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Everything posted by Rogueperson

  1. Words other than Sqeee aren’t available at this time.
  2. 1am and I’m finally at the hotel. I am sharing a two bedroom with a friend of mine and her boyfriend. Lots of little hiccups. Getting ready used to a rental. Its a volkswagen Jetta. My first car was a Jetta. Doesn’t feel similar at all. Big peeve. Its got Apple Play. But all the ports are USB C’s. Useless to me as all my lightning cables have USB As. That look way longer than it should. And the worst part is that it was all me. Administratively, i just walked to the parking lot and picked out a car and drove out. That was cool, Alamo. I get to the hotel. Can’t get the lock to my hotel to engage. Go back several times to no avail. Finally woke up my friend. Reason why the lock didn’t work. They engaged the deadbolt 🤬. Had to go to Walgreens because wife didn’t pack any hair products because she didn’t want them to spill in the luggage. Spent over a hundred bucks!!!!! Tired now, but at least i’m in Florida. Its hot here… Early and long day tomorrow. I’m coming for ya…
  3. Boo Hiss. For some reason, my global entry does not have tsa precheck for some reason. Neither of us did. Not sure why as Global entry has the benefits of tsa precheck.. It could be because the airline can randomly dump the info. Fortunately there was no line at all so little delay. Obligatory wing shot. Still “on time” but at 7:38, I doubt we will pull out by 7:45, but they say we might be early so win win.
  4. 5pm update. My plane is in the air and scheduled to land on time. My flight is on time!!!! I’m about 15 minutes behind schedule but still within tolerance range. My expected arrival time at airport is 6:10. Plenty of time. Plus we have global entry. This is my wife’s first time using the tsa precheck. I specifically planned her application last year to take advantage of it on this trip. I’ve had it since 2021. Getting the appointment was difficult.
  5. What I’m talking about is status matching. Both Wife and I are Diamond Plus on Royal Caribbean. Because i booked before 12/31/23 (I think thats the terms), i was able to match my status and get DBE. I applied and was approved and its on my addon. However, I did not know I had to do that for wife too as I thought it was per cabin, not per person. I submitted an application on Monday for her.
  6. So this is 17 days worth of stuff! This little gadget is absolutely cool and a total impulse buy. It is a luggage scale. 9 bucks off of amazon. Easily weighed my bag and found it was slightly over 50 pounds.
  7. FREE!!! So I packed my jacket as a just in case and the temps right now dropped to 54. I will probably have to break it out for the trip to the airport. As of now, flight is still on time!!!
  8. Good Morning from Maryland. T - 2 days until boarding. 12 hours until flight time. As of now, on-time departure. Its a 737-800. Hmmmm. Wish me luck… We’re packed and ready to go. I still have to go to work, but i’m leaving early. Dobby is now suspicious.
  9. The last time I was in Disney World was in 2011. I remember coffee being in serious short supply and the best I could get was that nasty Nescafe they were offering. I'm glad they have totally upped the coffee game. Love getting a sneak preview before my entry on Saturday. I just found out that Aerosmith Rockin Roller coaster is down on an extended refurbishment. Booo....Hiss....At least Tower of Terror is up.
  10. T minus 2 days until departure. 4 days until boarding. Slight snag. I didn’t know I had to email Virgin to get my DBE for each of us. I did it for only me thinking it was per cabin, not per person. So if this works, that’s an additional $100 bar tab for my wife as well making the grand total $800.00!!! Considering I don’t drink and I was hard pressed to get my 5 drinks/day on Royal due to my Status, my wife will be pretty happy. I called this morning and they say they received the request and its in progress. Here’s hoping. We started packing. Someone keeps getting in our way. She is appropriately named Punk. She is a recent addition to our family only arriving in January. She has the flower of shame because she was recently spayed last week. Can I tell you that keeping her from jumping is impossible!!!!
  11. You can guess I'm going to try and tag you with a picture of the Oasis from the Scarlet Lady. However, you guys leave at 4:30pm, so you're getting a head start in our race across the Atlantic. I don't think we leave until 6:00pm Not quite what we're doing, but I'm picturing it in my head.
  12. Its very likely you'll just see a couple of threads of "Squeeee!!!!!!!!!"
  13. I'm in that area of Silver Spring where Rockville zip code is across the street from me. I moved from Rockville in 2012 to my own place in Silver Spring. It was a 2 minute drive.
  14. Never. Wife and I are die hard fans. We had planned for a big Disney trip in 2020, but, Covid derailed it and we never rescheduled. Rise of the Resistance IS the plan, among others. The problem is my wife does not really do rides, so most of Disney is kind of lost to her. Me on the other hand, I have no problem with most rides. The ONLY thing that gives me pause to get on a ride is whether or not I will get wet. I can get on the tallest, fastest roller coaster with no hesitation or fear, but "hey, wanna go on splash mountain?" I'm like
  15. About 10 minutes from my house. I've lived in this area all my life.
  16. My gut says that the hour change will be mitigated by the sea days itself. Unless you NEED to be up early, the fact that we don’t have anything pressed to be at least in the morning other then breakfast.
