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Everything posted by cr8tiv1

  1. The most important criteria will be if the "other" room (with 2) has a berth for third. No issues if you have 4 mini-suites booked.
  2. Patience. You should file a claim (with Princess? and AON/your insurance). Then sit back and wait for 3 months. Nothing more you can do. I am glad you have tested negative. Just take it easy. Naps are your friends.
  3. This all began inside the 45 day cancellation period, although I suspect the airlines knew before (first leg was not listed on airline site, but still listed on Princess.) Too late to cancel and rebooking will cost me much more independently. I just want Princess (aka EZ Air to make this right).
  4. You must be aware that you can purchase 40 bottles of Kirkland water for $3.99. Of course you have to pay the dreaded crv fee. 🤑
  5. That's how it worked a long time ago. You waited in a separate room and they would send x amount of Elites down to join the the next tender. Once...I had a suite "priority boarding pass" and was elite status. I went down to deck 4 to board a tender (in Mexico). I was told to go to the back of the line. I "displayed" my "documents" to no avail. Wait time would have been about 30 minutes. I went back to my cabin since I was in no hurry. I did stop at the Customer Service desk and mentioned to them that they needed to get an officer down to the tender area since it was pretty chaotic. People coming off of elevators. People coming down multiple stairs. Passengers in a hurry...me, me, me. If they are going to regroup this perk, I would love to see it apply to tenders coming back to the ship. Surely, adding 20 - 40 elite to an outgoing tender would not create an issue. And it would cost Princess nothing, zero, $0.
  6. Happened to me too. Now I carry "document" to "prove" that my IKEA power bar is NOT a surge protected device. Hard to argue with security when their mind is made up.
  7. @msvca You and your husband will be fine in an inside. Find an inexpensive old fashion extension cord. Or a multi-outlet charging device. We were ok in an inside with, a power cube, rechargeable hearing aides, and: 2 phones, 2 watches, 2 iPads. You can use the lamp plug, but it’s only usb A connector. Sometimes it required “reservations”. Ha Ha
  8. Thank you to the many posters who replied with suggestions and comforting words. I didn't want to re-quote everyone, so will just @ ...everyone to help clarify my situation. @PacnGoNow The (back room) "is supposedly" working on my schedule change. 24 hours later and still no resolution. If I had not called for some other (my mistake) issue, I would not have known. I check and recheck constantly. When I checked United and Air Canada, I saw a missing flight with leg 2 still intact. When I go to my personalizer and pull up my actually travel page says, I still have my booking. It's when I click to modify, it states that there is a schedule change. Nothing more as of this afternoon. I confirmed that I was tickets and have an eticket number along with confirmation codes and record locator numbers with EZ Air. I am half-heartedly trying to be proactive and look at alternative flights. I am just so spent and don't have the energy to really do any more problem solving. Give me the weekend (since I doubt back room will look at this until Monday). @dreaminofcruisin Two EZ Air agents told me the same policy. Same airline/same class of service. Both legs are "married" so I would have to scratch all and start again. What I object to is that there are other options, but of course, I booked early, and now there is no availability due to airline change. Not my fault. Good to know that I may have the option of a different airline. We will see if that is in the cards for me. I would gladly fly to Chicago and on to LAX. I do have a great TA. But she did not book my EZ Air, but is in constant contact with me. She is trying to help me with decisions and avenues that my be open to me. Princess notified her that they are "working" on getting me rerouted. @Steelers36 Thank you for your support. I did ask EZ Air what would happen if I missed my 1 hour connecting flight. She said they would put me up in a hotel. But that they would not do it pre/post travel day. @dickinson I asked for the eticket number. @SCX22 @Abercrombie2019 Here lies the problem. It started a few days ago. I noticed that my first leg was not showing up on my airlines. But was still on my personalizer. "Not to worry.."