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Everything posted by shipgeeks

  1. I tried that once, and tried PB&J once; did not like either. I do like a celery stick with PB, though. I read somewhere that peanut butter is the preferred snack/energy food among the Rockettes.
  2. We do, and crunchy only. I grew up on peanut butter sandwiches. Never heard of putting jelly on, too, until I was in college. My mother was strictly a one-ingredient sandwich maker, cheese OR ham OR peanut butter. When I lived in Australia it was called peanut paste, at the insistence of the dairy board. I bought mine at a shop that would grind it on the spot, into the container you provided. Good stuff.
  3. Yes, some wonderful things never get old! Green flash: ours was at Nassau, as we stood out on deck before departure. Flying fish: love watching for them, most usually from Promenade Deck, somewhat forward. One time we lucked out and got a table right at the forward windows in the buffet, where we happened to see some flying fish jumping around the bow. We mentioned it to a newly-arrived Chinese assistant waiter, who became very excited, called all her peers over, and we were treated to several minutes of joy and delight as they all exclaimed about the sight. We love having OV cabins on lower decks, and sitting at the window. We've seen a few flying fish from there, which is really neat, too. Albatross: while crossing the Pacific on a cargo ship, we had an albatross soaring above the ship for several days. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" frequently came to mind. Vulture: one sea day during a cruise, a vulture settled himself onto the edge of the funnel; he stayed for quite a long time. I named him "Ruffles", as the air continually ruffled his feathers up all around him. Cruising is so wonderful.
  4. We have given up owning a car, and have lost interest in flying to a cruise. However, we still want to cruise on a regular basis. There is a bus company near us that provides five cruise packages a year, from our nearest port, which in our case is Baltimore. There are usually around 30 people on the bus, and all are encouraged to share tables at the breakfast stop, so people who have not yet chatted with others are able to begin to get to know people in the group. We tend to stick to ourselves during the cruise, but we notice from time to time that some are meeting up with other bus people on the ship, and on the return trip it appears that many know most of the others. It seems to work out especially well for those traveling solo.
  5. And perhaps edit the spelling in your title (or start again), so we can comment appropriately? We are familiar with Saint John, and always enjoy it. Have never done an excursion, although next month we will do the HOHO bus there. We usually walk around the city: old market, new container village right at the port ("Area 506"), historic churches and other buildings. Out of town, Bay of Fundy/Reversing Tides are an attraction.
  6. I was referring to the street of Victorian-style houses we saw when we walked up towards the hotel and park on the hill. It didn't feel very far at the time; I guess we were younger and fitter! Is The Victoria Mansion something else? We just enjoyed seeing those houses from the outside, as part of our walk that day.
  7. IMO, so many ports on a C/NE cruise are absolutely DIY-able if you have no serious mobility issues. In fact, no transportation or tours needed, just the ability to walk. We have done many of them a number of times, and have never done a tour or excursion, although we will be doing the HOHO bus in Saint John (are you going there?) next month, just for a change. Halifax is very walkable, if you decide not to do a tour. There is a boardwalk, about a mile long, along the waterfront, with views of the harbour, eateries, pubs, museums. A little higher is the Citadel and the botanic gardens. Portland is very walkable and enjoyable. The Victorian mansions are just across from the ship, as are the mail boat, narrow gauge railway, and more, plus lots of good eateries and pubs. Freedom Trail in Boston can be reached from the ship and walked in part or all. Please list your other ports, and perhaps we can share some further information. By the way, before we went to any of these, I just looked up the websites for the towns/cities, not a tour company, and learned a lot about them, including maps.
