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Everything posted by franski

  1. On month today we will be in the air... on our way to Vietnam. We are doing Vietnam/Cambodia - including Hanoi & Ha Long Bay - with Emerald. We are stopping in Bangkok for 3 night on the way home. Getting excited! Fran
  2. Will be following along... We are doing Vietnam/Cambodia with Emerald in February. It will be interesting to see how the sister companies compare. Are you spending any time in Ha Long Bay? Fran
  3. We have travelled a couple of times with Scenic - and not been disappointed. We are actually doing Vietnam & Cambodia with Emerald (sister company, lower price point than Scenic) in February 2023... So the count down is on!! We are starting in Hanoi - going in a couple of days ahead on our own. We have a total of 5 days in Hanoi (3 on our own - 2 with the tour) before heading to Ha Long Bay. We fly down from Hanoi to HCMC and get on the boat there. We are flying home from Siem Reap through Thailand, so are staying 3 nights in Bangkok before the final leg of the journey.. Very excited about this trip. Hoping to do some posting along the way (internet permitting...). Fran
  4. I book with a TA to have that little bit extra piece of mind... someone to "have my back" as it were if things go sideways. We did Peru and the Amazon with Avalon a few years ago. Our flight leaving Toronto was quite late - and we missed our connection in Miami. (Actually, the plane was still at the gate - but the gate was closed.... so close...). Anyway, by the time we made it to our hotel (air line arranged and paid for) it was almost 4 am. We had another flight booked from Lima to Arequipa - for noon. Obviously we weren't going to make that. A quick e-mail to our TA at 4 am told her about the issue - and asked if she could change our booking to the first flight the following morning. She phoned me before 10 am - the flight had been changed, and the change fees charged to the credit card we had on file. When we returned home, she had all the paper work waiting for us to claim the change fees, and the one night in the hotel that we missed. I always do my own research for river cruising - but always use our amazing TA for the booking. Even if she charged for her services (which she does not...) she would be worth it. Fran
  5. I have had lots of people tell (? warn) me about the heat & humidity. We are going early February - and it should be a bit cooler in the north where our tour is starting - but know that it will be stinking hot once we get to Ho Chi Minh city, and then onwards... I expect to make good use of the pool on the boat, and at the various hotels we are booked at. This is the *only* tour my DH has talked about doing since we started travelling. I just needed to wait until I could get a price point I could be comfortable with. Knowing the heat will most likely be an issue for me, I have already started to warn him that he may be doing some of the excursions on his own. Hopefully some will be early morning when it is a bit cooler. I have grown my hair out so I can pin it up off my neck. Will be taking lots of cooler clothes, and won't go anywhere without a hat. I will also be taking some electrolyte replacement packages and ensure I drink lots of water. I will keep my alcohol intake to a minimum as well. I think I have covered all my bases... I guess time will tell!! Fran
  6. We look at flights and see what we can get them for. And then have our TA contact the cruise line. Often the cruise line has a better price. We always get options when booking through the cruise line. And, we usually extend our trip so we look at arriving before/staying after the tour. Our recent cruise with Scenic include free air. But - they have us a dollar figure to work within. So, as long as we stayed within that amount, we could come and go on any date - and from any airport. Trip was Bucharest to Budapest. We went into Bucharest 3 days early, and flew home from Warsaw Poland a week after the cruise ended. No issues at all. The biggest challenge was the fact that 2 of our flights were cancelled (we were rebooked on the next available flight....) so we ended up with long layovers in Frankfurt (way over) and Munich (way back...). We discovered this on our own - no notice came from the airline!! We just booked our air for Vietnam/Cambodia through Emerald --> much better price than we could get on our own, and we booked premium economy. We always get our own insurance... and it covers all part of the trip. Fran
  7. I find it odd that a travel agency would charge you for their service. Maybe things are different in Alberta, but I work with a TA here (I live about 50 km east of Toronto) who does not charge for any "research" she does for me. Did you go with a Cruise specialist? I wonder if they charge (my TA works out of a "generic" travel agency...). Fran
  8. The heat is a concern of mine... Going in early February may help with that a bit (at least that is what I tell myself...). We bit the bullet and booked premium economy for our air. When we look at travel now, we factor in the increased air fare costs as I won't fly long distances in economy any more. If we can't afford the increased air fare - we just won't travel. We are flying through Taiwan with EVA air - so 15 hours to Taipei - and then another 5+ to Hanoi. We arrive on Feb 2nd - and the tour doesn't start until the 5th - so have a couple of days to get over the jet lag. We booked at the Anatole so Emerald will be picking us up - even though we are coming in early. The cost of the hotel is quite reasonable so it didn't add a huge cost to the overall trip. Fran
