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Everything posted by cunnorl

  1. We are at the Hampton Inn Seaport which is less than 5 minutes from the ship. what a nuisance for you! Did you try any car rental agencies?
  2. Good Morning from a sunny day in Boston Space exploration is important. Don’t think I would care for the meal and have never been to to todays port. Sandi @StLouisCruisers good luck with your flights. Not a good way to end a wonderful vacation! I can see the Zuiderfam from my hotel window. Received an email that departure is delayed until 7:30 to accommodate passengers who had cancelled flights yesterday. Had a great day with my relatives yesterday. Lots of food and laughter. My DSIL gave me a great picture of my myself with my brother that passed a few years ago. We were standing on the Green at the local golf course. A few tears but many wonderful memories. @Seasick Sailor sorry to hear yesterday’s news. Will keep your sister in my prayers. @kazu hope you are doing better stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  3. Good Morning from a beautiful day in Boston. Up very early because it gets light here much earlier than at home. We had a smooth and uneventful trip here yesterday. Staying at the Hampton Inn and it is literally a 5 minute walk to the terminal. I have family that live just north of here and we are spending the day with them. It will be fun! @Lady Hudson a very Happy Anniversary to you. May you enjoy many more! Sandi @StLouisCruisers I will wave to you tomorrow! Safe travels home! Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  4. My neighbors are currently on the Volendam. They received a 100% refund to switch cabins from a balcony to an obstructed ocean view. This was the day before the cruise. They took it. Dont know any other details until they return.
  5. Good Afternoon from a sunny and warm day at the beach Have not been to todays port, thank you for the great pictures. @Crazy For Cats A very Happy Anniversary to you and Juan. Hope you have a wonderful day and a very special celebration later. @kazu Glad that Ivan is doing better. Will be thinking of you for your procedure. Praying for successful results. @smitty34877 Glad that your DB can stay for a few extra days. Always great to have extra help. You are an amazing woman! I just received the dreaded email from Delta stating we may have weather delays tomorrow. The joys of travel. From what I am understanding from my Roll Call, people all across the country are getting the same notice. We will see, nothing you can do about weather. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  6. We were on the cruise with her when they were filming a commercial for the then brand new Destiny. Frank and the kids were with her. It turned out to be a very interesting cruise. Many areas were restricted and the "extras" for the commercial were not happy. Carnival kept throwing all these drink coupons at us regular passengers. So we of course had a great time!!
  7. @cat shepard Ann, Thanks for the info. I really enjoy aquariums. I tend to go to them wherever I go. I will have to come up to Daytona in the fall and check this one out. I am off to Orlando for a cut and color for me and a cut for DD. Had the worst mani yesterday. I am never going back there again and it is one I use regularly. When I got home, I logged on to my HAL account and booked a mani for Monday at a precruise price! $41 . Not bad at all!
  8. Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach Our typical summer weather continues. Gummi Worm day? Who comes up with this stuff? LOL. Have not been to todays port. Quote is strange. Havent posted much lately but have read when I can. It has been crazy busy here between getting ready to go away and events. Today is nails, tomorrow hair. Our luggage was picked up last week and is progressing north. So I will just have 1 suitcase and 1 carryon. Makes life so much easier. We leave on Thursday and board on Saturday as Sandi is getting off. @kazu Hope all goes well with Ivan and yourself. Extra prayers headed your way. @cat shepard Where is the new aquarium in Daytona Beach? I had not heard about it. They are also building one at Port Canaveral. @Quartzsite Cruiser and @Seasick Sailor Good Luck to both of you for your DH`s appointments today Extra prayers for our Nation. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  9. @Seasick Sailor a very Happy Birthday to Allen! Hope he enjoys his special day!
  10. We will be boarding the Zuiderdam on the 20th. I would very much like to avoid long lines and waiting around. We would like to drop our luggage early and then go to lunch. Come back later. Do they allow that in Boston?
  11. Just watching our local news and they were talking about the Hurricane. Extra thoughts and prayers to our Dailylite friends in Texas along with their friends and families. Stay safe!
  12. Sandi @StLouisCruisers Do you know if Daniel is staying on for the VOV? He was our CD on the Noordam for our Australia/New Zealand trip and he was wonderful! Great story teller.
