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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Happy Saturday Dailyites! My friend Penny came over yesterday with her DH. They had just come from seeing his new doctor. Jesse has had a lump on his neck for more than a year, he went to see one doctor, and they did a cancer check, and said they could not determine anything from the results. He started getting a new lump on the other side of his neck, and they went back and they ran other test, and again, inconclusive. He changed from the doctors at Piedmont to Emory, and there were no tests, they looked at the medical history file, and it was cancer in his lymph nodes. He has surgery on September 2, and will start chemo and radiation. Could you please add Jesse to your prayers. Jesse has been our kitty sitter for years, and Penny said she would take over this time. What a wonderful friend she is. We leave in two weeks for the cruise that has been changed and postponed, and changed again, and she knew we couldn't cancel it this time. Maybe getting out of her house for an hour or two will make her day better? I cant wait to see the pictures of Mykonos, we will be there next October. I love the quote. Now music on the porch? Front porch or back porch? Every weekend, there are celebrations of some kind in our neighborhood. Music every day. I've got gospel to listen to down the hill in front of the house during the week, and Mexican music to my right down the hill on Saturday afternoons. At least they are not at the same time. I love it, but it would not sound good at the same time.
  2. well, I'm as trained as I will ever be, and the new boss paid me for 2.25 hours of work, even though it took, one hour to print the information, one hour to read the information, one .25 hours of personal training...somewhere I got cut a bit short, and I still have to watch a 45 minute video, and that too is part of the 2.25 that he gave me. I had better sell a whole lot to get those 2.00 bonuses per sale. Hmmmmm. I had a dog for 12 years, she was a terri poo. Looked like Benji. I loved her. She unfortunately loved a great Dane across the street, and ran out when I got home one night from work and got run over. The man i was married to at the time, told me I was not allowed to cry. And I didn't, until i divorced him, and truly got to cry over my dog, and my parents. I am a whole lot more fiesty now, and if someone told me that, i would tell them to blank blank themselves. I have loved all of the dog pictures. The only dog, that I really dont like is that beast I have to walk every day. Again, her mother forgot it was Friday and left me a note, "sorry I forgot it was Friday, oh well. " One last week with this dog. Ahhh, cant wait. Today she went after the neighbor. While he was in his car. He stopped and looked at us, and said to me, as the dogs hair was standing up, and she was growling..."oh you are walking the dog, she and I are great friends." right.... @JazzyVI hope you feel better soon. @irishjimGreat news on those biopsies @aliaschiefthank you for the great pictures, and @StLouisCruisersI truly enjoyed the pictures of Petra. My brother lived in Jordan, and I think he went one time in 3 years.
  3. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! I start my training today, printing my paperwork this morning, watching a video this afternoon, and a training session this afternoon. BUT, I didn't get totally kidnapped. Turned out that the person who told the new boss I was only working for him, and traded me, lied to the California boss, and the VP found out when I copied her on a good bye email to my Louisville campaign. So, no 40 hours with one boss, which would have lead to time and a half, and extra bonuses. Just lots of work hours, but I am glad, because I really like the boss that wouldn't let me go. And I have a job with him when I get back from the cruise. The sad part is that he lied about "he had no problem letting me go for two weeks" because as of the 6th, I wasn't his anymore, I was going to the Asheville campaign. Callers are just pawns for the bosses bonuses. I do believe in equal rights for women, but in reality I have yet to actually see it in action. I also believe in Karma.😉 Who would have thought-Toilet Paper Day- my current fur babies don't celebrate this.
  4. Happy Thursday Dailyites! It's raining this morning, with a chance of rain all day. Well, it is my work all day day. So I'm ok. I have been kidnapped by one of my old bosses for two weeks from my other campaigns. This will be starting on Monday, 40 + hours a week, getting over time, plus bonuses on sales. Supposedly the highest paying gig in the company. One boss will be overjoyed, the other, I am sure who fought so hard to get me on his campaign will not be happy, but how do you fight with the vice president of the company? So my good bye letters will go out this morning, and I will be working 80 plus hours for two weeks. And then get on a cruise ship. With a pay check that will let me pay my bills when I get home from the cruise. And then, I will have to look for another job, as I am blowing off the new gig I was supposed to start the week after labor day. Oh well the sad part is that I will only be able to say hey in the mornings and not catch up for the rest of the day. The Daily is my favorite place to be. I like the idea of a banana split, but I don't like to mix my ice cream flavors up. I'm one of those weird people who open a bag of M & M's and separate all the colors. And then eat them. I will eat one flavor of ice cream with hot fudge on it. Banana not included.
