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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Welcome to C C forum board .πŸ™‚ Did you tick the Do Not Upgrade BOX ? If Yes ,I would give who you booked with a ring .
  2. But if that fails and she is looking unhappy . You could try ... Only kidding ,wives are lovely , well that's what my Mrs told me πŸ˜‰πŸ™ƒ
  3. Our thoughts as well Andy, Mrs K could hardly take in how poor Megar B ' has been treat. Maybe it is a soundproof design fault ,that should have been picked up upon before it went into service. We came back off a holiday the other week and had flight delays and to top it off got caught in a down pour and were soaked. As it had been our anniversary the day before I booked us in the airports 4* hotel as a treat . There we were at the hotel reception stood among pilots cabin crew ,suited and booted people ,looking rough still dripping soaking wet. When it came our turn ( imagine Tim Curry home Alone ) asked for our booking and I said " As you can see we are drowned ,tired ,hungry and could we have a quiet room as it has been a very long day ?" Certainly sir ,end of a very long corridor and your room awaits " We got there to find the room like a bomb had hit it ,food on the floor bed unmade dirty towels strewn everywhere ! Still soaked dragging cases we made our way all way back to reception . The guy looked a bit surprised to see us return . "Hope all is well ? " He knew we were not impressed and shocked at the state of the room . Looking through his booking system ,he said .." I'm very sorry that should not be happening , we are pretty full tonight ,so if you don't mind I want to put you up in our Presidential Suite for the night .Feel free to use anything within as well as mini bar, We are sorry " Now if a hotel can do this, all we wanted was a clean room and a sleep ,I am sure they could have sorted a room out for Megar B' for that night . Really feel for her .
  4. I hope you manage to get away Avril, you and Frank have been through a fair bit over the last few years . We also choose sea views and if at all possible avoid places that haven't got them , such as hotels in the peak district .πŸ™ƒ
  5. All dependant on what you want ,I've booked cruises online just as fast as I booked latest holiday.
  6. Said same sort of thing to the Mrs this morning as we did a random check on our BP which was in the Goldilocks area . How many out there think they are ok just because they have been nowhere near a Doctor in years . They would have a right shock ,if only they knew.
  7. Yep we did the did the same but it was still Thomson soon to be Marella. We would drink a fair amount one night (not a daytime drinker) but hardly anything the next night . I want to be in control ,not tied to some bundle package , it's our holiday. When away I do not need WI FI as I want to get away from all of that whilst away. If I want something I like to ask for it and pay for it as I go along . Even down to A I hotels, we tried a few but it's not for us and I hope the ships leave something for us who like to holiday this way .I don't mind them catering for those who do . Just don't turn P&O into another cruise brand copy, as if you do, we may as well just go cruise with them anyway.
  8. I think your thinking of the sister hotel across the road , this hotel only opened in July 2021. Unless you have managed to sneak away then Harry πŸ˜‰ This hotel is 4* the other two are 5*
  9. Yep same as you Zapp I hate it when the banks or the supermarkets do that . If I wanted an ATM or even a self serve in the supermarket I would have used them. As Graham has said ,online banking /shopping has a lot to answer for regarding our town centres .At the last count we had around at least five travel agents in our town . As far as I know we have non ,they are all out of town on the outskirts, and our out of town shopping centre. This to be fair this has no detrimental effect on me personally as I have just rebooked the same holiday we just got back from, for next year . With all the online discounts and the money off coupons the holiday company gave us , it would have been rude not to. So I suppose we are partly to blame for our own actions regarding our towns shops.
  10. Look at it this way.. Why does gallows humour not always have a punchline? Sometimes, they just prefer to keep you hanging.πŸ™ƒ
  11. Maybe ,or maybe not ,our world is not what it used to be . As a kid I would wander over endless cow fields and corn and barley, we had space to play . These days I cannot show my Grandkids these places as they are now massive housing estates .They are still taking green belt now and it's more private than council. The parks used to be kept in mint condition, these days it seems the bare minimum ,looking after them . The last time I walked by one of our parks ,there was nitrous oxide canisters littering the place . Most people in our town do not go to the town centre as there is not much unless you like Bet Freds /Charity shops and a load of to let signs in shop windows . I used to love our town centre in my younger years . It's a bit bleak unless you live in some leafy suburb out in the sticks where you can watch your kids but I totally get why most parents are happy to keep their kids close by these days.
