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Everything posted by S.A.M.J.R.

  1. We only cruise occasionally, I just remember our first cruise having to go back to the room to get my DL before being allowed off the ship. Now I ask you... is that a chance you would be willing to take (utilizing photo ID that doesn't match the reservation)?
  2. Wow, lot of judgement on this thread. Some of you want me (and presumably would yourselves) to do nothing. Figure DD is an adult (true) and can figure out on her own what she should do. Of course, if she does nothing, she's mad at me because I booked the cruise in her maiden name and she wants to go by her married name. When we booked the cruise, we didn't know what she had decided regarding names. Her DL is in her married name, so again, what happens when you return to the ship from an excursion and the DL is married name and reservation is maiden name? My goal with the thread is to find out what the options are, THEN tell DD the options and the ramifications of the options. Then SHE can decide what she wants to do. So, here are the choices I see... 1) Do nothing, leaving reservation in maiden name. But would that mean she HAS to take her passport off the ship to use as ID to get back on (so the passport name matches the reservation name)? 2) Change reservation name to married name, which matches DL, and bring copy of marriage license to match up with passport? 3) Tell her "Figure it out on your own"? Which at least gives her a warning there might be an issue. 4) Don't say anything or do anything and hope she figures out the right things to have so she can board the ship. Sounds like some of you feel #4 is the right answer. Personally, I think gathering the information, then presenting it to her and letting HER make an INFORMED decision is the way to go. If you think that's wrong, feel free to skip the thread.
  3. Generally I would agree with you. BUT... A) She doesn't have any contact with the TA. We made all of the arrangements. B) 99% sure she doesn't even KNOW, and probably wouldn't think about difference in name documents. As far as the DL... don't you need to present photo ID to get back on the ship after an excursion? Yes, I know you can bring a passport off the ship, but it's not as easy to carry and not as easy to replace if it gets lost/stolen. Good point to @ShillyShally about asking what name she wants on board. Pretty sure she'll want her married name, but will ask.
  4. We booked a family cruise for next year. After we booked, DD got married and changed her name. The booking has her maiden name. Her passport (which still has at least 3-4 years left on it) has her maiden name. Her DL is her married name. Here's what I *THINK* she/we need to do... 1) Change the cruise booking to her married name. 2) For the cruise, bring DL, Passport, and Official Copy of Marriage License Is that it? Cruise is in July, so have lots of time to arrange things. TIA
  5. Doesn't the average change based on the number of folks in a cabin? Let's say the "lowest" price for a person is $500. That would be for pax 1 or 2, right? So you put 2 people in a cabin and $1000. BUT, pax 3 & 4 will be less. Maybe $300 each? So four passengers, the total would be $1600 (2x $500 + 2x $300). The average price would then be $400. Just a guess.
  6. Random thought... any chance those you give your luggage to "share" their tips (like I've heard waitstaff do for bussers and cooks)?
  7. They can't order (non-alcoholic) drinks? What's so special about AT the bar?
  8. You know, I've heard people say that ("I won't accept no for an answer.") and picture a toddler saying "I'm going to sit down and hold my breath until I get a 'yes'!". LOL
  9. Maybe I missed it, but I don't see it in a quote, but a mention from the article. If I was Royal AND didn't want to do the service, and someone pointed this out to me, the answer would be "the author misinterpreted the information."
  10. If they don't like it, they can limit it. Bottom line, unless RCI prohibits kids from being bars, they're allowed to be there. Whether it's at a table or sitting at a bar stool. Just like adults are allowed on the Flow Rider.
  11. And PP said they were denied. Odds are favorable that stewards will perform the service. But if they don't, having a copy of the policy would be nice to have.
  12. Is there a prohibition against kids in the Schooner Bar like there is in the Solarium? If so, then Royal should not let the kids hang out. If not, that's an "apples and oranges" comparison. If someone claimed "Adults shouldn't use the Flow Rider, they're taking up space the kids can use", the pitchforks would come out. Adults can use the Flow Rider just like kids are allowed to use bar stools/tables.
  13. Can you post the policy statement (or preferably a link)? This way if someone DOES need to complain about it on the ship, they have something to point to? Saying "a guy on a message board says Royal will do this" probably won't get very far.
  14. https://www.royalcaribbeanincentives.com/ship/wonder-of-the-seas/dining/ ETA: I notice the link goes to royalcaribbeanINCENTIVES, not royalcaribbean.com. So I wouldn't book through them.
  15. I don't understand how the husband's C&A could be "linked" if his name wasn't on the reservation.
  16. If you would have read the thread, you would have seen this being mentioned multiple times.
  17. In my opinion, if they have no idea of what is happening, SAY that. Don't make up excuses. Taking the OP at face value, saying "weather" is causing a port skip six weeks in the future makes absolutely NO sense. I mean, maybe, if a hurricane went through the island within the last week or so, it may not be ready to handle ships within six weeks, that might be valid. The answer from the CSR should have been "I'm sorry, I don't have a reason for the skipped port at this time. You're welcome to call back later and we might have more information." *** OR *** give the actual reason... "because of engine problems, the ship can't go as fast as it needs to in order to reach all the ports safely." what you DON'T do is make up a reason.
  18. Didn't someone say the post you're referring to mentioned a speed issue, not that there was NO issue? If so, why are YOU "lying"? 😉 I do think CSR's shouldn't make stuff up, and they were wrong for saying "weather". I understand being disappointed.
  19. Its about COMFORT, not TIME. What do you not like about guys' legs? I am assuming you're not complaining if women wear a skirt that stops above their knees. If you can't say whats wrong with it, maybe you should re-examine why you're so insistent on guys "covering up". Or, simply focus on your table mates. Their legs will be covered because they're under the table. So I ask you, "What's the issue"?
  20. Make up your mind. If you're only concerned about feet, then shorts are allowed. Why the emphasis on feet? Aren't they "covered" by the table cloths? If you're concerned about seeing feet walking to the table, aren't you concerned about seeing feet while walking to the MDR from your room? Just a strange focus point IMO. FWIW, I wear slacks, polish, and sneakers to dinner. I don't care what anyone else wears. I'm focused on my traveling companions.
  21. Well in @BirdTravelsdefense, that picture does represent 0.01% of the guests. 😅
  22. Ignore the % off or BOGO language. Look at the total price. 25% ( or BOGO1/2 off) off a $90 package is better than 30% off a $100 package.
  23. The issue is that Royal Carribean's policy says under 21 is considered a minor Where does it say that? Just because you have to be 21 to book a room doesn't mean 18, 19, and 20 year olds are "minors". They are adults, but not allowed to book a room (unless they're married I believe).
  24. Food is EXTREMELY subjective. A steak can be great for one person and terrible for another. It can be great one day and terrible the next for the same person.
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