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Everything posted by not-enough-cruising

  1. Hmmm, I just returned Sunday, and my experience, thankfully, does not match yours. We arrived at the terminal at 10:45 for our 11:00 check in. Yes there was a short wait while they were doing noro-virus sanitation from the previous cruise, but we were at the Trellis bar, having martinis by noon.
  2. Of course. Your statement is much more reasonable and not a blanket all inclusive indictment like the post I quoted.
  3. And will be happening even more frequently now, most likely
  4. One can "break even" and never come close to "mental anesthesia" or even the slightest buzz. Your blanket statement really has no place
  5. I only use a bath towel once at home and it goes to the laundry, I expect the same on vacation
  6. No way around the fact that half the service does not equal the same amount of gratuity; basic economics.
  7. The music is most certainly live; just saw the show twice this past week; just got home
  8. I’m on now and it looks pretty much the same as the photos @brilloheadposted several weeks ago.
  9. That makes no sense, Royal gets the exact same revenue in either case. When did this start? Our family Thanksgiving cruise we had one no show at the port, and the remaining cabin occupant received 2 points.
  10. Even if originally a 2 person booking, if only one sales they still get the extra points.
  11. Allure is not having a dry dock this year. Her itineraries are booked solid through 3rd qtr of 2024
  12. I have had an annual travel policy for several years now. I use Trawick International. I have had a couple minor claims (none cruise related ironically, but the policy is in effect anytime you are 50 miles from your home address). The claims were handled promptly and to my satisfaction, but I have had no major claims, knock on wood.
  13. Not legal crossing international (and many state) borders
  14. I would venture 90% plus of the general cruising public know the acronym "NRD"
  15. Small claims court for a transaction that follows the contract to the letter of the law? OK, you lost me there
  16. Clothing Tips Arrival time at the pier Drink Packages Chair hogs………………….
  17. This is a very interesting question. And I don’t have the answer, when mine were young enough for adventure, ocean cellular phones had yet to be invented. In those days they gave the parents beepers.
  18. The last couple trips we have been using the “Liquid I.V.” powder. My wife feels it helps her hydration and electrolytes better than Gatorade. Just food for thought.
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