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Everything posted by Colin_Cameron

  1. As counter-intuitive as it might seem, head to the centre of the floor. You will be in the “calm at the centre of the storm”.
  2. Glad to see you’re finally on your way @roscoe39. We’ve all been waiting for your next cruise as long as you have.
  3. The question, and any answer, is irrelevant. The next time the ship returns to those sensitive areas the hull will be inspected again. The result of that inspection will determine what action needs to be taken, not whether it was cleaned this week, last week, or last month.
  4. I think you’ll find that hull cleaning is not a legal requirement. What is required is an inspection. The result of that inspection will determine whether cleaning is required.
  5. I’m curious what you think the “known issue” is?
  6. Some people have all the luck. I think it was Tuesday we had about three to four inches, then overnight there was a bit more but with a lot of wind. When we looked out the front windows on Wednesday morning there was still only about four inches. But when we opened the back door, due to the wind, we found four feet of the stuff! I feel like I've been shoveling it ever since.
  7. That looks like Funchal, Madeira.
  8. Hi Roscoe, The Hilton was our first thought but I see there's lots of apartments available on Prince's Wharf. I was hoping I might pick your brains about the first part of this trip (3+ weeks around North and South Islands, followed by 4+ weeks in the West Island)? Could you drop me a note to colin (dot) inv (dot) cameron (at) btinternet (dot) com Looking forward to finally meeting up. Colin.
  9. We're boarding Cunard's Queen Victoria in Auckland in Feb '24. I'd assumed this would be at Prince's Wharf as that's where we docked in 2020 but I note that all Cunard's calls this year are at Queens Wharf, so next year, who knows. My question is really about luggage drop off. If our accommodation is very close (possibly at Prince's Wharf) I'm guessing taxis won't be interested so we'll be walking. The distance isn't a problem but manhandling everything at one time might be. Has anyone dropped off some cases then gone back for the rest? It's easy at other ports but I don't know the setup at Shed 10. TIA Colin.
  10. That story relates to QM2. He took over from Ron Warwick. We were aboard a few weeks later when they were both aboard. Bernard Warner as Captain, and Ron Warwick as Commodore.
  11. I'm fairly certain that Bernard Warner was never master of QE2. I have several of these coasters, but none that haven't been named yet.
  12. It's not a first for Cunard either. It happened with QE2 in Southampton in the 90s. I'll need to do some digging for the details. Either a repair, or refit, wasn't completed in time (surprise, surprise) and rather than delay the next cruise (or crossing) the passengers boarded while the ship was still in drydock. She was re-floated and, with only one engine running for the hotel load, she was towed down Southampton Water as the Engineering dept. scrambled to get more engines up and running. Able to come under her own power only after they passed the Nab Tower.
  13. Congratulations to @exlondoner and @North West Newbie. Lisbon is correct.
  14. The pattern on the ground should be recognisable to someone who's been there. Unfortunately, I don't think I have. It has a sort of Inca vibe to it, but that hasn't helped me. I'm heading off for Christmas so I'll leave another one for you to ponder.
  15. That chequered pattern and the buildings remind me of Philipsburg, Sint Maarten. Edit: My initial thought was the town but closer inspection shows it is the cruise port itself.
  16. First one finished. It doesn’t show up in a still picture, but the “fire” is red, orange and yellow flickering LEDs.
  17. Some of it has headed west. We’ve had a couple more showers today
  18. We got our latest covid, and winter flu jabs yesterday. Had to shovel the snow to get out the driveway for the second time in a week. Since last week, for the first time in nearly forty years, we don't have at least one Subaru sitting in the drive. Have to say though, the replacement Mitsubishi Outlander is doing OK even if it is still on summer tyres. It hasn't really been tested yet.
  19. Ah! Close, but not close enough. I was looking a couple of miles too far south.
  20. I’ve already had my guess for the day, but this looks familiar too. Would I be right in thinking that there’s an airport on that flat land in the left foreground?
  21. I think that looks like the view from Molde, Norway, looking south.
  22. That was my thought when reading the email.
  23. I made a very lucky guess as to it's purpose and then worked from there. It's the airship mooring mast at Ny Alesund. Used for Amundsen's flight over the North Pole.
  24. Clearly somewhere in the tropics.
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