...it's recorded. Day 46. I looked into alternative or cheaper EZ Air to modify. Nothing. Day 44...is when all the issues began. Too late for any modifications or to cancel since I have been tickets (paid to United/Air Canada). Even if EZ Air returned my funds, it would cost me almost double to book independent travel. In defense of EZ Air, I have dealt with 3 agents that have tried to be really helpful. I understand that they are restricted by guidelines. Very pleasant, polite, and I felt they felt my pain. @donaldsc I have used EZ Air twice before. Savings were worth the "risk". But they were both direct flights with time to spare built in. The fares were very reasonable (example LAX to Japan was $800 round trip) this year. The key is to book early for lower fares. Watch for fares to drop and re-fare. The problem is that this is a 2 segment fare. And the first leg became non-existing. Don't know what happened to Jazz Aviation. Plus Quebec is not big enough to have multiple options. @Wishing on a star. Big disclaimers on United and Air Canada. If this is a third party....blah, blah, blah, please contact them directly. Airline never contacted me. I contacted them. I could "manage" entering information into their website. I could even (sort of) pick seats...that is what started this drama and it just escalated and is overflowing the "pot". I reserved seats on United Airlines then went to (code share) Air Canada to verify. That's when I noticed that even though United had no charge, Air Canada did (at $60.80 and not the $30) as stated on Air Canada's website. I tried to cancel reserved seat. Could not do it online. That is what started the landslide. Was finally able to reach Air Canada after multiple calls/HOURS. Reserve seats were removed. And then she hung up on me (after 2 hours on hold). You think Princess is bad..Air Canada is worse! When EZ Air works, then it is wonderful. You don't have to purchase your ticket immediately and can make changes. Not so if you book directly with the airlines, But as you can see...there are issues that can present a worse option. Not sure about upgrading. Appreciate everyone's input. Thank goodness it is AFTER my cruise. I wonder where I could vacation if EZ Air dumps me in a city that is worth exploring?????
  9. Just a thought. Since it wasn't your fault that you went from 2 to 3 flights and have to pay for each segment, could you possibly put in an insurance claim for trip interruption? You agreed to 2 segments. You were rebooked on 3. Not your fault. I would give it a shot (and then let me know).
  10. Plan on one outlet near the desk. There are two but only one is functional due to the size of power blocks. Bring a power bar (that has outlets and multiple usb connections) that does not have a surge protector. The Grand does have USB A ports built into the lamp. Not very fast charging. You might find a hidden outlet behind the television if it is not wall mounted. Bring a EU adapter that you can plug your lamp plug AND another power block into. There are plugs behind the bed for the lamps that are 220 V. ALL Apple devices are dual voltage. So are most medical machines. So are most Anker batteries. Charge batteries during the day when you are out of the cabin. Use at night to charge devices.
  11. @LibertyBella, thank goodness this flight is at the end of the cruise. Not worried about getting home. Not worried about luggage. Concerned for my travel mate. I have to admit that my post is after shear desperation and exhaustion. Not the way I would like to end a nice cruise.
  12. I didn't not want to hijack someone else's thread so starting my own. I have spent the entire day (10 AM to 6 PM) with Princess EZ AIr, United Airlines, and Canada Airlines. At 10 AM, all my flights were good, confirmed, eticketed. By 11 AM everything fell apart. Found out via United Chat that first leg of trip (Quebec to Toronto on Jazz/Air Canada) was cancelled due to schedule change. I can understand that, but never heard from Princess. I won't bore all of you with details but involved multiple calls with different vendors. The last one was most important. EZ Air only guarantees Same Airline/Same Class. One call to EZ Air and they wanted to put me on a much later flight arriving way too late. One call to EZ Air and they wanted to put me on a VERY early flight. TA advised me to wait and see what Princess EZ Air's Back Room (re: EZ Air Amier agent) comes up with ...then contest, if not acceptable. Of course, one is unable to contact them directly. I will admit that EZ Air has been easy to reach by phone. It shouldn't be this difficult. Looking for soothing words of comfort. Did I do the right thing? I can't be the only one in this boat. We had a "perfect" flight from Quebec/Toronto/LAX. How could it be so messed up ... off course WITHIN 44 days of departure. I would have cancelled all if it was out side of the 45 days. Will I have any recourse with trip interruption claim since EZ Air is covered under Princess Vacation Protection? Thank you in advance. I am exhausted and totally frustrated.
  13. The video seems to show all the different cabin categories. The "bathroom" is definitely a suite bathroom.
  14. Yes, video is incorrect. Mini-suites across the fleet have bath/shower tub combination. Only full suites will have a separate shower and tub.