  8. kochleffel, I get it! We, too, plan to stay in the house, but are trying move along some of the "things" in it. I'm beginning to see an element of the problem: younger adults who keep giving unneeded gifts. Big framed pictures of every element of their wedding, and every stage of their child's life. Nice to see from time to time, but not needed on the walls where our chosen artwork hangs. A dog or cat to a couple who just want a simpler life and four worry-free cruises a year. A figurine of a very elderly couple, depressing to think that you think it looks just like us. Big wind chimes to the couple who say they love the peace and quiet of the porch, and seeing the hummingbirds at the feeder. Personalized cushions, wall hangings, and other decor items. The thrift stores don't really want things with our name on them. Smartphones to the couple who love their laptops and house phone, and don't care to get calls while out of the house, nor to have to pay the monthly fees. Ironically, the gift givers never care to take any of the furniture, dishes, silverware, albums, or keepsakes offered by the older generation. "It's not our taste." "We don't have any more room." Their turn will come. In the meantime, are any of you dealing more successfully with this?
  9. I agree that our best experiences with long meals was not because the food failed to arrive, but because each course was enjoyed without guzzling, interspersed with some conversation. A good waiter notices how things are progressing, and will cater to that pace. Of course, if one wants to get in and out to attend a show or something, it's easy enough to tell the waiter upon arrival.
  10. Caribbean plus Ocean Cay, Bella experience, 7+7 nights, from Miami. I should mention that I referred to adults; I did see a few pre-teen girls in shorts in the evening.
  11. Re towel animals, I am torn on yes or no. I do not want them, ever again. The first couple of times, years ago, it was cute. Now it is clutter, and a waste of resources to me. I always request none. People can choose to pay for flowers, wine, cabin decorations. So why not towel animals? However, that would add bookkeeping work, and I can just see the posts that would start appearing: "I bought the 7-night package, and only got 6 animals, and one of them was a duplicate. If GS refuses to refund me, I'm removing all my gratuities!!" "Of course they are mine to take home; I paid for the package. I brought an empty suitcase so I can take them." As long as I never get another one, I guess I'm okay.
  12. No. But I've done the trek in Nepal, the 12 years living in Australia, the European trips, the Asian trips, the Pacific and Atlantic crossings, the skiing, the camping, the beaches, the bike trips, the rail travel, the concerts of all types. Now I'm very happy either being at home or on a cruise ship.
  13. Plan my cruise? I just tried that, but still no option to check in without the app; however, today all our documents appeared, ready to print. The only thing we don't have is a checkin time.
  14. I believe there is a HOHO bus, probably right at the port, that could be a nice way to go further afield, if no tours show up.
  15. What do you want to do or see? There is much of interest within walking distance of the terminal, if you have no big mobility issues. The boardwalk, on level ground, along the waterfront, connects with harbor views, several good museums, eateries. If you can walk uphill, there is the Citadel, botanical gardens. I'm sorry I can't answer your question directly, as we have walked on our own every time we've cruised there, and found plenty to do.
  16. Many passengers will be dressed up in the evening, especially the Europeans and South Americans. I don't think I saw anyone indoors in the evening in shorts, t-shirt, flip flops. Maybe on pool deck.
  17. How about an oceanview, so you can still watch the sea and sky (and weather)?
  18. It says "check in now", but doesn't offer any method other than the app.
  19. We don't use the app because we don't use a smartphone.
  20. On all of our previous RC cruises (as recently as June), on day 45 we would get a checkin message that included "if not using the app, click here to complete checkin". It was easily done on my laptop. Now the message says "if not using the app, print this page (contains only our names) and go to the terminal where an agent will check you in". What? No way to select an arrival time (which is checked at Baltimore terminal), nor to print boarding passes and luggage tags? RC says "check back later". We are now at 30 days. ??
  21. We are at 30 days are still not able to get anything. We do not use the app, but have always had a link to do everything on laptop. This time it says to just show up at the port and stand in line. I don't think I'm prepared to do that, no luggage tags, no nothing! RC says "try later".
  22. Wishing all the wonderful Indian crew members a Happy Independence Day!
  23. We sail from Baltimore regularly, with a 12-night Carib itinerary: 3 sea days (Promenade Deck!), five islands (no CC nor Coz!), three sea days. Love it. Best wishes on the pending new home!
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