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Everything posted by DirtyDawg

  1. I could never stay in a hotel room without at least a window, so I always stay in a balcony. I tried an Oceanview once and that was the last time I did that. 🤮 But thank goodness for the folks who want to sail in an inside, they pay for real estate that I'd have to pay for otherwise. ❤️
  2. No one loses at the casino. They make an investment in future 'free' cruises. 😉
  3. No, it wasn't Kate. It was James Cameron in scuba gear pulling him down from below. Why? Because a dead Leo DiCaprio would add $1 billion million to the gross and about $300 million to his personal payday! And James was not an original card carrying member of a me generation, he was just a member of one of many generations of good capitalists! 💲 😍 💲 Now back to solving that darn Caramilk secret!
  4. My late grandmother was about 18 years old back in 1912 when the Titanic sunk. Are you saying that sweet wonderful grand lady was part of a me generation? 🤯 So what does that make our generation, the me me me generation? 🤔
  5. I'm not wasting any more time wondering how he went in the water, when he went into the water, where he went into the water, was there a floatation device or not, or how long did he actually have to tread water for. I'm now trying to figure out how they get the caramel into those Caramilk bars.
  6. If I were him, the first thing i'd do when I got released from hospital is not volunteering for a mental evaluation, it would be to go and buy a Powerball ticket. This guy is one lucky dude.
  7. She probably thought he hooked up with someone, then went back to their cabin and 'passed out' until late morning when see revived and noticed he still wasn't back. He's a 28 year old guy. They don't tell their sister (or their parents) where they are sleeping each night (or much of anything else either). 😉
  8. Not really that incredible. Alcohol is lighter than water. 😁
  9. But beware what you wish for. Friends of ours, both husband and wife got called to serve on juries earlier this year but a couple of months apart. Both got selected from their respective pools. Both got murder trails. Both got very gruesome murder trails. The wife is still not back to normal after sitting through her trail.
  10. Chill poocher, It's called humour. Happy Thursday!
  11. I hope your whistle got i little wet. 😉
  12. Vienna sausage fingers or not I'm just thankful for the best straight line since "Who's on first? 😁 🦃 Go Cowboys!
  13. I am so sorry for your loss. But looking on the bright side, your Jan is up 'there' sitting right next to the 'Big Guy' improving the place.
  14. One of the benefits of wearing shorts in the MDR is not being confused with one of the staff. But I do miss collecting all those tip envelopes at the end of my cruises. 😉
  15. Darn, I used to wear a suit in the MDR sometimes and never got a paycheck from Royal. Those cheap darn 🤬 holes!!
  16. I agree, some of the wait staff are too over the top communicating with the customers. Unfortunately Royal's idiotic obsession with 10's on the feedback surveys drives a lot of this. I have found that most of the crew do get the message that they are being too chatty or disruptive by using my diplomacy 101 skills and a bit of humour to indicate they should 'tone it down'. I'll usually do that way before they are actually bothering me because Mrs. Dawg has a much shorter fuse than I do when it comes to this, and after 30+ years I know when to step in to get the crew member to basically shut up and move on. But sometimes they don't get the message. 😪 Then it's " Oh man, your walking right into a minefield buddy" and Mrs. Dawg will then let them know in no uncertain terms further disruptions will not be tolerated. They all get the message, not loudly mind you, but very, very clearly. And yes, she didn't get an 'A' in Diplomacy 101. 😉
  17. And if one of these idiotic customer service questionnaires asks you to name the crew, tell it to sod off! Nicely of course. computer programs have feelings too.
  18. Now that's more Fordish! 🤔 Doesn't everyone who goes to McD's have to be hungover?
  19. What am I missing here. the MacD's manager takes the mayor elect's $100 bill and and doesn't bring him either the happy meal and his change or the $100 bill back. So he get's the police to get his property $100 bill) back. Sounds kinda boring incident to this Torontonian. Rob Ford would have used his $100 bill to snort something, not try to buy his kid a happy meal. 😵
  20. Cobourg was a shout out to @Ex-Airbalancer. Hence the 😁 Cobourg needs another 50,000 GTA refugees, minimum. 😁
  21. Have you driven on the 401 lately? We taxpayers, current and future, are spending a whole lot of money rebuilding all the bridges and making it at least three lanes all the way to Kitchener and doing construction east from the 427 all the way to almost Yonge street. The problem is not enough spending. The problem is too many people in the GTA. So get out people! Timmons, Thunder Bay and Cobourg are wonderful places to live! 😁
  22. The first thing I do after I take that first step onto the ship is I take a second step. All that other stuff, martinis, dropping off luggage, peeing etc. is way down the line after many more steps.
  23. But you do have to admit @Mum2Mercury makes a good point about "You eat with your eyes first". I mean, I don't have any issues with other men wearing shorts in the MDR but I don't do it myself. Not because of any cruise line rule but because the ladies in the room would be so distracted by my incredibly fury manly pistons that their plates of food would turn into some bland pile on nothingness. A good steak, or lobster just can't compete with DirtyDawg's shanks! And as a good fellow cruiser I have to look out for the ladies on my cruises. 😉😁 And BTW why are we always talking about the unsightliness of men in shorts in the MDR. What about all the ladies with their too tight yoga type pants and dresses! And good God women, if you can afford a cruise, you can afford to pay a few extra bucks more for an extra couple of inches of fabric for the bottom of that dress! You're not 20 years old anymore! 😇
  24. Ask you cousin's husband if he ever had to drive a politician from the legislature to his weekly hockey games and back. And yes he could afford way more than 6 beers with his pension, the cheap 🤬. 😁
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