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Everything posted by kalos

  1. ------------------------- It's 9.c here today at the moment . Have a good day guys and our thoughts go to @Host Sharon who is in hospital. Take care everyone
  2. Sorry to read some of you are not too well and hope you all recover soon. Sad to read this morning a cruise ship flight due back to Manchester hit an air pocket and had to do an emergency landing . Some passengers were injured and taken to hospital. https://bnnbreaking.com/breaking-news/accidents/maleth-aero-flight-1975-makes-emergency-landing-due-to-severe-turbulence/#:~:text=Maleth Aero Flight 1975 Makes Emergency Landing due to Severe Turbulence&text=A UK-bound flight%2C Maleth,route from Barbados to Manchester.
  3. I know Phil ,I'm a member of that club but didn't like mentioning it for those who have not joined us yet 😉
  4. Our pub had fancy dress last night, so I went to the pub dressed as a tennis ball I got served straight away. My mates Mrs who was drunk asked me what I thought of her dancing ?. I told her it was just staggering.🙃 Not long to the shops closing but don't panic .For those last minute gifts there is always the petrol station with gifts such as firelighters and hazard triangles at very reasonable prices .😉 Hope everyone's starting to have a good time and relax a little.soon . Mrs K is in our kitchen prepping some of tomorrows dinner . Soon to settle down and watch Home Alone 2. Have a good evening guys !
  5. Dickens " A Christmas carol" was originally published in two local newspapers. It was the Bicester times, it was the Worcester times...🙃
  6. Morning we have 10.c but a bit breezy again this morning . The Mrs was on a forum for our area and a couple of folk who were using the Iceland delivery slots were fuming . Three had been informed they have been delivered when they hadn't and one woman was told "sorry about that but we have no slots left to re deliver "🥵 Hope you have all got your shopping in without any bother as I guess the shops will be a bit manic today . I've just got one of them Humpty Dumpty toys from Aldi for my granddaughter. It's brilliant.It comes with Aldi King's horse's and Aldi King's men A bloke was pulled for trying to leave Aldi with a turkey he had not paid for but the security guy was onto him sharpish and asked him " what are you doing with the turkey sir ? "Roasts ,sprouts and stuffing and gravy " was the reply 😉 Have a good day ! 😃
  7. Their site says "a handful " I tried Bradford ,Heathrow ,London theatre area among others https://www.mcdonalds.com/gb/en-gb/help/faq/is-mcdonald-s-open-on-christmas-day.html
  8. Oh she was there alright ...In your hearts and in your minds and memories and yes she would be proud of those kids... Hope you all have a good Christmas !
  9. The web site says "A handful may open " but when you check them out ,I was having trouble finding one open on Christmas day . It wasn't for me ,I was asking for a friend who likes gazing out to sea 🤣🤣
  10. Lots of birthdays around the 25th ,which tells me that the TV must be crap in March? Hope you all have a good birthday as well as Christmas . Spare a thought for those who have to work the festive period ...
  11. Morning it's 9.c and the high winds have settled down somewhat. I know your expecting a joke about retired pensioners but non of them work. Being retired is a good job and you know your doing it right when all the days seem to merge ,so much fun you ask yourself "what day is it ?" Good news for those who dislike dark mornings .. It's getting a bit more light from today 😃 Have a good day 🙂
  12. Is it me ? am I missing something ? 🤔 Just seen an advert on TV for a furniture shop. They are having a Boxing Day sale which they say must not be missed and starts tomorrow 22nd ?? Has someone moved Boxing Day to other side of Christmas 🤔
  13. I keep seeing posts with words like " I guess" and " I think " even "not sure " The above is not a dig at anyone but if in doubt then speak out ,to your insurer . As posted not all have same cover as other policy's . We had a query with ours and the company was happy to help . So when on our last cruise, we had no nasty surprises when we needed to talk to our insurance and claim handler who were brilliant and once they had our medical records and expense bill ,we were given a settlement which was in our bank 4 days later .
  14. First and foremost as Eddie said do what feels right for you . Your feelings are understandable with what you have been through the last few weeks. Years ago Mrs K's dad died on Christmas day , a few years on her mum the week before Christmas, The way she tackled it was thinking of what the departed loved ones would want . We know they loved Christmas, so we put the tree up for them as much as us .🙂 Yet again ,you do what feels right for you and your hubby - Take care 🙂
  15. As nurse Becket said you take care and get well soon .We look forward to updates from you once your on the mend . Best wishes 🙂
  16. We once had a goldfish that lived on ours .That would have been a good one for family fortunes . Name something you can watch on TV ? Our survey said ... 🙃 We take things literally , only other day Mrs said "Turn big light off " Problem is they are all the same size but I think she means the one strapped to our ceiling. Same if you sit at a table alone in a pub and someone comes up , points to the empty chair and asks is anyone sat in them ? The times I've been tempted to say " just the invisible man and his family "
  17. Just use Freeview TV guide https://www.freeview.co.uk/tv-guide?userNid=64257#5CJpuzyYSUPvjmcK.97 It lets you plan a week ahead . My main go to film at Christmas will be Home Alone 2 cos it's as daft as me 🙃
  18. Yep ,all those working from home .Do they have a office party for themselves ?🤔 Do mums still disappear for half a day ,stuck in the supermarket in a mile long queue as we need at least six extra loaves due to the shops being shut for two days 🤔 Carol singers ? Do they still accept cash or card only . Do folk still order the Radio and TV times to avoid disappointment ?🤔 Either way we still enjoy cos it's Christmas 😃
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