  5. @Quartzsite Cruiser I loved Howard Johnsons. That was our go to stop when we headed up to Boston, the Cape, or the grandparents in VT. I loved the 3D burger. And then, McDonalds happened to my father. He was going up to see his dad in VT, and he stopped at McDonalds, and had a Big Mac. He come home and told us about it, how it was just like the 3D burger, and less expensive, and much faster, and we never stopped at Howard Johnsons on our trips again.
  6. Happy Wednesday Dailyites! It's very humid in Stone Mountain. I was watching the weather for today, probability of pop up showers. And then they showed a large green blob over us for tomorrow. I spent yesterday shopping, but not buying , our flight to Vancouver, a hotel in Vancouver for two rooms, and some excursions in Vancouver before we do the cruise. I called our BFF and told him that we would be staying south of Vancouver because the hotels were too expensive on the north end, near the pier. Sometimes I just get baffled by the onslaught of information that I don't need when I am looking for one thing. So I guess it was good that I had the day off yesterday. The computers got fixed just when I was to start my other gig, so low on hours, high on information. When I was young we often dined at Iconic American Restaurants, because of where we were when traveling. Long Trail Lodge comes to mind. But overall the Iconic restaurants that were important to our family in America, didn't serve American food. They were just Iconic in the part of the country that they were. Not sure if that makes sense, but thinking PaPa's in Tarpon Springs. It isnt there anymore. There was a place on Harwich Port on the cape, famous for clams, not there anymore. Too often new management wants to change the menus to bring in younger crowds, and the old patrons stop coming, and the new patrons, aren't impressed. And then the restaurant closes. Sorry, too much rambling. DH has an eye appointment today. He only has vision in one eye, but that eye really needs glasses! He cant read the subtitles on the TV, and I wont be a passenger when he drives.
  7. My last painting scheme was never fulfilled. I live on a hill, I wanted to get a really large canvas, pour paint all over myself and then roll down the canvas. Of course this would have to be in the middle of the night, and my friend Elizabeth was going to have to hose me off when I got to the street. And of course we would have to do this in summer. It never panned out. The hose didn't go all the way to the street.
  8. @Horizon chaser 1957 OR, perhaps @jphkshas been reading us, and finally realized that with all the wealth of knowledge you all have, it's a good group to ask the question of. So my answer would be never. Unless they are in dry dock, but I am used to cruising on Carnival. A ship returns to the port after a cruise. They throw every one off, and tell them it's over-go home. Then immediately, the beds are changed, the floors are vacuumed, the ship takes on fresh food, and the ship is refueled. Once every one is off, then they start boarding the new folks for the next cruise. They leave that night, so you get thrown off by 9, and the ship sets sail again around 4-7 hours. I cant even get my laundry done in 7 hours.
  9. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I do like the quote. When you walk in someone else's shoes, you do understand how they got to where they are. Apparently there were computer problems that IT is working on, so I will be missing some hours from work this morning. How nice. ?? My boss for that campaign said I could make up the time after my other shift on Saturday. I need to go to the bank this morning, and DH needs to pick up a part on the air compressor that he broke while trying to get air in a tire, that had several nails in it. @kazuI like your baby sitting gig. Those are two cuties. I have to laugh about not letting dogs on the sofa. At book club yesterday our friend doesn't really pay that much attention to her furniture and her cats. Everything is covered with fur, and we have all learned that when we have the book club at her house, not to wear dark clothing. Cats will go where ever they want to be, and apparently they love the sun room. I cover all my furniture with something, and take off the covers right before people show up. There was a cleaning service truck parked in front of her house yesterday, and when we walked in, there was a rumba? vacuum cleaner running through the dining room. I said, I didnt know that they knew how to drive. I hope all of our Texan friends are safe. I do see that the "storm" is headed east, so be safe everyone over the next few days! Have a great day!
