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Everything posted by cunnorl

  1. @dfish a very Happy Birthday to Sue! May she enjoy many more
  2. @Scrapnana So happy to see you cruising again! Have a wonderful time.
  3. Good Morning from a warm and cloudy day at the beach Never liked Fanny paks, still know a few people who use them. Genealogy is interesting. My family tree is quite straight forward, DH family has roots everywhere. Yesterdays golf tournament was a great success. Everything worked out despite the hiccups in planning. My nephew won. Yeah! I was the designated putter for my team. Happy to say, I made 8 out of 9 putts including a few long ones. @kazu Thanks for the kind words yesterday. This hip thing is from years of lifting my DD. It has been awhile since it acted up and seems to be doing better. Going to walk in the pool today and that always helps. @grapau27 My deepest condolences for Sarah on her Dad's passing. I will keep your whole family in my thoughts and prayers. Only remember the memories that give you comfort. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  4. Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach Why would being nasty have its own day? I try very hard to avoid people that are nasty. I will celebrate Women on this Womens Day. Not sure that todays port is really a port. We sailed thru that area on our 2022 circumnavigation. Not much to see from the ship. I think the beauty is below the surface. Today is our Golf tournament. Unfortunately I injured my hip and cannot play I tried going to the range yesterday to see if I could swing. Not a good decision. So one of my friends will hit in my place. I will just ride around with my team. So disappointing but not much to complain about, given what others are going thru. I will still attend the awards dinner. DH will bring DD down. We set up the hall yesterday. It will still be an enjoyable day. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  5. @sailingdutchy Great pictures! A very Happy Anniversary to you and your bride.May you enjoy many more
  6. @RedneckBob Happy Birthday!! May you have many more!
  7. Good Morning from a warm and cloudy day at the beach Interesting collection of days. I wonder how they get a day? Have not been to todays port. @Quartzsite Cruiser A very Happy Birthday to your DH. @Heartgrove Very sorry to hear about Sam. Never easy. You gave him a couple of wonderful loved years that he probably would never have enjoyed without you. @cat shepard Hope your DS is doing better today Taking DD to her 6 month check up today. She is such a champ, I know she gets nervous but she does very well. Never even flinches with her blood work. Putting the last of the details together for Fridays tournament. Made the final payment for the VOV. Finally got a rep who knew what they were doing. The PCC I booked with is no longer with the company. I usually pay online but have not been able to do that due to website glitches. Oh well. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  8. Good Morning from a warm but cloudy at the beach Good selection of days. As I am the caregiver for my DD, I know how hard it is. It is something that involves you emotionally, physically and financially. But she is my heart . She has taught me what is truly important in life and not to sweat the small stuff. @cruising sister Excellent news on Baby Murphy! @cat shepard Glad your DS is able to eat. Hopefully with more rest and time, she will regain her strength. @0106 Have a wonderful trip! Heard yesterday that Port Canaveral is taking land by eminent domain to build another terminal. Some upset people. They really need to improve the access roads to the port. It is a red hot mess there somedays. Not much on my agenda today . Have to post the tee times for Fridays tournament. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  9. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit Good morning from a warm but cloudy day at the beach i am off to an eye appointment early this am. Wanted to wish all the Dailylites a warm welcome to March. Be back later charlene
  10. @aliaschief Is today your Birthday? A very Happy Birthday to you!
  11. I think the teenagers and you would enjoy the area downtown by Coconuts. The beach is a nice sandy beach. the pier area can sometimes be gravely. There are lots of food and drink options . Coconuts provides beverage service on the beach. Plus there are lifeguards, some beach areas do not.
  12. The sweater is beautiful! Looks like you are having a great time and enjoying every opportunity! Thanks for all the updates. Loving it!
  13. Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach Presently 71 and suppose to hit 80 today. Hopefully the crazy weather is behind us. My company left yesterday after a very full but fun time. Then some cruise friends stopped by on their way back to Canada. They spent the last 2 months in Naples. They were here on their way down also. It was great to see them. So between all my company and trying to tie up loose ends with the golf tournament, I have been very busy. All good. @cat shepard Ann, Wishing your sister a quick and uneventful recovery. That is scary stuff. We were in Tonga in 2022. Loved it there. The people are so welcoming. I will pull up some pictures. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  14. Some pictures of Phillips Island. We went on an excursion there in 2022 from Melbourne. Went to the Penguin Parade. Rainy cold night , best excursion ever. We loved it!
  15. So sorry to hear you had to go through all that! I am very happy that you are on the road to recovery. Take it easy and follow your doctors orders and you will be dancing again soon!
  16. Good Morning from a sunny and warming day at the beach Interesting collection of days. I have not been to todays port, thanks for the pictures. @richwmn Sorry you are missing Kangaroo Island. New Zealand is very serious about the condition of the ships hulls. Last year when we there on the Noordam, 2 ships were denied entrance to Fjordland , one was a Princess ship. We were ok., hope you will be also. @JazzyV Wishing you the best today. Hope it gives you relief. I am still working on the catering issue. Hope to resolve today. My SIL, her sister and cousin are coming for the next 5 days. They will be here shortly. They will keep me hopping , thats for sure. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  17. Good Morning from a cool but sunny day at the beach Good selection of days. The quote is pretty accurate. Never been to the port. Sounds like everyone is enjoying their cruises despite a few bumps along the way. Been busy here with a few things going on. Our annual golf tournament is coming up on the 8th and now the caterer is backing out. Going to another place this afternoon. Doing the membership drive for the library and budget time is approaching. I am thinking of not seeking re-election for the board. It is getting a little too much. Our volunteers are aging out and the young ones are too busy with other things. I get it. Young mothers have the PTA, soccer clubs , working, etc that take their time. But all want the programs. We will see. Golfing this afternoon with my son. It will be fun! Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  18. @cruising sister Great news! What a cutie! Warm thoughts and prayers to that sweet baby and her family. Hope to hear that she will be heading home soon.
  19. I love Crazy Shirts! I have a few pair of their shorts. They are so comfortable. Safe travels home.
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