this. Fran
  24. Lots of good info... The only thing I do not entirely agree with is the advice about tipping of local guides. And - this is separate from the on-board gratuities. We always tip in local currency. I feel it is unfair to expect a guide to have to go to a bank to change currencies. Not everyone wants (or can use) US dollars. For most of the stops in Europe, you would use the Euro. If you need small "change", the front desk can usually assist with that. Just my 2 cents worth here... Fran
  25. I got an e-mail about that... Looks interesting. Fran
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