  17. I've never splurged on a suite before. But getting my cabin for $1,850 is amazing. My 14 night to Greenland on Royal was $500.00 more and that did not include gratuities. Plus, the $600.00 bar tab on top of that, and $100-$200 additional with DBE because we were able to carry our status over from Royal. Well, maybe, because I screwed up and only applied for myself thinking it was for the whole cabin. I have already submitted it for my wife, so she should theoretically get it because I booked this before the cut off date. Way before. We shall see on that front.
  18. One of the things I noticed is that Virgin seems to cater more to the short 4-5 day cruise as opposed to the longer ones. There are way more of the 4-5 night ones as oppose to 7-8, much less a 14 nighters like this one. I feel like with what Virgin has to offer, 4-5 seems very rushed. Kind of like seeing how Royal Caribbean is scheduling 3-4 nighters on Allure of the Seas. It feels way too much for the kind of stuff they offer. I'm excited. I got such a deal on this.
  19. Hey Hey Hey!!! Stop stealing my idea!!! Dang, you're already there, that means I'm stealing your idea. I'm kind of doing the same thing as you are. No, I'm not on Oasis...I'm on Scarlet Lady!!!! I'm actually flying out on Friday and just doing Disney/Galaxy's Edge on Saturday before I board on Sunday. I thought about taking the brightliner, but i decided on renting a one way car rental, which ended up being cheaper than the brightliner plus, the rentals have a cruise shuttle from the airport. The idea of trusting a train i've never been on was a little anxiety ridden to me. I too am doing a live thread over there, but I'll keep my eye here just to say hi and wave. We might even be within visual range as we're going the same way. We're in Malaga and Valencia together, I think. @little britain can vouch for me as we were in Greenland together. She really added to my live thread on that cruise catching things that I missed. So we're kind of racing to Barcelona, huh. See you in Malaga maybe, or Valencia? 😄
  20. Hello everyone. I'm not a frequent visitor on this board until recently. However, I'm in the habit of posting these live threads. I hope you enjoy my trip as I enjoy writing about it. This is a couple of firsts for me. First and foremost (ha, made a joke), this is my absolute first Virgin cruise, so i'm a bit anxious. I'm normally a Royal Caribbean cruiser, but am very open to other cruise lines as I've done Princess, Celebrity, Carnival and NCL in the past. On this trip, we're leaving Miami and going all the way to Barcelona. 14 Nights!!! This is also my first transatlantic cruise. I'm a bit anxious because this is the first cruise with the most sea days, as well as the most sea days in a row. The record was my Panama canal cruise with 8 sea days total, but they were not concurrent. The most sea days in a row was my last cruise to Greenland where we had 4 in a row. Here, we have I believe 8 sea days. This will also be my first time in Europe, though my wife has been to England and Ireland. But not with me. It will also be my first long haul flight since I was a kid when i flew to Hong Kong. I have not had a flight longer than 4 hours total since then. Its about 40 years now, as when i went to Hong Kong, it was still under British rule. Also tagging @FionaMG as I always do. Hey look, i'm coming to your neck of the woods!!!! My trip actually starts on Friday as I fly out to Orlando. Yes, Orlando, because I'm also taking advantage of the fact that I will be in Florida to check out Galaxy's Edge as I have not done that and have been wanting to since it opened. We had planned on a Disney Trip in 2020, but that died with Covid and was never reinstated. So, I hope you enjoy my trip with me.
  21. Good luck boarding in Norfolk. The one time i sailed out of Norfolk was not the best experience for me. Okay, it was the worst. Its the elevators that take you up that bottlenecks severely especially when everyone arrives all at once. We got lucky because we found the stairs when everyone else was lined up for elevators. It was open to the public. We just took our luggage up and got in line. The staff at the elevator saw us come up and was like “man, wish more people would just do that” At the time, we were late leaving because at 5:30, people were still lined up around the corner because of the bottleneck.
  22. I'm glad I found this review. You have a similar background to me as I'm primarily a Royal Caribbean cruiser, but discovered an amazing deal that got me to book Scarlet Lady. And not just a short one like this one, but a major 14 night transatlantic crossing. I also plan to do a live thread and will definitely tag you for hints and suggestions as well as referring back to this thread.
  23. I'm always curious about the legal ramifications of this. Speed cameras are charged against the vehicle, not the driver. They are like parking tickets. I hate them because they require you to proof you didn't trigger the speed camera or are automatically guilty. There's also a whole hosts of ramifications on why this is legally gray, because unlike a parking ticket, a vehicle cannot speed by itself and must have someone actually doing it, but you're trying to hold the car and its registered owner responsible for all its actions. This is specifically true here, as a corporation literally cannot drive a vehicle. I always thought the rental company would just charge you the fine and a "service charge" to do so as the rental company would be on the hook for the fine as owner of the vehicle.
  24. I was at 96. My double point cruises put me just over 176 on last year's Greenland cruise.
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