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Everything posted by Laszlo

  1. We went last year, I'm pretty sure it was Eden Beach...... https://www.google.com/maps/@17.1112898,-61.8998242,3a,59.5y,7.37h,92.19t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipN-vRLc0DjgdsBtv9Tc_vd8Id5rZ5OI4zyR9aNW!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipN-vRLc0DjgdsBtv9Tc_vd8Id5rZ5OI4zyR9aNW%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya124.72594-ro-0-fo100!7i11264!8i5632?entry=ttu
  2. Nice review..... As far as motion sickness goes I swear by Reliefband Premier. I don't get motion sick often but when I do this will work in 5 minutes. I bought one for a friend when he was going thru chemo for cancer in 2013. He was horribly sick and not of the drugs that are supposed to help did much for him. The band works, my wife and I each have our own and I keep two spares. They are pricey but that price is well worth https://amzn.to/3Pedwzp
  3. Probably 2021 or 22 Personally I would give up Bar Harbor for another day in Bermuda but that is not happening
  4. If you bring your own you will have a better choice, go to Total wine and get what you want
  5. If girl scout cookies were sold year round I would be 400lbs Lol
  6. Not to derail the thread.... how much luggage are you taking? We thought about taking Amtrak up from 30th street but I thought all you could bring was a carry on size
  7. It's really not that involved, the parking area for the ship is above the cruise terminal. Its really pretty easy. Of course their are other parking locations a little farther away and cheaper you can use. We have taken 6 cruises out of NYC (driving to the port) Its easy peasy
  8. Yea driving around in a circle is just crazy. Strange you have never been allowed to drop luggage off. Might be a time thing, we normally get there between 9-9:30 and pull over... see Red Oval on screen shot
  9. Unless someone is in a wheelchair or having mobility issues their is zero reason to get in line to drop someone off and then circle around to park. The traffic normally is a nightmare near the entrance. You would need to drop them off, drive down to the light, do a U turn and then drive up 7 blocks to the ramp to the parking garage. They have porters on the parking deck
  10. Are you driving to the port and parking or being dropped off? If you are driving and parking its pretty simple, you will drive up the ramp which is located on 12th Ave and W 54th street. Keep going to the top and pay at the booth. They will direct you to drive down to X pier... most likely pier 88. As you are turning onto the pier you go thru another booth and will be asked to stop, security with a dog will ask you to pop your trunk / hatch. After that their is an area you can quickly pull over and unload your bags. Porters are there to take them. Personally we take our own carry on's and backpacks. Go and park and take the elevator down. You will get in line for security and then to check in
  11. Take a cab or Uber and stay here..... https://www.edgewaterhotel.com/?utm_source=gmb-hotel&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gmb My wife and I stayed here, the hotel was very nice, we checked out and rolled our bags a half block to check in
  12. Looks like we are good for 2024 I've been there a number of times in the summer, no cruise ships around and the place was packed. Will be there on July 4th ... Not sure if we will even get off Lol
  13. Almost every cruise I have every taken has some people getting on the ship 30-60 minutes before we leave. On two winter trips out of NYC we had a couple busloads of people who arrived at the pier at 3:30pm for a 4:00pm sailing.... they all made it on
  14. My non NCL TA contacted me just to say our cruise on the Gem is not effected
  15. It basically said the judge upheld the running. Still trying to figure out of this goes in effect now or not for another year or two
  16. https://www.mdislander.com/news/politics/current-moa-to-continue-for-bar-harbors-existing-cruise-line-bookings-in-2024/article_17587612-a0f9-11ee-ab73-bbc3769a410b.html?fbclid=IwAR2dxhhZmjeRn2QPUR3u4q1bIQw3oLQo7dmI91HqB7saSosBOLAaV2TLkgQ
  17. NCL could email an announcement this week or not until right before the first cruise of the season. We have received itinerary changes twice, one was three months before the cruise the other was the day of the cruise Lol If Bar Harbor is truly cancelled they will wait until they have figure out what they will do, a sea day, a day in Portland or Newport
  18. Lol I had an idea something was going on, we booked the cruise months ago and NCL never had any excursions listed for Bar Harbor. I will miss tendering
  19. @chengkp75 Is this a done deal? Any idea when it will go into effect. Someone said its not in effect until 2025, I've seen no date given
  20. Thats why you need to get a suite or Haven cabin Lol
  21. Where does is say it won't go into effect until 2025? From everything I have read it starts Now
  22. I've been to Bar Harbor a half dozen times during the spring summer and fall. Lots of non cruise tourist there, I don't think they are too worried about the loss
  23. We are on the Gem in June, I guess we will have another sea day or maybe stop in Portland or Newport returning to Boston. I would love another day in Bermuda but looking at the schedule that isn't happening
  24. If you have a cruise stopping in Bar Harbor you can get much better lobster there...... Oh wait, stopping in Bar Harbor might very well be off the table now
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