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Everything posted by cruzingnut

  1. Pinnacle lunch is from Noon until 1PM. Linda R.
  2. My pleasure....and my recommendation is to get the Pinnacle Burger! To. Die. For. !!!! Linda R.
  3. here’s the menu; from Rotterdam a few weeks ago. Sorry I cut part of the appetizer description off. Linda R.
  4. It was pretty bad in the southern hemisphere for their winter this year so I guess it's our turn. Remember, they get winter before we do so flu there can be indicative of what we'll get. Wash those hands! For me, I'll be washing and wearing a mask. Still.....don't want Flu OR Covid. Masks don't bother me that much and if they can prevent this for me? Yep, I'm all for it. Also vaccinated up to the most recent, targeted, booster. Linda R.
  5. they were in both cabins on the Rotterdam we’ve been this year. Deck 6 verandah.
  6. There are 2 big hooks already on the walls in all cabins; they should be enough unless you need more than those 2. Linda R.
  7. Yes, port Everglades. We were at terminal 26. @mtempelaar, this was after you were off and somewhere between 9:30 ish and 10AM. At least 2 firetrucks and not sure how many ambulances.
  8. What was going on with the Beyond this morning? We were disembarking Rotterdam just behind you and there were a number of Fire trucks and Ambulances at your ship. Probably around 9:30 ish...maybe 10.
  9. Anyone know what was going on at Beyond this morning (Sunday, 20 th)? We were getting off of Rotterdam just behind Beyond and say numerous fire trucks and ambulances rushing to that ship around 9:30 ish.
  10. no, you need to go prepared. We wore our water shoes and changed once we got on land. Linda R
  11. Current position of Rotterdam (and Eurodam is the other green arrow) is just off the north coast of Cuba.
  12. Current condition regarding Port Everglades and Port Miami: https://assets.simpleviewinc.com/simpleview/image/upload/v1/clients/porteverglades/MSIB_22_024_Port_Condition_Yankee_NICOLE_signed_fe393129-5d54-466c-9e36-baa85b6b7194.pdf All vessels over 500 tons must leave and none allowed in or within 3 miles of the coast. Linda R.
  13. Good to hear from someone on now! Yesterday when I check the ship location, it looked like you sailed away from Grand Turk and were heading north along the outside of the Bahamas....this morning, I see you off the coast of Cuba. Wise choice to go that way, for sure! IF we get to get on tomorrow, I'm hoping we won't take the "typical" way down to the Eastern Caribbean (Straight out from FLL through the Bahamas to the Atlantic, then take a right to go south). Hoping for going along the way you are going to get here. Other than the storm, and I think you are missing HMC today, how are things onboard? Any Covid info? If you have time, please, please let us know what is happening regarding docking tomorrow. Thanks, Linda R.
  14. I'm almost wishing that they would move the ship down to Miami where there isn't (at least currently) a Hurricane Watch. Ship is due to leave at 3PM but tropical force winds are possible along the coast by 8AM. Remember, those winds extend all the way up to 70ish mph. I vote for Miami since we live just south of there and are also boarding on Wednesday. 😎 Linda R.
  15. You owe me nothing! ❤️ I'm just glad if I've been able to help even a little bit. I'll be continuing to follow your trip so will still be keeping "tabs" on you in a way. Linda R.
  16. @kazu Can you tell if there is an adjustment just below that "cuff" on there? If there is, lower them so that they sit lower on your arm and not affected by your elbow. Also, be sure that when you are standing and your arm is hanging by your side, that the hand grip is at the level of your wrist. That's a very important position too. At last resort, once you board the ship, see the Dr. and ask them to adjust them for you or maybe even give you regular crutches. I'm wondering why you were given these in the first place? They should be more comfortable than the regular crutches since those press against your sides and into your armpit though. Sigh...I hope you get it figured out and am glad to hear that you are deciding to go on the cruise! Linda R.
  17. Oh, they gave you Loftstrand crutches! If you can stream video, this will show you how to "fit" them properly to yourself and how to use them. https://www.google.com/search?q=fitting+loftstrand+crutches&client=firefox-b-1-d&ei=0mdkY6yCF5KMwbkP8LSTgAc&ved=0ahUKEwiss8eJrZP7AhUSRjABHXDaBHAQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=fitting+loftstrand+crutches&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIHCAAQgAQQDTIICAAQhgMQiwMyCAgAEIYDEIsDOgoIABBHENYEELADOgYIABAHEB46CAgAEAgQHhANOgUIABCGAzoFCAAQogQ6CgghEMMEEAoQoAE6CAghEMMEEKABSgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUKoEWJkcYKgfaAFwAXgAgAF7iAH0B5IBAzguM5gBAKABAcgBCLgBA8ABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#kpvalbx=_9GdkY7DMMb-TwbkP-by1iAQ_27 Sorry for the long link, I do hope it works! Let me know if not and I can try to help you out differently. Linda R.
  18. @kazu I've been following your "adventures" prior to the cruise and am so sorry you've hurt yourself. I wish I could help you with the crutches (I'm a former Physical Therapist). One word of advice about the rolling walker....it really isn't meant to be used to push people around on. It's not designed for that so please be careful about it. I wish you luck and hope you heal quickly and can get on with your trip. Linda R.
  19. @Scrapnana, so sorry to hear that you tested positive! What Covid shots have you had other than the original 2? Did you get 2 boosters after those and then get the newest one that is targeted to Omicron? Hope you continue symptom free and can keep busy enough to make it thru quarantine. I got a chuckle about the carpet. That would be me too since I took up walking daily after my back surgery last year. Linda R.
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