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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Ee gads, I made it through the day, I still have racing to watch, the mother in law has been called, the dinner with our friend was right on time, and I caught up with the daily! Amazing! @Seasick Sailor Adding Allen to my prayers, and you too. Unless you have "been there" (being the loved one, when something goes wrong with your other half) is so hard to understand how much is knocked out of you in a moment. I get out, as do many on the daily. @USN59-79I was thinking of that song the other day, might it be "Urge for Going" written by Joni Mitchell made famous by Tom Rush? And I get the urge for going, when the summer winds are winding down, all the leaves are turning brown, the evenings empire is falling down, and winters closing in. I was visiting my folks while in MN one winter, and they took me up to Dad's lawyers house north of Minneapolis for the night. Not sure why we spent the night up there, they were partying so I guess no one wanted to drive home drunk, any way I got to stay in the rec room with one of the younger sons, watchin tv, it was New Years Eve, I do remember that. I'm not a sit in the house all day person, I need air, of course I had not been out in the middle of a winter night in MN, but the kid and I went outside, and I got to see the Aurora Borealis! What a treat!! I think back on that night a a gift from God to celebrate the New Years.
  2. The shorter the cruise, the hardier they party. If it's not on the menu, or on the plate you want, order it any way, as long as you dine in the MDR it wont cost more, unless it is stated that it is. Happy cruising, what ever line you are on.
  3. Happy Sunday Dailyites! Penny called yesterday, Jesse's surgery went well (they always says that) they cut on both sides, of course the left side was the worst side, and they took out some of the back of his tongue. He is up and talking, and Penny said the hospital said he may be released later in the day. That was yesterday though, and since he has tubes sticking out of his neck, I did remind her that releasing him in a house that is full of cats and dogs and fur every where, might be a bit hard on him. She had to run and hung up, and I have not heard back from her. I met (over the phone) a bunch of fascinating people yesterday. I was amazed at how many people during the pandemic and post pandemic had joined an online support team. How many people added others to their prayer list, how many people were in the know of about to lose their jobs, and how they were handling it. The plans of how they were changing their lives. I bring my manners to the job, but over the years, my table manners have taken a severe hit. When it comes to flavoring, I love some spices. I think it is fun to spice up my life, but remember some spices dont mix well at all. So when it comes to people, hang with the ones whose spice blends with yours.
  4. @Heartgrove I am a Perez fan. Then Mick, then Bottas. DH is a bit more fickle...Max, Lewis, Russell, well pretty much anyone but Perez. I call Perez, my chipmunk, he's just so cute. Well its the end of my day, so back to the tv, and catch up with the Sprint races. I'm weird I know. http://worth1000.s3.amazonaws.com/submissions/778500/778560_921a_625x1000.jpg
  5. I meant to say that for all our friends here who are suffering from this terrible heat wave, stay hydrated if you can, and i have read that sitting in the heat with a fan on, is not that healthy as it would seem, as the air continues to dry out out. Formula 1 is calling me to the tv, so have a great day!
  6. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites. Thank you all for your posts today, and I will take a break to catch up, not like yesterday! I don't want to sound disagreeable today, but I don't like going to movie theatres, I like the looks of some skyscrapers, but hate to be in them, and I would have to like some type of sport that creates the situation of having a tailgate party, but being neither a fan of football (i like soccer) or baseball, well anything with major crowds that I have be in, I'm not going to be there. In fact, I think the more I isolate these days the more I actually like it. One more week until we cruise, guess I will find out if I can handle crowds. And when I am on a ship, I usually find the quiet places, and plant my butt there. Cats in the movies- @grapau27Thank you for the early morning (to me) breakfast porn. It looks so yummy! @0106Thank you for the recipes, my DH will love all of them. I like the idea of the bacon wrap. @aliaschiefgreat pictures! @kazuThe geese are here! Some group showed up the college around the corner from us, and have taken over the lawns and parking lots. Are they edible?
  7. Thank you all for the Anniversary wishes, we celebrate on the 9th. I am actually too tired today to catch up. This morning I booked our flights to and from Alaska for May, we ended up booking with Alaska Air, or is it Air Alaska....and we upgraded the first half of the flight, but Seattle to Vancouver we just booked cheap. With insurance. And we booked cheap Vancouver to Seattle, and then upgraded ourselves on the long flight back to Atlanta. Getting excited for all upcoming cruises. Hugs to you all. Tomorrow is another long day.
  8. Good Morning Dailyites! Happy Friday! Really, I only know it is Friday because we watched the pre race info for F1 last night. Long day today, and long day tomorrow, and then I am off on Sunday. I dont actually start working until 12, but because it is an F1 weekend , it's a donut run day. @0106 The pictures of the food look great, but not if you tell me it's eel. I'd rather not know.
