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Everything posted by cunnorl

  1. Cant argue on that point Roy. Orlando has really wicked traffic and crazy impatient drivers. It was one of the reasons we moved to the beach after retiring. Have a wonderful trip!
  2. Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach I really enjoy piano music, it is very relaxing. Love a good Cappuccino. Xray was a very important discovery. It has advanced to even more sophisticated testing. Spacex is launching so many satellites that Star Link must be everywhere by now. There was another launch last nite just after midnight. My windows were rattling. Golf this afternoon. Should be great without all the wind! Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  3. Good Morning from a getting warmer and sunny day at the beach Wind not as bad but the ocean is still very choppy. Rip currents are a big problem. Meal suggestion sounds good. Thanks Debbie @dfish We were scheduled to go to Komodo Island on the Noordam in 2022 but their government would not let the ship in. I guess their rules have changed again and are now allowing ships. Will have to try again. @StLouisCruisers Adorable picture of Elliott Rose. She looks very happy. @rafinmd Safe travels today. Hope you have a wonderful cruise. Glad you are feeling well enough to travel again @grapau27 Happy to hear you had a good appointment with the cardiologist I used Luggage Forward for the 1st time on our last trip. Loved it. Will continue to use them. By the time you add up airline fees and we need a bigger taxi/uber the price is not too bad. Doctors appointment this afternoon and a few errands. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  4. Good Morning from a sunny and bright day at the beach No wind at present. Hope it stays away for awhile. Not a football fan. I do like Chinese food but there are no Chinese restaurants here. We were in Kona in 2022 on the Noordam. We have been there a few times. We walked to Walmart and then just meandered around the town. Waded in the water next to the tender port. It is a great little town. Driving my nephew and his GF to the port today. They are taking a 5 day on MSC. They really like that line. @smitty34877 Was thinking of you yesterday. Glad the Memorial went well. Hope everyone has a pleasant Sunday. Charlene
  5. Good Morning from a very windy day at the beach The temperature is warm but the winds are intense. Huge whitecaps on the ocean. It has been this way all week. I played golf on Wednesday and it did me in. Playing into the wind was difficult. Our course is divided into 3 separate 9 hole courses. 2 were reserved for a high school girls tournament. There were 200 girls from all over the state. It was fun and exciting to see such youth and enthusiasm playing golf. So between all of them, their coaches and parents it was quite busy. I cancelled water aerobics for this AM. Just too windy ! Lots going on with everyone. I was thrilled to see the update on Baby Murphy. Will pray that she continues to thrive. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  6. Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach Feels like the high winds have finally settled down and the ocean appears calmer today. The last of my company leaves today. They wore me out. @StLouisCruisers Sandi thanks for all the great pictures of Belfast. We are scheduled to go there next summer on the VOV. I have booked an excursion to the Giants Causeway. I do like Candy corn but have not had any in awhile. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  7. @grapau27 Graham, Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy many more. Have a great day!
  8. Ann, Love your map! It is so true. I grew up in Woobin (Woburn) and have to spell it so people understand. My DH claims he is my interpreter. Even though we were transferred to Florida with the space program 35 years ago, I still talk like a Bostonian.
  9. I have been using the gift cards to make payments online without difficulty until now. I have tried several times without success. Same experience as you. I am going to try to call HAL today which I really dont want to do.
  10. Good Morning from a cloudy day at the beach Currently 70 degrees, going to low 80`s. Nice weather. Stockholm is on my list. We were scheduled to go there but the Pandemic cancelled it. I would love to see the Vasa and ABBA museums. I am a big fan of ABBA. Still listen to their music. Havent posted the last few days but have been following. Been kind of busy here. My sister arrives tomorrow and my SIL and her sister arrive on Thursday. Always nice to see everyone. Have been trying to make a payment on my HAL cruise. Usually do it online without issues. I put it all the info and hit submit and it starts over. Have tried several times over the last few days. Will have to call which I hate to do. Continued prayers for everyone. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  11. Good Morning from a " warming" day at the beach It is currently 67degrees but warming to 80. It is fall after all @SusieKIslandGirl A very Happy Birthday to you. @Seasick Sailor A very Happy Birthday May you both have many more @superoma Interesting survey on library use. I am on the board for our library here. We have a very active library with many programs and classes for all ages. What is interesting is that many use the online program for ebooks. Because we have many seniors here who prefer a book, there is a drop off and reserve where they will deliver to the car. Our library is very active for such a small town. Off to water aerobics Stay safe and enjoy today
  12. Good Morning from a cool but sunny day at the beach It is presently 61degrees and only going up to 70. I opened all the windows to get some fresh air, first time since March! No longer have a boss and I really like pasta in all forms. We went to Fakarava on the Eurodam in 2019. Beautiful island, will post pictures later. All is quiet here today. It seems everyone is going off on cruises. My sister is a big RCL fan and she is on a repositioning trip and will end up in Miami. She and her DH will drive here and spend a few days before going back to Boston. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  13. @NextOne Hope your surgery goes smoothly and you are feeling better soon. It will be great to have your sister with you during the recovery. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. Good Afternoon from a warm and sunny day at the beach Played golf with my wonderful son this AM. Beautiful morning and the greens are drying out after all our rain. We were in Victoria in 2014 and went to Butchart Gardens. Loved it and it is on the return list. Funny story about our visit. The next day we were scheduled to fly out of Vancouver to home. DD`s wheelchair did not pass the "bomb test". We were all frantic trying to figure out what was wrong and if we would miss our flight. My BIL finally said to the agent that we were at Butchart Gardens the day before. Next thing they are on the phone and then we were whisked very quickly to our plane that was ready to depart. Seems they called the Garden and some type of fertilizer was just used. It must have picked up on the wheels of her chair. They wiped down the chair and we were off. Quite an experience. Hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  15. Cloudy and windy here at the coast. No rain as yet and no tornadoi warnings. I am suppose to go to Orlando this afternoon for an appointment and I am debating cancelling it. There is nothing worse than being on the Beeline (528)in a storm! Hope you stay safe and out of harms way.
