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Everything posted by cruiser2015

  1. There is no "even pay before final". Excursions must be paid for at time of booking.
  2. Forget the phone. Time to head for the sick bay - report of delusional behavior. 🤪
  3. Not fair!! Unless she's gonna make them for EVERYONE reading this post!!!
  4. Less than a Euro on a one-to-one basis. That is fixed by offering additional dollars, if accepted.
  5. It's been a few years, so I'm a bit short on specifics. I just peeked at some names and Viator came up. A well known name around the world. I also recall Roberts from when we were there. Not sure which I used; we did a tour to Pearl which made a couple of spots and then took us on the ferry to the Arizona; then some free time for lunch & whatever; finally, back on the bus to the Missouri; then a few city highlights on the way back to the hotel; so, pretty much all day. If you're interested in the Polynesian Cultural Center, I booked directly on their website. Prices were all cheaper than the tour companies. They offered a few different packages. We did an all day that went to the far side of the island and then along the north shore to the center. All included for the day (except lunch) plus their buffet dinner and the night time show (I think the show is a must see). NCL's tour leaves in the afternoon - no show. Good luck & enjoy!
  6. Advice - aside from not picking up a 6 year old thread (there are plenty more recent ones regarding POA pre-cruise tours) - don't use the NCL tour. Book your own tour through a local tour company and it can include the Arizona - with priority access. On your own will require a reservation that may prove difficult to get. I arrived 4 days before the cruise and booked a couple of full day tours. I just checked NCL tours - they show post cruise tours. I am only aware of the Cruise Tour option pre-cruise for a few days. This does not include the Arizona on their Pearl Harbor stop. You lose a bit of convenience by doing it on your own, but you have many choices of hotel (instead of one) and can schedule the tours you like - for a lot less money.
  7. Sounds familiar. NCL was happy to apply the military discount to my cruise, shortly after final payment (which is technically too late) as long as my TA requested it. Perhaps because it reduced their commission.
  8. Make that travel time about 20 minutes without heavy traffic.
  9. As to entertainment, I would not give that much thought for now. First of all, the shows that will be there, will be there. Knowing early on might be something to simply be curious about - unless they are so important to you that you would cancel the cruise for lack of interest. Second, there are, typically, only 2 shows that you can make advance reservations for (in the main theater). That will be at 120 days pre-sail; or 125/130 for certain cabins or latitude levels. As to excursions, the actual ones available will show up from a couple of months before to a year before - and not all at once. For research purposes, use the explore tab on the NCL site to search excursions by port . Not all of these may be offered for your cruise, but many will and will give you a feel for what will likely be offered.
  10. NCL appears to have a 4 day 3 night cruise tour in London. Contact your TA (if used) or an NCL PCC to get more info and pricing for your departure date.
  11. Great hotel. Great location. Stayed 4 days pre-cruise several years ago. It was undergoing a full renovation at that time.
  12. Careful with this option - some airlines have a maximum amount of time that you can check bags pre flight. I've had 4 hour limits in the past.
  13. Don't you have to purchase internet in order to get wifi access?
  14. That's if everything goes off on schedule. The ship could arrive late to the port. Or, as I experience just a few weeks ago in Miami, they actually called my group 45 minutes early; got on the line and shortly after it stopped moving - there was a hold up in the customs area. Result - despite early call, we were off much later than expected and we missed our flight from MIA. Bottom line - no guarantees on any times.
  15. Also, note that if al involved users have iphones, and are registered on the ship for internet use (therefore on the ship's wifi) , you can text between phones without paying that $10 per phone.
  16. They are double-talking you about OBC. There is no requirement to ask them to apply that OBC to your CN's - it happens automatically.
  17. Cruise next is for a next (or future, not necessarily the very next) cruise as you purchase it while onboard and you cannot use it immediately. Cruise First - well, does not have to be one's actual First cruise, now does it? Also, it does not have to be your very next cruise as you may be taking a cruise within the next 120 days of the purchase, making the CF not usable until at least the SECOND next cruise. Just sayin'.
  18. Sorry for that confusion. I fully realized what this thread was about - but I took your comments at what was written, with no mention of the air context. Thanks for clearing up the small mystery.
  19. If you really must play on it, how about connecting to a laptop. Smaller, but so much simpler.
  20. I have seen you post on this board many times. So, after reading this one, you've made me curious. If you are so negative on NCL, and, would never even consider sailing with them, why are you spending so much time here? Just wondering...
  21. Okay, I'll give it a try anyway. You buy the 2 certificates, face value $250, for $250 each. NCL immediately credits your ship's account for half that amount, or $125 each, $250 for two. Your only concern to get the maximum value is to spend at least $250 during the cruise. You may spend it on whatever you like. But the key here is that even if you spent not another dime, the $250 credit will go against the $500 you paid for the certs. In other words, you already used that OBC up to cover 1/2 of the cost of those certs. If you spend more for excursions drinks, whatever, you will owe more for those at the end of the cruise for those additional items. Bottom line - you get the certs. at 1/2 price instantly on your account. By them calling it "OBC" is a distraction - it makes you think you need to use it up when in reality it is already used.
  22. We crossed in the daylight. If she transited at the time of that one you observed, the passengers would have freaked out. So, on our cruise we ported near Panama City on the Pacific side; no stop in Colon. My decision was to do the ferry of the train (I love trains). Chose the ferry and it delivered what I had hoped for - that up-close view of the old locks. We went through the first two sets of locks. No idea what the one from the Atlantic side does. As I recall, the whole tour was 7 hours. About $200 full price. A short bus ride to the boat, several hours onboard and about 1 hour bus ride back to the Bliss. I had no issue with the duration. We were sitting on bridge chairs. I was on the upper of 2 decks. They offered free water & soda throughout the whole trip. There was a buffet (served) lunch - chicken, rice, some veggies, apples; maybe another item or 2. Nothing great, but it filled the empty tummy. Easy to roam about the decks to grab views & photos. I'd say it was a lot more revealing than simply riding the rail and looking down at the ships passing through. Not just a long day, but the meet time on the ship was 5:15 AM. Yikes! It was moved up from the original time scheduled by about an hour. I think there were 5 bus loads (a full ferry's worth). They opened the buffet super early so getting breakfast was not an issue.
  23. Yes - it's intended for carry-ons. But even those can be of moderate size, so it's convenient to drop them off for a couple of hours.
  24. I take it that you are on a smaller ship going through the old locks (no mules on the new ones). We were on the Bliss in January, through the new locks - northbound. There was plenty of time for breakfast prior to hitting anything critically scenic, though schedules may vary. As previously posted on this thread, on the port day for Panama, they opened the buffet super early for the early tour folks (I was on it) where we took a small ferry half way through the canal. Now THAT was up close and personal to those locks! Great experience.
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