  9. @lindalerWe get into Mobile on the evening of the 11th, and cruise out on the 12th (our 13th anniversary is on the 9th, so this is our anniversary cruise) We've been together since 2000, but actually made it legal in 2009. 9/9/9. Spending the night at the Holiday Inn Airport. They have a good deal on park and cruise. We have a 10 day cruise and get back into town on the 22nd. I have to drive like a crazy peep back to Atlanta as DH has dr's appointments the next morning, and I go back to work on the 24th.
  10. @Cruising-alongSeveral years ago, at the start of Covid, the couple up the street just disappeared. They had purchased the house, with cats included. One cat disappeared, and the other survived. But while they were gone, and I mean cold winter months for at least 3, their neighbor fed the cat until they ran out of food, I guess, so Chuck and I saw the cat moving closer and closer down the street each day. We figured in a couple more days, he would be living at our house....so every afternoon, we drove up and filled his food bucket up so that there was food, and water. The cat went back home,,And eventually the family came home. And we stopped feeding the cat. I have to admit, that I do care more for animals than most humans. When God was assigning the animals all of their powers, when he got to humans, the human asked for the power that he would get, and God said, your power is to care for the animals. I heard that story years ago, and it hit my heart like a hammer. Even that darn dog that I have walked for a year, is still dear to me. And I finally heard from it's mom, when she got home today. She is working from home tomorrow, as Dragon.con is in town. So today was my last day walking the dog. Back to job #2 now ....
  11. @lindaleryou leave Mobile on the 11th, and I arrive in Mobile on the 11th, really just missed each other! @0106I too had no idea how healthy cabbage was for you. I'm going to have to step up my cooking game. @StLouisCruisersthe dog's mom has never acknowledged my departure. I texted her today and told her that while I said the first I am more than willing to finish out the week. To text me back if that was not her plan. Have not heard from her. So guess I'm still walking today. And tomorrow will be my last day. yippee!
  12. I looked at my papers on the desk and realize that I have thousands of notes to respond to what's been going on here over the week, and didn't get time to send them, so I have been reading and posting pics. With 3 gingers living here, the day will be celebrated. Gingers are known for their loyalty to their owners. But actually they own us, and the love is reciprocated every day. I love cherry turnovers, what is a cherry pop over? Is it the same thing by a different name in different parts of the country? @ger_77 I loved your line the other day of wanting to be Queen of the Universe, that could transport us all to @kazu to help clean. I guess you could transport us to @dfishto have helped with the painting, but I would have to bring my car, as the designated driver for the paint, and extra wine. And actually the car is having surgery this morning. I think I told you guys about hitting the traveling trash can while driving over to Penny's a couple of weeks ago. I broke the glass on the turn signal in the front of the car. In order to fix it, the bumper needs to be taken off, so that is what DH is doing this morning before our drive to Mobile next Sunday. This will just about be the amount of time I think to do such a large undertaking by a man who doesn't see well with only one eye of vision. I opened the back porch door, so in case he has a crisis, I can run out there if I hear him yell. I had 5 sales in the CA campaign yesterday. My best day ever I think working for this company. New leads with people who really love theatre. And we threw in free parking for half of their shows as an incentive. Well, off to fix breakfast, I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  13. I was hoping to find a good picture of drunk painters, but think this will do. But when you need to go get paint, give me a call, cause you need a sober driver!
  14. Happy Wednesday Morning Dailyites! We had a wonderful walk yesterday. Even if we didn't feel better physically, mentally, it was a nice break. We parked, we walked the first part of the woods, crossed a bridge heading towards the meadow, and there were two deer. The meadow was full of flowers, the grass on the trail had just been mowed, and the air was sweet with the smell. It was day two of the California campaign, I've had a sale each day. DH has taken over the cooking of the dinner, but still asks me questions, and while I will serve him dinner when it's ready, he calls me and tells me to fix my own plate. Cant wait for that cruise, when my plate is placed in front of me. I'm a lost yankee living in the south. I hate hot weather. Eating outside during the summer months does not appeal to me at all. In September and October it's a bit better, but the yellow jackets get on the food, and into any canned drink you are drinking. So, that's not too much fun either. December and January sound good. California campaign is inviting me to work on the Holiday. I think I will for 4 hours. This current week will show on my next pay check, the day before we leave. Next week will be on the pay check when I get home. Which will help, because the next pay check will be 0.00 due to vacation. But I work for the vacations. Well it started out that way, now it's the extra cash to be split between the cost of bills going up, and planned vacations. Have a great day! Thank you for all that you do, every day!
  15. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I love all the days. Not sure how to celebrate grief, other than without love there is no grief. So we can celebrate love, and we can celebrate coming through the grief. Beach day? I'm on it! Ray Bradbury is one of my favorite authors. Fahrenheit 451 should be mandatory reading for every young person with a reread when you get to your 50's. I told DH we have to get outside and walk this morning, we are both up, I'm fixing breakfast, and off we go. Have a great day!