  13. Have a wonderful trip! Very exciting for your friend!
  14. Good Morning from a bright and warm day at the beach Nice selection of days, although not sure I have been to a dive bar. DH and DD go for walks frequently, although in our case, he pushes her WC. The meal sounds wonderful. Never been to todays port. Thanks for the pictures. Played golf yesterday. Tee time was 7:31. It was already warm and no breeze. Our course usually has nice breezes because it is along the River. Not yesterday! RCL new ship arrived here this week. There will be a big celebration at Jetty Park and the Port. I just cannot imagine being on a ship that big. I prefer small ships. Today we will be packing. Luggage being picked up on Thursday. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  15. Pete and Judy, Again thank you for taking us along on this wonderful journey. Your posts are always so upbeat and informative. I really enjoy reading them. Until the next time... Safe travels home.
  16. Good Morning from a very warm day at the beach Bright blue skies and no wind. Feel like temps are expected to be 110. Happy Independence Day to all my American friends. A very important day in our history. I do enjoy country music. I like hot dogs. Gibralter is on our WC itinerary so thanks Sandi for the pictures. I am following Sandi @StLouisCruisers experiences. As we will be getting on the Zuiderdam for the VOV as she gets off. From hearing about the temps, I am glad I made a few purchases from LL Bean for cool weather. We dont have any plans for today. We decided to just stay home and relax. Although I certainly have enough to do to keep me busy. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  17. Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach No rain here and none expected. But who knows? I try not to use plastic bags . I love fried clams and would love a fried clam roll. Hope to have a few while in Boston in a few weeks. There was a launch very early this morning waking us all up. Windows were really rattling and it was louder than normal. It set off a few car alarms in the neighborhood. @kazu I am sorry to hear of what you are going thru. Hopefully the stints will take care of the problem. @cat shepard I am right there with you! I was at the gas station yesterday with my new car and didnt know where the release was. So no gas for me. Had to look it up in the manual! So my wonderful nephew took it back to fill up. Why are things so complicated? Water aerobics this AM. I am debating on playing golf later this afternoon. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  18. Joy, Please know that we will keep your sister in our thoughts and prayers.
  19. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian friends! It is a warm and sunny day at the beach Storms all around us yesterday but nothing here. Have Water Aerobics this AM and then lunch with a few friends. Then I have to start organizing clothes, etc for the cruise. Had to buy a new suitcase as one was destroyed on our last trip. Shipping 2 which will make it easier. It will be a busy week here with the Holiday. Cocoa Beach cancelled their annual fireworks display. Not sure a lot of people know that. It has been an annual event for many years. So there will be some disappointed people. Not much else going on for me. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  20. Good Morning from a warm and cloudy day at the beach Do not know what the weather is going to do. Dont think that hurricane is coming near us but you never know. Have to stay alert this time of year. Although in my almost 40 years of living in Florida, this is early for hurricanes. I am not a fan of lobster. Do occasionally like a good lobster roll. The quote is a good one. Never been to todays port. Ann @cat shepard I have been known to jump in the pool with my clothes on, especially after golf. I also went in the ocean at Fakarava. It was so hot! I was dry but the time I walked back to the tender. Nothing much on the agenda today. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  21. Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach Storms came through late afternoon yesterday and stayed until about 7pm. We did not get the strong winds and hail that was all around us. Suppose to be a repeat today. Being Lightening aware is very important. Cant believe the number of people that stay on the beach and the golf course even when the sirens are going off. As a former ER nurse, I saw the result of those that ignored the warnings. Never been to todays port. Got an email today from Luggage Forward stating no air tags. I was surprised because I asked about them when booking and told it was fine. Last day of the month so counting money day at the library. Then lunch with friends. Golf early tomorrow morning. Have a great weekend Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  22. @Vict0riann Praying for an excellent outcome for your surgery. Wish you a quick and uneventful recovery.
  23. Ann @cat shepard We were all definitely watching. It never gets old. In fact a bunch of my neighbors had a "Watch Party" on the beach Were you down here or at the beach in Daytona?
  24. Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach It has been awhile since I paddled a canoe. Those pesky bar codes, sometimes hard to find. I was never a Harry Potter fan, but DH is. The meal sounds interesting. Never been to todays port. @mamaofami Happy Birthday ! Have a wonderful day. Spacex launched the new weather satellite yesterday on a Heavy. It is suppose to be able to see hurricanes and storms very early. The weather people are all excited about it. We will see. No word yet on when the Starligner is returning. It is very concerning. Water aerobics this AM and trivia this evening. Booked Luggage Forward yesterday for my VOV trip. It just makes it so much easier. They are picking up 7/11. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
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