  16. @cruising sister Happy Birthday. Hope you enjoy many more
  17. Good Afternoon from a very rainy day at the beach I am one of 3 girls and have 1 daughter. I was an ER nurse for 25 years. I always tell people I saw things that people would say would never happen. It was a difficult job but I loved it. @Nickelpenny A very Happy Birthday even a day late. May you have many more. I saw a new Doctor today. My previous one has gone to concierge service and I am not paying that. I think that is crazy. I like the new one, my kids and DH also go to him. He has advised me to get the flu, pneumonia, Covid and Shingles vaccine. Jeez So tomorrow I will go to Publix to start them. Not getting them all at the same time. Stay safe and enjoy today
  18. @Cruising-along We were in Wellington last December. DH had planned to ride the cable car both ways with our DD. A very nice guide at the top gave us the map ( same as Sandi`s) and told us it was accessible to walk thru the garden back to the city. It is beautiful walk, a little steep in places but an elevator was by the gift shop that helped in one area. We only had one issue with stairs and we had to backtrack thru a different exit. Still ended up by the " Beehive". The gardens are beautiful and well worth a visit.
  19. Good Morning from a very cloudy day at the beach Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian friends! Hope you all enjoy this day. I am currently watching the Zuiderdam sail across the bay to Port Canaveral. Beautiful site ! That is the next ship we are booked on but not until the VOV in July. Difficult wait! We finally had DH Bday dinner. Went to a German restaurant in the Village. His choice. It was good and we were able to eat outside. The Village is in Cocoa which is about 10-12 miles from here. It is a nice area with unique shops, restaurants, and a Community Theatre. It took a terrible hit during the pandemic but it appears to be back in full force. Nice place to visit. Off to water aerobics. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  20. Good Morning from a cloudy but warm day at the beach No Motorcycles here, I do enjoy most types of music and I dont play tag anymore @cat shepard I think the Pelicans are all here. We were on the beach yesterday and they were everywhere! In fact I see a group of them flying around this AM. I am so saddened to hear about what is going on in Israel. When is this madness going to end? @HAL Sailer Glad to hear that your DH is improving. Will keep you both in my prayers. @Horizon chaser 1957 Have a wonderful and safe trip. We are going to try again today to go out for DH`s Birthday dinner. We were all rained out last week on his actual Bday. They opened the golf course for limited "cart path only" play. Hope to get out on Tuesday. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  21. Karen, I have a Bosch which I got a few years ago. I bought it to replace a 3 year old Kitchen Aid. I bought the Bosch after much research and recommendations. I am happy with it. It is very quiet, the only way I know it is on is the little red light that shines on the floor.
  22. Good Morning from a warm and cloudy day at the beach At least it is not raining at present. Our golf course remains closed. I may have to take up @RedneckBob advice and go to Tampa to golf! We missed Albany due to weather. So thanks for the pictures. I agree with Sandi @StLouisCruisers, an Australian circumnavigation is a great trip. We totally enjoyed ours last fall. I will be happy to see a BHB in Port Canaveral today. Will have to do a drive by as it is very rare, only when doing a repositioning in the fall season. Off to water aerobics. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  23. I was booked for this trip and was really looking forward to it. Unfortunately I had to cancel due to an unexpected surgery. I will be following along and enjoying the trip thru your eyes. Enjoy!
  24. Glad you arrived safely. Getting there is a chore in itself now a days. Rest and enjoy your latest adventure.
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