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Everything posted by DirtyDawg

  1. Every generation thinks that they are the ultimate generation. Generations before them were all luddites and the generations which follows them are all just idiots. 😁
  2. But then we couldn't discuss the genius of Kurt Vonnegut on the internet. 🤔
  3. Great life lesson. Pay close attention to any bill!
  4. And don't forget that we humans have been, in our history, very, very good at developing technologies to kill other humans. Just as some poetry is gibberish, some technologies are not so advancing for the human race.
  5. The only people I know who were 'lucky enough' to sail in suites were the ones who inherited their wealth and hadn't blown it .... yet. The rest of then earned their suite sailing by hard work and smarts! 😉
  6. But food is only one aspect of why, in my unbiased opinion, the term 'good buffet' is an oxymoron. The other is the 'dinning experience'. For me, the MDR, for all it's faults, is a better dinning experience overall. At least in the MDR, I won't experience some glutton bumping into my chair, which took me 20 minutes of searching to find, and spilling the overloaded contents of this plate all over me. At least the professionals deliver the overloaded plates to the gluttons in the MDR and don't tend to spill the contents.
  7. Just one comment. Real valuations have to do with cash flows, not profits. Profits are, in a lot of cases, just an accounting creation and belong in the 'Fiction' section of the book store. Cash flows are in the 'Non Fiction' section. 😉
  8. Here's a pricing flyer I just downloaded. It clearly says 18% will be added. Also, if the standard charge for Tuscan is $55 and your bill says $64.90 you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out some kind if 'tip' or 'fee' has been added. When was the last time X priced a specialty restaurant at $xx.90 or $xx.47 (35.99 + 18%= $42.47 (actually is is 42.468 but I'm assuming X rounds up, those rotten 🤬) ) Lastly, if they charge me $64.90 or $55 and I add on a 9.90 'tip' the same amount of money is coming out of my bank account, so why on earth would I stop going to the specialty restaurant just because they added the 18% automatically? This while thread is much to do about 18% of nothing. 17058375_CEL_SpecialtyDining_Pricing_Flyer.pdf
  9. The only new tech class system is the one for all those IT professionals were are making huge money and cruising in the suites at 30 years old (or earlier).
  10. Isn't it wonderful we can have a discussion about new tech vs. old tech over the internet by typing into our phones, or tablets, or on our laptops. Our poor parents or grandparents had to have the discussion about putting TV's on cruise ships over rotary dial wired phones or over the backyard fence.
  11. Even on Celebrity, where the buffet is a lot better than the WJ, we only will go to it if we absolutely have to. Breakfast in the MDR, lunches in port or if there is a sea day, we would go for something quick at the buffet, and dinner in the MDR or one of the specialty restaurants. For me the term 'good buffet' is an oxymoron. But that's just my unbiased opinion. 😉
  12. On some flights it seems like everyone is priority class! But I have never had any issue finding a place for my carryon or seating in the lounge before the flight, so it doesn't bother me much. If it did, I might switch airlines but, of course, the new airline might have a similar policy.
  13. Thanks. Do they say it in writing you can't bring anyone else or is it just understood? And go Philly's! Now that my Blue Jays are out of the hunt (if they were ever actually in the hunt) for the World Series I'm cheering for the Philly's. While I'm at it Go Eagles Go! 6 - 0 is a really good start to the NFL season.
  14. On my favorite airline, if you have special boarding status you can bring 3 other "friends and family" with you. I have never seen that for a cruise line, but I have never purchased a suite. Perhaps the suite cruisers know what the rule is for Royal.
  15. When we first started cruising, we ate the WJ and the MDR about evenly and I got the impression on my very first cruise, eating in both places, that the only reason why lots of people cruised at all was to stuff their faces for a week straight. We went through feeding three teenage boys so I thought I knew what big eaters were. But, man, lots of cruisers can be REALLY BIG EATERS!!!
  16. It's always great when the actual subject matter experts grace us with their unique hands on experiences. 🤔 Or should that be, butts on experiences? 😁
  17. Perhaps your DW needs those 2 pre-dinner drinks so she can put up with you for the length of the cruise. Mrs. Dawg surely does. 😁
  18. Darn, I was hoping you had come over to the 'Dark Side" 😊
  19. @nelblu , are you trying to be another one of those Wanna-Be comedians around here? 😉
  20. 🤔 Where do the nudists carry all those one dollar bills used for tipping? 🤔 😁
  21. Good morning! Just a couple of comments about your post. First, you might not want to say "Thanks everyone" when you are asking a question here on CC. Why? Because by the end of this thread I'm 99.999% sure there will be some posters here you definitely won't want to "Thank". Second, however you end up boarding with your friends, in their line, in your line, or some other way, have a nice, relaxing, stress free cruise. By the end of this thread, you'll need it!
  22. Darn, I HATE IT it when people agree with me. 😥 BTW I much prefer water pistols at dawn. 🔫 Afterwards you have your whole day ahead of you to get dry.
  23. As a former sales person who sold some luxury items and worked on commission, I would say there would be NO WAY I would provide non-required information. Hey, if a customer is successful enough to afford an expensive purchase they must be smart enough to know any repercussions of their purchase.
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