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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. If I remember correctly, it's going to be unavailable until 2024 at the earliest. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. Although I have a thousand other things I should be doing, it's interesting listening to the captains of the different small vessels talking to the harbor master. Some of them are mumbling incoherently, while others are perky, bright and clear. I think I'd prefer to be on a perky boat.
  3. The way they're going this afternoon, you've got time to go make some coffee, grab a sandwich, run a bath, take the cats for a walk . . . . . LOL
  4. I have a question - why are ships departing at 3PM now rather than 4 in previous years?
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We enjoy bacon, whether at home or on a BHB. I'm not into resolutions, so will take a pass on that and am definitely not a fan of enormous changes at the last minute, especially these days when it comes to air travel. @lindalerwhile I'm glad they've finally located your luggage, I'm sorry you're still having to live out of your carry-on. I'm using you as an example for what will go in ours, and have a contingency plan in place in the event that our luggage doesn't make it to FLL with us. I've scoped out the nearest stores (Ross, Walmart, Old Navy) to our hotel and if they haven't arrived by the day before we sail, we are going shopping. Today is going to be busy - we have to get to the bank to withdraw our U.S. funds, make a stop for a gift card for the lady who took care of Sochi while we were away last week, drop a pot of soup off for a friend who isn't well, and then finish the packing. I've got most of it done, now I have to list everything in the suitcases so DH can find his things without rifling through every bag. It will be good to be on the ship and unpacked; I'm not a fan of living out of a suitcase. I think I'd like to try today's menu suggestion, but another time. It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll check the online menus to see what appeals to us. It'll be pizza at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them, especially the people impacted by the storms and the people of Ukraine who are still so brave. Cheers to all with celebrations. Be safe, stay well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Hurray for Mongolian independence, I'd love to have a pepper pot today, and I thought tick tock day was for people who collect clocks... who knew?!? Well yesterday we got a lot more snow than we bargained for. When I looked out first thing in the morning, I knew there was a new snowfall that would require us bringing out the little snowblower, but wow, did I underestimate the depth! After DH and I bundled up with our heavy coats and high boots, we discovered our driveway had drifted in completely and was nearly hip high. I started to shovel a path to where the little snowblower was kept, but our neighbour was out with his big machine already and signaled that we should just go back into the house and he would do our driveway. Bless him - he did the driveway and front sidewalk as well. The streets were an absolute mess; as DH had to return to the denturist for an appointment, he made sure to call ahead, because the denturist lives on an acreage. Apparently the fellow had just barely made it into the office, having gotten stuck a couple of times en route. Thank goodness our Ford Escape is a heavier vehicle with good tires, because although DH said he slid around a couple of times, he didn't get stuck, as he had seen many others do on his trek across the city. I woke up at 2:28 this morning . . . typical pre-cruise excitement for me, but tiring none the less. I'm pretty sure a nap is in my afternoon plans today. This morning we have our pedicures, and I have more packing to do once we get home, but other than that there's nothing on the agenda. I do, however, keep checking on our flights and the weather here, in Toronto (where we change planes) and in FLL; so far all is looking good for Monday. Keeping my fingers crossed. I'm going to give today's menu suggestion a pass - I don't think either of us would appreciate it. We still have salmon left from last night, so I'm going to make something we haven't had in years - creamed salmon and peas on toast. A comfort food meal that seems appropriate in the cold, dark of winter. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is needing them, cheers to all with celebrations. Stay well, be safe. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  7. Your call is very important to us, please stay on the line and an agent will be with you as soon as possible. Yeah, sure.
  8. I'm done for the day as well; thanks everyone - this was short but sweet. See you next time!
  9. Oh my, that could take a lot longer, according to what I'm hearing from others having to do the same.
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I don't recall hearing about Holy Innocents Day, but in catechism class at school, I remember the story of Moses being hidden in a basket in the reeds. Strange, the things we remember from our childhood. DH is always downloading things and I keep telling him to stop or we'll end up with a virus. I think I'll call a friend today, thanks for the reminder. We had snow again overnight - about 4" of the stuff came down. Fortunately, it's light and fluffy, not wet, heavy, heart-attack snow. DH has to go back to the denturist for a re-lining of his plate this morning, so we'll have to get the little snowblower out to clear the driveway. I noticed our back patio was shoveled clear, so at some time during the day, the folks from the Crocus Co-op for people with mental health disabilities must have arrived and made it accessible for us. Bless them! Well the suitcases are out on the spare bed, and I've started going through the clothes to see what gets packed and what stays home. The carry-ons are on the floor, so Sochi has been inspecting them inside and out to see if there's room for her to come along. She doesn't go on the beds, so whatever luggage is there is safe from her long hair. I'll have to make sure to use the lint brush on the inside of our carry-ons, though, as she's sure to have left her calling cards in both of them. @lindalerOh, I hope they are able to locate your luggage . . . I can't imagine how you're feeling. I like today's menu suggestion, but DH doesn't care for broccoli - I could make it with cauliflower, provided I had chicken on hand. Unfortunately, I don't even have turkey, as we left all the leftovers with our family in Calgary, rather than toting it home with us. DH mentioned we hadn't had salmon for a while, so we'll be having baked salmon with rice pilaf and mixed vegetables at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for those in the path of the storms. Cheers to all with celebrations in their life. Be well, stay safe. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  11. @SusieKIslandGirlHappy Anniversary to you and DH! Sorry DDIL didn’t get discharged today, and that their expected trip is now off the books. Hopefully she’ll be feeling better soon, and that you and DH can celebrate by going out when you get home. @Vict0riannglad you arrived safely; Bon Voyage to you! @StLouisCruisersits good to be safe at home after a long day of driving. Enjoy the rest of your own bed tonight!
  12. I mentioned freezing rain - but it wasn't for us, it was a couple of hours west of here. And yes, DH did get there; he was the first patient through the door when they opened at 8 this morning. He now has a tooth on the partial plate and will return tomorrow where they will reline it so it fits better. DH thought it better to pay $600 now for a relining of the plate, rather than $3200 for a new one. He said "I'm 81, almost 82, how long does it have to last?" LOL
  13. Well that does it for me - time to be adding things to that turkey soup on the stove; the house smells good already! See you next time; thanks everyone!
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