  12. Morning everyone , That busy watching Eurovision I forgot my Ramipril tablet last night. Never mind I will get by for 12 hours and take the next one instead. Once we saw Bjorn out of Abba and he said "it's our 50th anniversary next year " We should have known who was going to be the next host and winner of the contest . The fact they had Catherine Tate as our rep was great but they should have had her as Nan " I FORT HOWER GURL WAS LUVERLEE,, How many points .. WHAT A LOAD OF OF OLD .." Or as Lauren Cooper " We lost but ask me if I'm bovererd ? Cos I AINT BOVERERD ALWIGHT " πŸ™ƒ Have a good day and @yorkshirephil & @Ilovemygarden enjoy your time away πŸ™‚
  13. They say before starting a family, most couples aren’t even aware of the side effects. When the baby arrives, they become apparent.πŸ™ƒ
  14. Good cure to stop you picking your nose though (if it's your finger ) That reminds me πŸ™‚ A farmer loses three fingers in a horrific work accident on his harvester He asks the doctor if he’ll be able to drive with that hand.. The doctors says… Maybe, but I wouldn’t count on it..πŸ™ƒπŸ€£
  15. Before I took ill years ago my doctor told me I was a tiny amount above on my cholesterol levels and I said "this will put my travel insurance up " Her reply was "well I have not informed you, as the amount is so tiny ." A year later I was showing normal levels but out of the blue someone in the practice sent me a letter telling me I had had raised levels and would I like to go on statins ? At the time I was fuming, as now I had no choice but to declare raised cholesterol levels. I chose not to go on statins at the time but this made no difference as I had been told my levels had been raised in my life time, so now had had to click yes .
  16. There lies the other problem or trap you can fall into . Filling in your online holiday insurance they ask .. Has your Cholestrol levels been known to be raised EVER in your life time ? The minute you say yes ,up goes your travel insurance costs . You could not declare this and when things go wrong ,hope they do not go down the fail to disclose route and dump you .
  17. Does make you think what the hell are they doing and why no accountability to anyone ? Looks like Silver Voices has really tried to highlight this problem . What gets me is a person who his deemed medically fit but comes from a family with heart issues , decides they would be better to start taking Statins as a preventative not a treatment, suddenly will have their travel insurance hiked up. The papers was running a story a few months back where the BMA was hoping to get people on them from a younger age before problems began . The travel insurance industry would have a right windfall in profits ,should this ever happen . This is down right money grabbing for the sake of it. What next I carry paracetamol as I could get a headache whilst on holiday ? Tis plain greed ! Sad part is Silver Voices points out that some folk now decide to travel with no insurance , leaving others to pick up the pieces went it all goes wrong via Go Fund Me and other things .
  18. We had an ABBA tribute band that was on in our town last night . It was so loud that you could hear the drums from Nando's.πŸ™ƒ
  19. I wouldn't worry, the coach driver will ask your name . You will say "Mr & Mrs Presto " and leave the driver with your cases . He will squint at his list and cross you off his list and you will both board the coach . Well that's how it worked for us boarding our holiday coach to our hotel last week. I don't think first names will be of interest to the driver unless that is, others onboard happen to have the same initials and surname as yourselves .
  20. Another one is people cost themselves money by buying annual travel insurance with cruise cover. This is costly if your only doing one cruise say in Barbados and all other holidays are land based in Europe . Better to have Europe annual cover and should you decide to hop over the pond cruising , book that separate as a one off . I did this a few years ago as it worked out cheaper than buying world wide cruise policy .
  21. Could it be your a secret Desmond Decker fan 🎡 ooh . Oh der .Israelites 🎡 πŸ™ƒ
  22. Yep I've seen a few lads have their teeth slackened for nowt around Rotherham on a night out πŸ™ƒ I know of a poster who's handy with a jet wash ,if you were to slip him a couple of wines, maybe he could set up a wowzzplan ,that's if you want yer choppers cleaning .πŸ™ƒ
  23. Yep we get them ,now and again ,they start with "your ok .I'm not selling " I just give them the poker face look with "Good as I never buy " They go onto "it's a survey ..Who do you bank ,buy electric off ? ".Or other such things . Then I give a little cough and say " Sorry I should not be talking to you , while I'm testing positive " For some reason they go back up the path faster than the came down it . πŸ™ƒ
  24. Same here Dave old habits of getting up at 4am when I was working . Have you noticed there only seems to be a "select" few at 6-6.30 am πŸ™ƒ
  25. My old passport would have just under 5 months left but rather than risk it, I also sent for a new one that took around 2.5 weeks . I did mine online, very simple as it was a renewal. Went into Morrissons supermarket and used Max Speilman ,who gave me an online code as well as the photos. I suppose if your using the Post Office you too could get your photos done first ,maybe they also accept photo code and if not you will have the photos already .
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