  9. Thank you for your review - it was very helpful. We are booked on the February 5th tour - also taking the 17 day package. Vietnam/Cambodia has been one of my husband's bucket list tours - and I agreed to go if we could do Halong Bay. I do *not* do heat at all well, so this is stepping out side my comfort zone. We actually had this booked for February this year but it was cancelled due to Covid - so just moved it back a year. We are going in early - staying 3 nights at the Anatole in Hanoi before joining up with the tour. I have realized that we really need a couple of days to acclimate when we travel so far from home. And, since we are already in that part of the world, we are going to Bangkok for 3 days before flying back to Toronto. Thank you for your comment on clothing. I had heard they were very strict and know that I need some type of sleeve. I am actually thinking about taking some type of loose gauzy shawl (I will look at sewing something that packs down into a small bag) so that I can wear sleeveless tops but cover my shoulders as needed. I was excited to learn about the self-service laundry... Expect to use that a lot!! We already have our visas for Vietnam - and I did know that we need to get our Cambodian visa on the boat. Do we need passport pictures for those? Or just our $40 US/pp? Thanks for the advice about the "Dinner in a Rice Field". A quick question about the food... My DH has problems with red & yellow peppers... (green ok for some strange reason). Will he have to watch the food closely for coloured peppers?? Thanks again for your in-depth review. I may come back with more questions!! Fran
  10. We returned from our 16th river cruise in October - and almost always book Aquarium Class. We were given an upgrade once to a French Balcony - and while it was nice, I don't think (for us) it would have been worth the money to upgrade. We paid for an upgrade when we were in China - only because we were set on a date, and direction of the trip - and there was only 1 cabin left. We have booked an upgrade on our next cruise on the Mekong as I do not do heat well (yeah, I know that Vietnam/Cambodia will be HOT!) and I figured if I overheated (a definite possibility) then I could lay down in the cabin and look out the window. Also, the upgrade on our upcoming sailing wasn't a huge amount of money. If you are travelling with friends, you will spend very little time in your cabin. You still have a window in Aquarium class (so there will be sunlight) and actually have a fairly deep window ledge. We use that ledge to dry some of our hand washed items. Whatever you decide... Enjoy!! Fran
  11. If you stay in what they consider a "host hotel" for a pre-stay, they will include airport transfers - even if you are outside the tour dates. They often have a hotel identified as a meeting point so they can get the boat cleaned before the next group arrives. If you were staying there - or could get there - transfers would most likely be included. But - at that point - it might be a group transfer. We are going in 3 days ahead of our Scenic cruise (eastern Europe). The tour starts with one night at the Marriott - so we booked there. Transfers are now included - even though we are outside the tour dates. On a positive note, unless your hotel is way outside the downtown Buda/Pest area, a taxi will be really reasonable. Fran
  12. We are booked with Emerald in February 2023. This is an itinerary that my DH has wanted to do for quite a while... We were booked in February of this year - but it was cancelled due to Covid. To be honest, it was the price that drew me. My DH wanted to go to Hanoi as part of the trip - and I wanted to cruise Halong Bay. So - we have a 17 day trip that includes both of these things at a price point that I could live with. We have travelled with Emerald before and had a great trip. It also helps that they cover all gratuities so that affects the price as well. Emerald's boat - Emerald Harmony - was built for the Mekong. It actually sails right into Ho Chi Minh City - and not all of them do. For example, Scenic buses you to My Tho to board. Not sure how far out of the city that is, but it will be nice to board without a long bus transfer. The Harmony holds 84 passengers - so bigger than some, but I can live with that number. Take a look at the itinerary. When we were deciding which direction to sail, I looked at the stops. If we start in Siem Reap, we miss one stop that we will get sailing from Ho Chi Minh city. Also, if you do Hanoi first - then sail from Siem Reap, you will need a multiple entrance visa. We only need a single entrance as we will not be going back into Vietnam after we enter Cambodia. The travel time - there and back - is pretty brutal. So we are going in 2 full days ahead, and stopping in Bangkok for 3 days on the way home to try and mitigate the jet lag. Good Luck with your planning!! Fran
  13. Hi - I agree with texasstaar about considering another time other than July. It can be hot - and although the boats are air conditioned, not all of the buildings on your stops would be. There are many options to consider. Balcony --> many only have a French balcony but you can sit beside it and see the outside. Scenic definitely has balcony space - and Viking does on some of their ships. Can't speak to a balcony - we usually travel lowest category (aka Aquarium Class) as we spend very little time in our cabin. But be aware that these boats often raft against one another - so you may open your curtains and be looking into a cabin in the boat your are docked beside!! Scenic, Uniworld and Tauck include gratuities - but their upfront price is often more to start. Take a look at included excursions. Do you have options at the different stops? For example, your Mom wants to go to Normandy - but is she only interested in the beaches? Perhaps she would like to see the Bayeux Tapestry (it is awesome!!) but not all lines offer that as a tour. Enjoy your planning... and your trip!! Fran
  14. Hi - Still waiting to here from my TA. Will let you know when I hear something... Fran
