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Everything posted by Beachin2

  1. There is just so many times you can visit a port - we do enjoy our personal "sea" days and take advantage of the less crowded ship.
  2. They can be casino rats at times. Figuring no report is a good report! Enjoy the sail back to PC.
  3. Only if you tell me that there isn't an older couple misbehaving!
  4. Thanks. Had attended several and, at least at my tables, never ran into the complainers. Had great times with payroll officers, dude who ran the laundry, etc. More laughing than b**ching. My experience anyway.
  5. Have not sailed RC since the restart (doing Celebrity & MSC Yacht Club mostly) but booking an RC 7 nighter to revisit a special old ship one last time before she leaves. Reviewing the scaled down/revised perks list it looks like the cabin option for D+ wine amenity and such is gone, as is CL access, the behind-the-scenes tour and what the heck is "cheers with an officer"? Assume that is meant to replace the meal with an officer? (Those were fun).
  6. Glad to hear reports that everything is going well on board. We have long time cruising friends aboard this week also (timing didn't work for us) and we talked them into trying MSC YC for the first time. Be interesting to hear their thoughts when they return.
  7. Many happy memories in the Radiance class CL's on all 4 ships in the class. Unfortunately, I can't book a full suite to gain access (even if I wanted to) because there are no cabins on this class higher than a JS that are accessible. Love the smaller ships, wish there was a little more love back. 😪
  8. Yacht has reportedly sunk in the channel. Will need to be removed before cruise ships can dock. Expect several hours. Someone on an MSC ship just reported that the ship started a movie, to give you some idea.
  9. For us it isn't the included drinks. We don't drink during the day as a general rule, excluding maybe a single beer each after a sweaty excursion/outing (replacing essential body fluids). We do enjoy a cocktail in the evening, but don't get overserved. We do the YC for the short lines, service on board and for the generally very accommodating restaurant that isn't the madhouse of a main dining room. I could care less what others wear, but my own standard of what is appropriate dining room dress is applied just to me. I don't judge others. (OK, except for the guy in the wife beater shirt & ball cap - that was over the line).
  10. Love Blu. Only reason we book AQ. Had enough of the MDR madness and not very big on buffets.
  11. Booked on the Edge in Retreat next January - New Zealand. Any Retreat info specific to this ship would be appreciated.
  12. Looking at a cruise next fall with an overnight stop in OC. We did one a few months ago & loved it! This time another couple might be interested in joining us - BUT - unlike us they are big casino rats. Is the casino opened while docked overnight in OC? Would be a deal breaker for them.
  13. 1991 Alaska inside passage. Glory days of cruising. Great to do that cruise on a small ship.
  14. Actually, you can fly with knitting needles. If you look on the TSA site they are specifically listed as permitted items. My wife keeps a printout in her knitting bag & has had to pull it out a few times when they balked. Actually had one guy say he didn't care what it said. We has a nice discussion on his perceived authority to overrule the published rules. He supervisor agreed with us. In my mind the circular needles are far more dangerous, but I don't make the rules.
  15. Was this an upgrade or a purchased YC experience?
  16. D+ on RC with almost 400 nights. We think we have "outgrown" them & don't sail on them any longer, have moved on to Celebrity (Aqua) and MSC (Yacht Club). Enjoyed our years on RC, but they have evolved into Coney Island of the Seas, and that just doesn't work for us. Seems they are trying to mirror Disney. You need to try MSC for yourself to see what suits your needs. Fair warning - the Yacht Club will spoil you.
  17. First world problems - but someone has to do it.😁
  18. On the Divina (YC) in a few weeks. Have heard both answers of 2 per guest and 2 per cabin from different sources and have had both answers from MSC. Have pretty much given up looking for any consistency. Will find out 10/2 when we board.
  19. Thank you - exactly what I was looking for.
  20. Tried to search here (and on you tube) the cruise parking situation at Port Canaveral. Have figured the ship generally berths at terminal 10, but can't determine how close the parking structure at the port is to the terminal??? Obviously, driving and would rather not park off-site & do the sardine shuttle trips both ways - so parking at the port this time. How close is the terminal to the port parking structure? Any tips or tricks? Best to drop bags then park & walk back to terminal? We are in Yacht Club if that makes a difference. Your experiences welcome.
  21. Recent 12 night cruise. Ate in Blu every night. Went @ 6, was never a wait for a table.
  22. Have read about the sometimes extensive delays boarding in Vancouver for Alaska trips due to the need to process through US customs & immigration before boarding as all the stops are in the US. Is Global Access/SENTRI/NEXUS available at this port? Specifically, for a Celebrity cruise at whatever terminal they regularly use.
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