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Everything posted by Colin_Cameron

  1. Our 1st cruise with her was in 1997. Long before she became captain.😄
  2. The initial installation of the app was a nightmare, but since then perfectly straightforward. I have just applied my initial uploaded statement to a second booking and within hours had both acknowledgement and confirmation emails.
  3. Either that or he really knew that that's what was best for the pieces of meat defrosted for that day. It wouldn't be my choice but you never know. It would tell me that I didn't want to order that steak.
  4. Unfortunately our time on QV has come to an end and we're now sitting at Sydney airport. Hope those of you still onboard continue to have a great time for the remainder of your voyage. We're back to living out of a suitcase and mixing our own martinis.
  5. Too late to edit but I should have said Monday breakfast, not lunch.
  6. I'm afraid I'm going to disagree with Roscoe regarding the vibration in the dining room. It depends on where you are. At dinner, at the very back of deck 3on Sunday and Monday, nothing. But at Monday lunch, on deck 2. Wow! The whole aft starboard quarter of the room shimmied and shook with every panel in the ceiling vibrating. It reminded me of QEII as she altered speed, and accelerated down the Channel.
  7. After 25 days and 3850Km around the North and South Islands of NZ our ferry to the West Island arrives right on schedule. Unfortunately so does the rain.
  8. That looks quite big, so might be a Northern Bottlenose? I'd like to suggest one of the east-coast Scottish ports, Invergordon, or maybe South Queensferry/Newhaven. The apparent weather conditions, dull and overcast, would fit there as well.
  9. As with all online posts the problem is in determining where the emphasis should be. Is the emphasis on "your" or "cabin"?
  10. The two are not mutually exclusive. We are currently here on a month long land tour BECAUSE we previously came here on a cruise.
  11. In 30+ years on Cunard I've only seen the 'always available' items printed on the menu a couple of times. So I think them not being printed IS normal.
  12. I imagine it will be the availability, or otherwise, of customs and immigration that will be the determining factor rather than any willingness, or not, of Cunard that will be the determining factor.
  13. Not sure why I think I know this one as I've never been there. I've checked Google Maps and it looks like a match for Hobart, Tasmania.
  14. Hi Folks, I should have come back to say that although installing the app was a nightmare, using it was straightforward (for me at least). My holding was verified quickly and the benefit applied to my booking. A couple of days later I got an updated Booking Confirmation. Probably worth mentioning for those not familiar with the process is that the Shareholder OBC is not specifically mentioned on the confirmation, but the total OBC increased by the expected amount.
  15. If I remember right QM2 was the first Cunard ship christened with champagne due to the tie-in with Veuve Clicquot.
  16. The primary bottle didn't break. But they were prepared for that eventuality, apparently it's not uncommon, and the back-up bottle broke as planned.
  17. Which is where QV was named and sailed her maiden voyage from.
  18. Deck 11 is the Grills Deck, so that will be no. Just Google "Cunard Queen Anne deck plans"
  19. Or even RPGs as Seabourn found out a few years ago.
  20. It's starting to look like this app was developed by Cunard's IT dept. The video they refer you to appears to be out of date and for a previous version of the app. Not a good start. I downloaded the app with no problems. Yay! Then it all started to go pear-shaped. When I tried to create my account it took me back to the Get Started page. After going around this loop several times I gave up and uninstalled and reinstalled the app. Now it allowed me to create my account. After selecting Cunard, and clicking the "Validate your portfolio" button it skips the "Broker Connection" page in the video and goes straight to the "Upload brokerage statement" page although it's now called "Upload Proof of Ownership". I click on "add file", "take a picture" and grant access to the camera... and it goes back to the Upload page. The app won't open the camera. Round this loop a few times then uninstall and reinstall the app. Sign in, etc. etc, "Take a picture" and grant access to the camera. And the camera opens and I take the picture... and it goes back to the Upload page. No preview, no chance to upload the picture. Now the camera refuses to open anymore, so I uninstall and reinstall again. Sign in, etc. etc, "Take a picture" and grant access to the camera. And the camera opens and I take the picture, and I get the preview and it asks if I want to upload this photo so I click Yes... and it goes straight back to the Upload screen. No "Upload succesful" message, no "We will validate this" message, and the camera refuses to open again. I uninstall and reinstall the app. AGAIN. Round the whole loop for a fifth(?) time and ... SUCCESS! And I even received the confirmation email to prove it. This may mean less work for Cunard, but not for me. It's the same as the self-checkout thing; get the customer to do half the job for you, while still charging them the same.
  21. If you search the FAQ page Cruise questions - Frequently asked questions - Cunard Line (at least in the UK) for "shareholder benefit", you get an answer that includes this - Please be aware that to apply your shareholder benefits to a booking these must only be sent to us after the balance due date of 90 days prior to departure, and no later than 21 days prior to departure.
  22. I spoke too soon. Overnight I have received two more of the automated "please accept this response as confirmation your email has been received." emails Making nine! Plus one telling me about the new app.
  23. I applied on the 27th of December and have so far received seven automated emails saying they have received my request and to "accept this email as confirmation of receipt". Also one email confirming that a named individual has read the email. I don't remember ticking the box for a read receipt but you never know. No mention of a new process.
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