  15. Watching this closely... We are scheduled to board the Scenic Opal in Giurgiu Romania on Sept 25th... But we need the boat to get down there!! According to Cruise Mapper, there are few boats below Budapest. Now, I do realize this is a less travelled itinerary - but it is a concern how few there are actually there. I completely understand the concept of a ship swap - or docking the boat and doing bus tours... but we have to have a ship to board to be able to do either of those things!! Am really hoping that there is enough rain to get the Opal down below Nuremburg/Regensburg. Currently - according to Cruise Mapper - it is on it's way to Amsterdam - and yet it is supposed to be on it's way to Budapest 😕 Really hope the water levels improve. This is the 3rd time we have had this trip booked. Fran
  16. Not yet... We are booked on a Scenic cruise in Eastern Europe - leaving in 10 days. I planned on doing my Visa when I return home from that. We don't leave until February so I have a bit of time. However, the TA I work with has an escorted tour going there in November. I will get in touch with her and ask her to discuss with her colleagues about the Visa issue, and see if they have any insights. It is the owner of the agency & her daughter that are escorting the tour. And, I know the daughter has been there before - so I expect they should be able to help. I will get back to you after I touch base with them. Fran
  17. I have always called the lowest level Aquarium Class - as a good portion of the cabin is below the water line... I would have to be much taller to be able to stand by the window and see those swans!! They would be a bit below the window ledge - so probably would only be able to see the tops of their heads!! Fran
  18. No - the amenities aren't different for upper deck cabins with Emerald. Scenic is the higher end of the 2, and treat their upper cabin guests a little differently. We almost always travel Aquarium class. On Scenic, that still gets us a butler, and one bag of laundry/trip. Very happy with those perks. I can pay for extra laundry if needed - for a lot less than I would pay for an upper deck cabin!! Fran
  19. I understand your pain... I was looking at Seat Guru to see the configuration of our planes for the shorter regional flights. I discovered that our 3 hour layover in Frankfurt is now 8+ hours 🤯 - and our flight from Warsaw is now 6 am (instead of 9:30 am...). As with your flights, any changes result in too short a time between flights. So not changing anything. Oh well... It is what it is... At least we can now travel (praying for rain in the lower Danube....) Fran
  20. Hi - We have travelled with both - and you can't go wrong with either IMHO. I am of the opinion that there are more similarities than differences in river cruising. The biggest variable (at least to me) is the cruise director... and you have no control over that. Next is the chef - as he often brings his own crew along. Again - no control Food is subjective - so hard to rate that. Many river cruisers are brand loyal... we are not particularly. We look for itinerary, then dates, then prices. After travelling with most of the major players, we feel that Avalon is a good fit for us. That being said, we have another Emerald cruise booked in February next year. (We leave with Scenic - water levels permitting - in just over 2 weeks...). If you are unsure - and price is not the driving factor - I suggest you compare a couple of things. 1) The cabin - size, layout etc. We usually travel lowest category (aka Aquarium Class) so that isn't a big deal for us. 2) Stop and excursions. Although many stops on the river are the same, often there are differences in what the included excursion is. If there is something you really want to see, is it included in the daily excursion? 3) Where is the hotel located? If it isn't close to Old Town in Prague, how easy is it to get there? Will the company provide transport? The last time we were in Prague, it was before a cruise of the Elba with Viking. The hotel was not convenient - but Viking had shuttle buses so you could get in & out of the downtown core quite easily. You can stay extra time in Budapest on your own... Very easy to organize. Enjoy!! Fran
  21. I have used Tours by Locals a few times... They do not organize air travel or hotels... They will custom a tour for you if you see something on their website that is of interest - but it is not exactly what you are looking for. They also charge per tour - not per person - as many companies tend to do. Fran
  22. We LOVE river cruising... If the rivers don't dry up over the next 3 weeks, we are embarking on #16... Over the years, we have pretty much settled on going in a few days ahead of the cruise - and staying on after. Usually we arrange the pre/post portions on our own - but occasionally ask the company what they have available for extensions. Depending on the area, we might book with them instead of doing the extensions on our own. We love the fact that we take our hotel room with us. The included excursion(s) give us enough local history and culture that we feel we get a "taste" of the stops. We then know if we would like to travel back to an area again in the future. And we have met some wonderful people along the way. In fact, we have kept in touch with one couple and are travelling with them on our next cruise. Enjoy your planning... but - fair warning. River cruising can be addictive!! Fran
  23. That is good to know... when I have looked at Cruise Mapper over the last week, it hasn't shown much movement below Budapest. While not impressed with the thought of having extended bussing on a river cruise, it is even less pleasing to think we may not have a boat to get onto!! Fran
  24. Perhaps contact the hotel you are staying at? They may have arrangements with a local company and can assist with your transfers. The situation you are in isn't that unusual. Most (? all) will provide transfers if you do air with them - and come in at the start of the cruise. Some will provide transfers if you do your own air and arrive at the start. If you come in ahead - even if you book air with them - they usually won't do transfers unless you stay at the host hotel. If you google "Airport Transfers in Munich" you might find a transfer agency. We have done that a few times with great results. Enjoy your trip!!
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