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Everything posted by Shippy

  1. Sorry to say there appear to have NO penthouse suites available. The top category I found was an MB mini suite of which 11 are available.
  2. cannot find an 11/28 Princess ship in the Caribbean.
  3. MANY years ago with my daughter. It was only a 3 day coastal cruise. Now that I am really old & falling apart..... (O: I will really enjoy a full week in a suite !
  4. apparently not with the phone number they provided...800-774-6237 The gentleman I spoke with did not have a clue what I was talking about. The only point I was really trying to make was that I thought it would be a bit easier since you had already provided a credit card number when you bid. Some people might have thought the same. Sorry, if this post was beneath you.
  5. I had bid on Penthouse Suite awhile back & heard nothing. This weekend I added on a bid for a Premium suite S5. Both minimum bids. This morning I got an email saying sorry, your bid not accepted. It did not specify so I figured I would go to the original email I had bid from & up the other bid. Well, each one said NOT ELIGIBLE ! So, I went to bid on the Club one & that also said NOT ELIGIBLE ! I was a bid mad because I thought if they turned you down, you could go back & modify your bid but it would not let me :O( 2 hours later, I get a congratulation email, your bid is accepted. It was for the Penthouse suite. Although I thought a lot of money, I guess a good deal. From our mini suite, 7 day cruise, $700. pp to S4 Penthouse. Now, the fine print...eventhough you have to put a credit card down when you bid, it says you are not paid. I wonder what happens to people that do not see this ? They have already taken away your original cabin & given you the new one. Would they just cancel your cruise ? Ours is only 3 weeks away. Anyway, I called Princess to try & make the payment but the man was really confused about what I was talking about. Luckily I was able to get my agent who straightened everything out.
  6. Is anyone familiar with those cabins. I have bid in a PS but if I do not get it, I might bid on the S5. Is this considered a full suite for benefits ? If you have stayed in one before, would you book that cabin again ? thanks
  7. My cruise leaves on Nov. 6th....have not heard anything yet :O(
  8. We live by San Francisco so Alaska is easy for us to get cruises. Probably been there at least a dozen times from all ports. Vancouver is a beautiful city. Nice to do a round trip there & go in a few days early. We have cruised all the different dates & actually prefer the early season cruises. You can get the best deals on then. If I had only one shot shot at an Alaskan cruise...it would be Anchorage to Vancouver NOT the other way around. You are up quite a bit higher in the state & get to notice things like MUCH longer daylight. The cruise actually leaves from Seward. Fly into Anchorage one or 2 days early. Then you take the Alaskan railroad to Seward. It stops right at the port. You could actually walk to the boat but there is a bus for the 5 min ride if you want. It leaves early in the morning & is about a 4 to 5 hour trip. There is a dining car & glass domed car. You ride through the Denali forest which is quite spectacular & there will be a guide telling you about all the things you are passing. For us, we get the long flight to anchorage out of the way & then only have to fly back from Vancouver to San Francisco. You will notice that most cruises going the other way, Vancouver to Anchorage are cheaper. That is because it is a pain in the butt to get back from there. The train or bus if you prefer, has to make the long trek back to Anchorage & you would probably wind up with a night flight to get anywhere.
  9. I think it means a lot...if I had counted all the categories it probably would have been 300. AND only 3 1/2 weeks to go !
  10. Thank you for all the replies. Remember the $178 total would be the MINIMUM bid. I was really hoping that the dinner menu would be much upgraded but it does not really sound like that. Our cruise leaves in less than a month. San Francisco round trip. Apparently not a very popular cruise. I just went on an internet site to count the available cabins. I stopped at a little over 200 & still had many categories to go....So that tells me we will not have much of a wait, if any for dinner.
  11. Just for reference....the minimum bid for our 7 day is $89.00pp
  12. I have a chance to bid on a club class upgrade. Is it worth it ? I hear the main benefit is the dining. How much better are the menu choices ? Love to hear from someone who has had club class before. Would you pay the extra to book that again ? thanks
  13. Mine went to green when I added a picture of our proof of vaccines & our pictures
  14. Anyone able to post a copy of it ? thanks
  15. I just made the minimum bid for an upgrade so not holding my breath for acceptance but one can always hope :O)
  16. What category did you have before ? What now ? What was your bid ? How long since the time you made the bid until you heard it was accepted ? Thanks :O)
  17. SORRY, hit the enter too soon... Anyway, I just read the fine print on the upgrade form & it said you could find out anytime up until sailing ! Our sailing is 11/6/22. If I put in a bid tomorrow, how long do you think it would take for a reply ? thanks
  18. Sailing on the Royal Princess in an MA mini suite cabin. Just got a chance to bid on a suite cabin. I assume they do the assignment if the bid is accepted. I noticed that almost ALL of the corner , front PS cabins are available. Anyone ever had one of these ?? We had a front cabin on another cruiseship & found it VERY hard to access the balcony when the boat was moving. Do you think it is worth bidding on ? thanks
  19. Sailing on the Royal Princess in an MA mini suite cabin. Just got a chance to bid on a suite cabin. I assume they do the assignment if the bid is accepted. I noticed that almost ALL of the corner , front PS cabins are available. Anyone ever had one of these ?? We had a front cabin on another cruiseship & found it VERY hard to access the balcony when the boat was moving. Do you think it is worth bidding on ? thanks
  20. I am a total insomniac & always have a drink in the middle of the night. I know this sounds odd but I tried it on a tour of the Tortuga Rum Factory in the Cayman Islands & was hooked. Flavored rum & milk....Have a glass of milk delivered with my morning coffee & leave it in the fridge. At the beginning of the trip, I went to the Yacht Club lounge & asked for a glass full of Malibu Rum, no ice just a big glass of the rum ! Put it in the cupboard for the duration of the trip :O)
  21. I had read so much about how rocky the beach was on Ocean Cay that I brought beach shoes & was prepared to walk awhile to get to another beach. The YC area is quite a ways from the dock. They have a golf cart like vehicle that takes you out there & back. It drops you in front of the YC restaurant. I looked over & it was indeed rocky. I would actually say small boulders ! BUT, lucky for us, we walked around to the other side of the restaurant. Totally sandy beach & yc guy there to give you towels. You could also walk a ways out in the water and it was not to deep. It was wonderful. We spoke to some other passengers when we got back & they were on the rocky side & had no idea the other existed ! Also, the restaurant, Everyone speaks very highly of the lobsters rolls there but I decided to try a burger & fries...excellent. There is lots of outdoor seating, under trees or on the porch with overhead fans. I needed a bit more air conditioning so went inside. There are ONLY 2 tables in there ! Luckily one was open. There is also a small couch and coffee table which another couple promptly took. I was very comfortable inside but there is a bit of noise from the blenders as they make a lot of tropical drinks.
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