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Everything posted by kalos

  1. I dunno either Harry 😑 Maybe its a very early version of Catchphrase ..Say what you see ☺️ "He's high on drugs and leg less ?" Or maybe "People withdrawing from the hole in the wall ?" As you can tell I'm not good at this game but it's a nice picture ☺️
  2. Fog here for us this morning . Hope you who have bought yourselves an Air Fryer are getting the hang of using it.☺️
  3. I used to have an old Epsom printer that gave me no end of grief ,what with one of the colour's forever running out or drying out as my printer got little use . A friend of mine told me to buy a laser printer, which I did as they are powder based and cannot dry out on you . I opted for the black and white printer and have had years of trouble free printing from the same cartridge it came with ,which in the long run has been cheaper .
  4. Moving on swiftly to other things , it has done nothing but rain around here today , heavy and plenty of it , which is needed . This reminds me of ...A day at school . The class had to write a short, rhyming, two-lines poem as homework. Sally stands up and proudly recites .. "Yesterday, my Dad and I went to town. He kindly bought me big blue gown ." "That's a lovely poem, Sally !" said the teacher. Now it's Billy's turn. He stands up and recites ... "When October gets cloudy and when heavy rain falls, I love to jump into puddles of water right up to my ankles." The teacher looks perplexed. "But Billy that's not rhyming! Billy replies sadly .. "I know ,I'm sorry Miss . The water wasn't that deep."☺️ Have a good evening
  5. Have you thought to post this on TUI cruises board as well to possibly gain more answers ? ☺️
  6. A man heard his friend had lost two wives in two years. He felt bad so he called to give his condolences. He asked "how'd your first wife die?" "She ate poison mushrooms." "What about you're second wife?" "She died of blunt trauma to the head." "Why would that have happened?'' "I smacked her with the frying pan when she wouldn't eat her mushrooms."
  7. That's a great energy saving tip Graham 😉 Sad to see the demise of the air show .😑
  8. 🎶GHOST BUSTERS ! 🎶 Sorry couldn't resist ☺️
  9. We have a lady who makes our candles ,we asked for four
  10. Glad you saw the light in the end 😉 Glad you got your power back on . Every time we get a power cut I feel so......powerless.
  11. All I have is your local paper https://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/23059519.p-o-ventura-cruise-ship-stuck-southampton/ and cruise cam below .
  12. Good to hear from you Andy and glad you are both good ☺️ Wish same could be said for Ventura who is stuck in Southampton ,something to do with cleaning cables stuck around propeller and rudder ,looks like turned midnight for her departure now.
  13. That is the only way to look at it ,read all reviews of those who have been on the ship that you have booked .You like what you see then fine. You have have plenty of time to decide before you turn a deposit into a full payment . Things, fingers crossed could be more to your liking by then .
  14. Cherish the happy times and memories you shared with her
  15. It's amazing what the buses go on strike for these days ,is it really because you had both your jabs in Chatham.. shocking 😉 The taxi drivers will be happy though Never mind to cheer you up ... A man sitting next to me on the bus today showed me a picture of his wife. He says to me "Isn't she beautiful"? I replied to him "If you think she's pretty, you should see my wife" He then asked "Oh, is your wife beautiful too"?, to which I replied "No, she's an optician ".☺️☺️ Take care and have a good day .
  16. Could try clearing browsing data/cache on Edge, sometimes helps ☺️
  17. Various posts have mentioned this over the last few days ,Wowzz regarding Princess terrier john who is away on the Iona
  18. Not if you know which tables to ask for ☺️
  19. Who said ...Red dot there's a cat for that .. giphycat.mp4
  20. Morning ,hope everyone's good ☺️ Today we are off for our flu jabs at our doctors and that will be us all jabbed up and no place to go as we had the Covid one other week. Just checking our EON account and we now have £66 pound credit that we can burn off at some point . Think I will tune into Pop Master and annoy myself with all those names I know but cannot remember😒 Whatever you lot get up to have a good one .
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