  16. Gosh, and I thought I had a terrible doctor, who wouldn't treat me for my cough, because I hadn't done anything about seeing someone else for my cough. My friend Debbie has told me about how much she loves her doctor, and when i asked about it this last weekend, she told me that her doc, has quit office visits and doing telemedicine only. Now, a doc can see so much about your health when you are in the office with them, just by looking at your hands. What if the lighting is off. In my zoom meetings i look like one of the Bluemen group. I am not blue. I think telemedicine is great for psychiatry, but not for health related problems. I think this world has gone to Hades in a handbasket. It has a pretty bow on it, and that bow is called apathy. @Horizon chaser 1957 You waxed poetic tonight with the swallows and the bats. It was beautiful, and I read it to DH and he loved the imagery. When we were not so addicted to TV we would sit out, and count the stars as they appeared, and any thing terrestrial. We would say when things appeared in the sky..., star, star, planet, meteor, bat. Star star, satelite, bat, bat....owl! Now we stay inside and hide from the mosquitoes this year, as West Nile has been found in our county. Cant wait for cooler weather, less humidity and a breeze! @Sharon in AZI have to admit, we aren't flying anywhere, but driving from Atlanta to Mobile, a five and a half hour drive (not including stops at Cracker Barrell for breakfast and lunch). When they check me in I can show them my vaccine status-very up to date, with two boosters. I did get the reservations changed from earn a 1K points night to Park and cruise, which cost 64 dollars more, but they drive you, parking at the hotel is cheaper, and they feed you breakfast, and once I get to the hotel, there is a restaurant right there. In the hotel. Not sure if they have a pool or not. But while I love to swim after a long drive, it's not mandatory. The money is now moved and tomorrow we can order our tickets to fly to Vancouver and back for next May, on my very first HAL cruise. I am so excited, but wish you were all coming with me!
  17. @aliaschief It's nice to have you home. I truly loved your photographs of your trip. Except for great food, and being pampered, I felt like I was walking along with you. It's OK to wake up at 4:30 this morning, nap time will call you back later.
  18. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! @kazu Don't know if you can do this with your bum knee right now, but my old neighbor taught me to clean the floor with towels and my feet. Get a towel (large) wet and plop in on the floor. Put down some cleaning agent, and shuffle across the floor with your feet on the towel. Rinse out the towel with clean water, plop it down again, and shuffle across to get all the soap up, and then one more time. Take a dry towel and shuffle across to dry it up. Then place fan on floor to finish drying. Wash towels. My DH thinks i am crazy doing it this way, but I don't have to get on my knees. I can cling on to the counter so i don't fall, and I can watch tv or listen to music while i do it. I do hope your knee is doing better. We are off to the bank this morning. And then to work. DH started his new meds yesterday, I hope that they don't make him too looney, cause yesterday was not the best. A mini bagel for breakfast, and I bought some Tillamook cream cheese. Trying something new today. I have to call the pre cruise hotel, as I noticed that they sort of got my request wrong...got the directions printed, and I have started packing by putting everything in a drawer, so I can throw it in the suitcase the night before (this is not my style but my available hours are minimum) Have a great day, I like bats, just not if they are trying to eat me, we have bats in the yard at night. Less salt, great idea, love herbs and spices, and when it comes to motorists, I often consider buying a tank, and blasting most of them. Something about how the world went when covid appeared, more red lights are run, more speeding, more recklessness. I also consider not getting in my car most days.
  19. Good Morning Dailyites! It's a Formula 1 weekend. We had dinner with our friend Debbie last night, and rushed home to catch up on all of the F1 racing that we had missed yesterday because of work. Ahh the life of a couch potato. @Cat in my lap The longer I stay in one place, the more it hurts to leave it. I cannot sleep straight through the night. The bed is comfy when I get in, but after about two hours, I wake up (probably because of flying cats) but when I do, I have to move. My Dad would go to bed, wake up after two hours, go sleep in his recliner for two hours, and then go back to bed, and then go back to the recliner. He said the pains were due to aging. Sad, I think I have reached that point too. We have no race day donuts, because we both started work early on Friday morning. I just checked my schedule for this week, 44 hours of work. All starting at noon our time. Start with the west coast calling, and then in the evening, the east coast calling. I need to use my morning time to my advantage. DH is going to be the cook, and I keep telling to choose things that dont need anything added to them, just meat and veggie. Other wise he always asks me for advice, and I will be working. He knows how to follow recipes better than I do, I cook through memory and creativity, and try to use little extras, veggies, spices, etc. So after the race, we need to hunt and eat something, create a grocery list, go pay some bills, and come home and get the house straightened out, oh, and buy DH some slacks for dining in the MDR. Two weeks of work, and then we are on our cruise. Our boarding time is 12:30, and we got all the paperwork and boarding passes printed last night. I noticed that we were supposed to do something through VeriFly, but if we get to the port, and all we have is our passports and vaccine history card, will we be OK? Have a great Sunday!
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