  10. Ancestry sent me an update today. I am officially 51% Scandanavian! Guess I will take my stuffed gnome with me when I travel!
  11. @richwmn Thanks, I should never leave the computer without proofing.
  12. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! For all of our Western, Texan and southern friends, stay safe with all your rain. I sent an email out to the book club members yesterday, just to verify that it was today, and I have not heard back from anyone. I hope I don't show up with a huge bowl of salad at an empty house. I have not been to the port, but will be there next October on my Transatlantic trip back home. I loved your recipes this morning @dfish. I know that DH and I can make this. Of course that's when we get over the sticker shock of grocery shopping.
  13. Just got back from the grocery store run. There was a man going up the aisles while we were going down the aisles, and i noticed on the bottom of the cart there was a small animal carrier. At one point i stopped him and asked what was in the animal carrier. He said he works for animal rescue and someone had called about a guinea pig in one of the county parks. He drove up and got two of them. Who would leave guinea pigs out in a park during the worst rains that we have had all summer? And just as he said that the skies opened up again, and the rain just poured! It stopped on the way home, behind us the sky cleared, a rainbow appeared up the street, and then the rain came pouring down again. Now I hear thunder in the distance. I finished the book, then tomorrow get up, fix breakfast, fix the salad for book club and walk the darn dog, and then rush downtown to the book club, then rush back home, and go to work. Two more weeks of dog walking, and then I'm done, Get at least some of my life back. Yippee. my dearest @ger_77 I hope you didn't' think I was making light of you losing your friend. I did not mean to, but in hind sight, I may have sounded trite. I am very sorry that you lost your friend, and I wish you and your DH nothing but happy and joyful memories of her. @Cruzin Terriour weather prediction for tonight sounds a bit like your day. by the way i would leave the house if a tree fell on it. We are surrounded by tall pines, and when we get high winds I often sleep on the sofa in the den, not in the bedroom near the tall and very close to house pines.
  14. @ger_77I am so sorry to read about the passing of your friend. You asked why the good people always seem to pass way too early. I was told that God doesn't want the mean people, and that Satan isn't done with them yet. Thank heavens that we are giving the opportunity to change. @StLouisCruisersThanks for the tip on the headphones. I will admit that since we wear head phones at our job for 6 hours a day, I 'm not sure that either of us would wear them. I just need to get a nice comfy chair for the library and park myself there. But I do like the idea. Then we would always be yelling at each other. LOL Mentally I too think i'm in my 40's, I get great ideas, and then realize what the body can and cannot do. I need to challenge my self more.
  15. @grapau27 Graham thank you so much for posting Father David, and the heads up that he will not be with us the next two weekends. I am supposed to be starting a new campaign after Labor Day, but have not heard from my new manager yet. So not sure when my last days will be with the bosses I have now. Life is weird. No wonder my tummy has gone wonky, stress....
  16. Happy Sunday Dailyites! It's cloudy, dark and we are supposed to get rain for the whole week. I still have to finish the book club book, make two necklaces, do grocery shopping and feed DH and me today before we go shopping tonight. He has a meeting with a friend at 1:30 today, so the house will be quiet. DH doesn't make a lot of noise, but always has the TV on. And since I have the attention span of a squirrel in the traffic, it's best for me to read without noise or distraction. I have no pictures of Boston. I spent a week there every summer of my childhood as Nana and Pa lived in Cambridge. I also remember living with my grandparents for a couple of months, but have no idea why. And I went to college outside Boston, spending Sunday afternoons at Revere Beach or the Commons. I would have my notebook with me, writing poetry on the train, on the beach, in the park, at the bus station, at the airport. Living there or being there was so natural I took no pictures, it was just part of me. Cant wait to see pictures. I don't own this shirt with this phrase, but I feel it. "It's strange being the same age as old people."
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