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Everything posted by csm5986142

  1. Thanks for posting! Even though we have been on many cruises since the restart (and have several booked) I rarely get emails from Carnival (seems to be glitch in either my system or theirs). So I appreciate seeing communication others are receiving.
  2. I have been getting the same error for days (was waiting to see if anyone else mentioned it). Ordinarily I would call Carnival to ask about it, but I have no desire to do an Australia cruise.
  3. I was just thinking the exact same thing (totally agree). Fortunately our 16-day Panama Canal cruise isn't until next fall, so I'm thankful this craziness should be over by then.
  4. I hadn't noticed the increase in prices, but I just priced our New Year's Eve cruise on Jubilee (booked around the same time you did) and I am shocked - it is over 4 times as much to book it right now. Wow.
  5. When the breakfast buffet was chaos up on lido, we found that Pig & Anchor had the same buffet (including the omelet station) but we never saw more than about 10 other people there. It was so nice/calm/quiet. I have now booked our cabins (on Mardi Gras, Celebration, and Jubilee) taking into consideration its proximately to this venue.
  6. I was going to say the exact same thing. We have been on Mardi Gras twice (once in an extended (hump) balcony room and once in a Havana Cabana) and we couldn't figure it out either.
  7. I guess I missed that - it was a rental car shuttle, and yes, policies certainly could have changed in the last few months. Sorry I missed the obvious.
  8. We took a shuttle to Port Canaveral on April 2nd and arrived at approximately 10:10 am, so that does not make sense to me.
  9. We were on the Miracle out of San Francisco over the 4th of July. We arrived at 10:05 for our 10 – 10:30 arrival appointment time. The doors to the terminal were locked and there were lines outside separated by arrival appointment times. The doors opened around 10:30. We went through the typical check-in process, and boarding began at 11:30.
  10. I'm a total bargain hunter (have to try to find a deal on everything) but I have to admit, I'd take that offer in a heartbeat.
  11. I was going to say the exact same thing. I'm not on faceboook/don't see JHs posts. I received the platinum email that said the same thing early on (when cruising first resumed). I kept a copy of it with me for about the first 4 cruises in case anyone wanted documentation, but nobody ever did.
  12. That message you are getting is so strange. We are on Panorama in 21 days, and we can't check-in until the 18th (Platinum also). I just tried to check-in (just to see if it would let me) but it won't let me. In regard to your question, checking in by phone or site - I always check-in via their website and it's so easy, I never any issues.
  13. I was going to say the exact same thing - I don't like to look over the balcony and see decks or lifeboats. On Mardi Gras we have stayed in an extended hump balcony and also a Havana Cabana. Both were awesome, but we totally preferred the Havana Cabana for multiple reasons, and would book it every time if it weren't for the price.
  14. We have sailed out of both Long Beach and San Francisco recently and masks were required at both terminals. We did not venture far from the ships in Mexico (but did not notice masks being required).
  15. I am surprised at many of the reactions as well. She clearly said, she recognized it was her own fault but was posting to let others know it could happen. OP I really appreciate you taking the time to tell us what happened. I would be so upset to lose the FCC and OBC. I also have an email issue with Carnival (we can't figure out if it's on my end or theirs) - I rarely get their emails (occasionally a survey will get through). I'm totally neurotic about payment dates, I always try to remember to make my final payment automatic, but still go in and review my bookings constantly to make sure everything looks okay. I'm paranoid something like this is going to happen to me. Thank you for posting - if it saves one person from experiencing what you did, it was worth it. And so sorry this happened.
  16. If I understood correctly, new guidelines are effective for cruises departing on Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022 or later (just missing those of embarking on Labor Day Cruises). Still great news though.
  17. There was some good discussion on that subject here a few months ago (link below): https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2838549-what-is-journeys/#comment-62843371
  18. We have taken Uber/Lyft from MCO (or a hotel close to MCO) many times, however for our most recent trip (April) rental car prices had finally come back down to somewhat normal and that was our best option. I was concerned about trying to get the free car rental shuttle to Port Canaveral with it being so busy (boarding Mardi Gras) but as it turned out it was the best option by far. The shuttle was waiting for us as soon as we turned in the car (I literally never stopped walking from the car return counter right onto the shuttle and it left immediately). At PC there was a huge traffic jam of cars trying to get into the parking garage and drop people off, but the shuttle company was allowed to bypass all of it and took us straight to the ship (they have a designated drop off/pick up area). The excellent service continued when we rented a car after the cruise also. We had priority debarkation, walked off the ship early, immediately spotted the shuttle waiting and it left as soon as we sat down. We were in our rental car and headed to Disney World in record time! 🙂
  19. This is our favorite place to go on the Spirit class ships when we just want a quiet place to relax or read. As mentioned, you rarely see other passengers and the big windows are close to the water for a great view. We love the Spirit (and its sister ships). We were on the Spirit to Hawaii (so a fairly long trip) and it never felt crowded, no long lines (we were nervous with 5 days at sea at a time). The main pool area has a retractable roof, so you don't lose out on using that space if you have a day of bad weather. We enjoyed it so much we are currently booked on the 16 day Panama Canal itenerary on Spirit. Although I love Mardi Gras and other newer ships, Spirit class has its own unique benefits.
  20. This is the one reason (the extra cabin space) I would be willing to pay a bit more for this cabin. The natural light doesn't really matter to me either way - I'm only in my cabin to sleep for the most part. We were just on Miracle last month - I think you will really enjoy the ship. Even though we were sailing full, the common areas never felt crowded. We could always find quiet place to relax or read (inside or out). It was a little weird not having the big movie screen but overall a great ship/great crew.
  21. When we were there mid-June they would not even let passengers in the terminal unless within the appropriate arrival appointment window (unless it has passed). In our case, the flight was late and we arrive to find multiple lines outside the terminal based on appointment time. The verified our arrival appointment had passed and allowed us inside. So anyway, at that time they were being pretty strict.
  22. Us too - we never get any emails, we also have to log in and review our offers.
  23. We have done that itenerary multiple times, and in my opinion no. The only itineraries (of the ones I've done so far) where I would say a balcony is worth considering for $1000 more would be Hawaii, Alaska, and Panama Canal. But I'm really not that picky about my cabin.
  24. Well... yes and no. We were on Mardi Gras at 50% and 100% capacity. At 50% half the venues were shut down. So although the ship itself never felt crowded, they only used half the dining room, so it was still just as crowded. Same with the buffet. They shut down one whole buffet section so it was really crowded at peak times. Some bars were never (or very seldom) open. Staffing was lower so the crew to passenger ratio was similar. It was a unique time and I'm glad we got to experience it, but I'm okay with things getting back to normal. ...Now if the airlines could just get their act together...
  25. April - Mardi Gras over 100% June - Radiance - 100% July - Miracle - very close to 100% (sorry, can't remember the exact number) We have been on 9 cruises in the past year and the last one that was reduced capacity was Radiance in February. Since then, cruise capacity seems very much back to normal in our experience (if not increased). I definitely get the feel that people are making up for lost vacationing.🙂
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