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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. Not sure the point of thiS post. A rant about internet cost ( it's not wifi). Or is this a rant about speed? It has improved a lot in past few months with new satellite service.
  2. I thought I have read about guest(s) ordering pizza at Alfredo's to go in a box. No?
  3. I have read posts for both. Folks who book 3 and later cancel 1. And folks who have their TA or CVP make the booking stick.
  4. Right, but why do you think the Board cannot do it on their own by passing a resolution?
  5. Reserve Class should be grouped with the Platinums as that is what they did with the former Club Class. Doesn't matter if booked in a Suite or in Reserve. Suites and Elites, followed by Reserve and Platinum is how it should work. Should be AFTER Suite/Elite. Doesn't hurt you if booked a Reserve level cabin. I am quite sure anyone in Reserve is going to be grouped with Platinums and not after them. Yes, agree with your call mention. BUT, a good point is that things are never 100% according to Hoyle, so it is possible some terminal personnel will screw things up from time to time.
  6. Lot of outdated info in that article. Guests are not boarding at 10am. Doors will be open for check-in, but the early arrivers are held in the terminal and assigned boarding groups. Sure, Platinums do get priority, but not with Suites & Elites. They come after (unless someone at a terminal is screwing up the process).
  7. There is no need to book it pre-cruise. You can do it using the App once on board. If you have any OBC, it can help pay for cost of internet plan. You have already given Princess your credit card in order to book a voyage.
  8. Discussed at length in various places in this "master thread" for the new App: Are you using old App or new App? Are you using latest version? The latest release of the new App appears to have corrected the forced entry of a CC for shoreside spending. Several members have posted this on the most recent pages of the new App thread.
  9. Right. But there is a split with Minis. Some Minis are Reserve and many are not. But I do think they are all Mx. That said, the Reserve ones have been M# (as opposed to M<alpha>).
  10. It only makes sense that the more levels you are bidding up, the min bid will be much higher than if looking to bid up only one or two levels.
  11. IMO, if it was S99, it would still be a Suite. Princess' naming system is one thing that is consistent.
  12. It will be Chef's Table on your ship (Chef's Table Lumiere on Royal Class and newest ships). CT exact current price is not readily seen on Princess.com. It was $95 and Lumiere was $115. I believe Lumiere has gone up to at least $125. CT has to have gone up as well. Hopefully someone will post soon.
  13. I guess you have to visit the venue in order to get the casual dining food for free? App ordering means you pay is what I am reading from this (even though you may be entitled to U/L free food.
  14. A guest can always tip more for the food/drink, but you are already contributing 18%.
  15. They do not necessarily need to document it in the Annual Report.
  16. Who knows what the situation will be in Suez Canal region and Israel a year from now? Don't be surprised if there are changes. Hopefully, current conflicts are all resolved well before then.
  17. An FYI for you and curious others. Many agencies use a similar booking engine (background function/feature identical) and the listing of cabins is limited as you saw. Most likely many more available as would be evident if shopping on Princess.com. That booking engine will accept a specific cabin number input if you do not see it on the list but see it available at Princess.com. Lastly we ALL on this forum are wondering what is in PCL marketing head as to why this situation has been occurring at least since sometime early last year (not sure when it started). I wish a TA would ask Carmen Roig or one of her direct reports what is going on there. Is there a CVP that knows WHY this is happening? Anyway, you can do one of two workarounds as has been mentioned in this thread topic.
  18. If you used any OBC at all to pay for some excursions, Princess always restores the OBC before returning anything to a credit card. No matter if you paid full amount by CC for the particular excursion cancelled.
  19. How many of those folks are going to howl when PCL figures out the bug and cancels those reservations?
  20. Perhaps IT team has been working on a random number generator for some other application, but it got added into Princess App, so guests are going to be experiencing random changes to member level, dining times, green/blue lane. medallion delivery, etc. 😝
  21. As we know, the Sun construction has not been completed and behind schedule, hence the delay getting out of the shipyard and workers still on board. This includes a lot of the bathroom plumbing, so they have to stop for a pee break.
  22. Thanks but I refuse to access that platform.
  23. You can edit all of your posts directly for 20 minutes after posting something.
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