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Everything posted by babs135

  1. I'm having a senior moment and need help!! Looking at the Queen Anne in August. Is the obc mentioned on the website per person or per cabin?
  2. I understand that kosher fresh packages are now available on some ships. Does anyone have a list of ships/itineraries for 2024 which will be offering these? I'm in the UK and the website is not particularly helpful. Any other information re this would be gratefully accepted.
  3. A week after we've returned from our Christmas cruise I'm slightly surprised to note that this thread is still up and running. Re the smell/toilet flushing, I'm relieved to say that we had no problems with these. Our cabin was on deck 1 and I wouldn't hesitate to book this deck again. However, vibration if you are sitting to the rear of the MDR is very noticeable and I was very happy that our evening table was on deck 3 towards the front. The only grumble I might have is how cold the Winter Gardens was. During the day it wasn't too bad, but by evening time..... In fact, the temperature within the ship fluctuated greatly, I'm not surprised that towards the end of the cruise the 'Cunard Cough' was very much in evidence. Nevertheless, we had a great time and the weather (including the Bay of Biscay) was very kind to us, compared to back home!
  4. Agreed, however first grandchild due soon and as they live abroad trips to see them will obviously take precedence. But between you and me, I'm still hopeful of sneaking in a cruise some point this year. Quite fancy giving the Queen Anne a try.
  5. 0 days to sailing as we've nothing booked 😪. Just thought I'd pop in and say that we'd had a great time on our cruise to the Canary Islands and to wish everyone who is due to sail soon Bon Voyage.
  6. Whilst 8.50am is perhaps a bit late for sunrise, I rather like the photo. Taken on the way back to Southampton from Lisbon.
  7. 2 Days to go! Drive down to Southampton tomorrow and sail on the Queen Victoria on Saturday.
  8. We are sailing on the Victoria this Saturday and our check-in time is a very nice 1.30 pm. The hotel will let us keep our room until 12 o'clock so can we go to the terminal straight away? I would think that by the time we've loaded the car, moved it to an off-site parking lot and been shuttled to the ship it could be about 12.30-12.45 pm. I'm assuming that this would be okay?
  9. For the last two days I've been hearing about people complaining of banging and shuddering on the Victoria. It could be absolutely nothing more than heavy waves, although one person is claiming that they were told that 'something is broken'!! Anyone on board now who can help?
  10. Correct. Apparently taken in the 1990s. Strange how a photo can just capture a moment.
  11. I've borrowed this photo with the permission of the photographer because I really like it. Not really a port and reasonably easy, but just a lovely sight
  12. Agree very much with this sentiment. We've sailed on some of these gigantics of the sea (!) and whilst I freely admit that we did enjoy the cruises - please don't shoot me - we have always returned to Cunard where we feel very much at home. Only 3 weeks until we board the Queen Victoria, but who's counting?!!
  13. Cunard pier runners!! Never thought I'd say that, especially when you think of the usual age of the passengers. Really enjoying this thread as we will be onboard over Christmas and New Year. @LadyL1 What did you do in Lanzarote? We will be there overnight and I'm curious what there will be to see.
  14. With the introduction of bidding for an upgrade I was wondering whether free upgrades are a thing of the past or do they still exist?
  15. 28 days until we cruise and 76 episodes of Grey's Anatomy to watch. It's going to be a tight finish!!
  16. Slightly silly question. We will be on the Queen Victoria for NYE and I'm wondering whether the celebrations are confined to the Queens Room or will there be stuff happening in the Golden Lion or Commodore Club? We were on board last year and spent midnight on deck watching the magnificent fireworks display in Madeira, but having seen it once, may decide to stay indoors. Need to know so that we can get seats!!!!!!
  17. We live in the north west of the UK and although we have travelled to Southampton on the day of sailing it is not really recommended but sometimes the only option. We've stayed at the Elizabeth House Hotel in Southampton which does a very nice breakfast and they will keep your car while you're away and organise a taxi to the port. If you must travel down on the day, then look at Penguin Parking which will shuttle you to and from the port. Regarding your question re ports, I'm not sure what you mean. The website for your cruise, you haven't said who you are sailing with, will have information on them and you can also Google for more information. You've been told where to look here but another site which may help is: Whatsinport.com Please don't hesitate to come back and ask any questions.
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