  15. And the saga continues. I was shocked this morning. I called EZ Air around 10:30 AM. Reached an agent right away. But that is where the WOW factor ended. I was able to get my e-ticket numbers, so that confirms that my tickets have been "issued". Other than that, nice agent really couldn't help much. Couldn't fix my error on selecting seats (remove seat selection so I won't be charged). Couldn't explain why I can't see one of my legs on Air Canada although listed in United. You call Air Canada (holder of plane and seats) and you get: "Call your agent". I do have a call back scheduled with Air Canada. I don't see how they can do this when they have more calls coming in than they can handle. Will see...it's only been an hour so far. Trying to message Air Canada through Facebook. Useless.
  16. I also have 2 rhinestone ones. Although they are pretty, they don't work remotely. You almost have to be on top of the reader to get any information transferred.
  17. I wish to amend this post: I have been trying to deal with United Airlines code share with Air Canada purchased through EZAir....for the past 3 hours. No one answers at Air Canada. United can't help me through chat since it is Air Canada's equipment. Can't reach them by phone either. Sent off an email contact to Air Canada. We received it but will take 45 days (yes DAYS) to reply. My error? I chose seats on United for no charge. Go to Air Canada...$60 charge. Can't remove seat selection. Website says $30 per flight segment. Can't access first part of flight since it is with Rogue. What a nightmare. Will try all day tomorrow to reach EZ Air. TA couldn't reach them today either. Flying shouldn't be this difficult.
  18. I can whole heartedly vouch for those silicon holders that attach to the watch strap. They are actually pet collar holders for air tags. I set my (older) sister up with one. She wore her watch every day. One less thing to deal with (especially getting on and off the ship). Previously, she would have it on a lanyard...tucked inside her backpack....blah blah blah. Cruised with another "older" friend who did not want it on her watch. Before we left the cabin: Do you have your medallion, your glasses, your hearing aids, your ID/wallet, and the list went on and on.
  19. I am dealing with a similar dilemma. 2 flight segments. $30 x 2 = $60/pp for seats on Air Canada $30 x 2 = $60/pp for 1 bag on Air Canada PLUS air fare. Even if I had booked it directly with Air Canada (verses EZ Air) the same fees would apply. You are correct. This is SKYway robbery. One of my biggest pet peeves since deregulation. How can the airlines (all of them) believe you can go on holiday WITHOUT any luggage? They are raking in BILLIONS in baggage fees. Thank goodness some airlines have done away with change fees or traveling with children.
  20. 1. Coffee card...oops, that's gone. 2. Princess book that accompanies cruise....oops, that's gone. 3. Cash for souvenir, some fun warm socks 4. A care package from the dollar store: Elastic plate (shower cap) covers for do it your own plates from the buffet to their cabin. Zip lock bags, Disposable rain coats, etc.
  21. Yes, my TA tried all day to get my flight ticketed. She was told they are having "technical difficulties". I dare NOT try to do it online (request ticketing) in fear of losing everything.
  22. The most I've seen for (EZ Air) Air Canada was $30 to preselect your seat. You can always wait until check in (24 hours prior) for free seats. You are at their mercy at that time.
  23. Logic (think "New Math") ALL Medallions will fit inside Apple Air Tag Holders. No Air Tags will fit inside Princess Medallion Holders..
  24. I have done both, since the restart. 5 cruises at $40. In a suite on these cruises: 2 mini-bars and free water bottles. 2 cruises without; since it would have cost me @$60. Mini-bar but no water. Purchased a "case" of water on one. 2 upcoming cruises at $40 and $50; pre-paid before the increases. In a suite on these cruises: 2 mini-bars and free water bottles. Most of my mini-bars were given to the crew. Probably won't jump over the fence at $60. It was worth it to me to get the beverage package at the lower rate without all the bells and whistles. Loved the convenience of ordering without having to do mental math. Fun trying different drinks. I am not a drinker. Came no where close to 15 drinks a day. Everyone needs to do a self assessment as to what will work out for them. It is a wait and see for me as to when Princess will make more changes.
  25. Thermal Suite/Spa suite perks are a joke. Not all ships have Thermal Suites/Spas (The Grand Princess and all Royal class ships do not). The Caribbean Princess has Hot Rock beds in their "Thermal Suite" but does not have a nice soothing pool. Can't remember if the Golden had anything. It is a highly over-rated "perk".
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