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Everything posted by DirtyDawg

  1. The only used thing that should be intentionally left in a cabin following a cruise is lots of used 💵! Maybe not $20 Grand lot, but lots! 😉
  2. 🏆 Winner of the nicest thing said in the universe today! 😁
  3. 🤯 Those are worse than the dollar store ones! Those are like repurposed Ford Pinto cup holders in a new Porsche. 😢 Those should only be repurposed to inside cabins. 😁
  4. WOW, if I paid $20 Grand for a suite I would not want my robe hung up with some repurposed hanger from a dollar store. That's like buying a Porsche and getting Chevy cup holders in it. And repurposed ones to boot!🤬
  5. With the price of bottled water so high these days we have resorted to smuggling water onto our cruises. Just dilled holes in the bottom of several white rum bottles, consumed the contents and refilled with H2O. We call it Water Whisking!😁 But please, the preparation process for this should take you a few weeks to complete . Doing it all the morning of your cruise is not advisable. 🥴 🤕
  6. I was going to use the Lada Signet, the Soviet made peace of junk, instead of the Gremlin but I don't think they ever were imported into the U.S. Lucky you!
  7. Paying a higher rate on debt is also affected by the maturity of the debt and the timing of when the debt was issued. What you need to compare is the current yield to maturity of debt securities with similar features and similar maturities to see how the market is currently assessing the relative riskiness of each company. The YTM on Carnival bonds are a lot higher than Royals' of similar maturity right now. And Royal's is a lot higher than high quality Corporates right now. Put another way, if high quality corporate bonds were a BMW M8, Royal's bonds would be a Ford Pinto and Carnival's bonds would be an AMC Gremlin. 😉
  8. You forgot Centre of the Universe as well. 😉
  9. I'm from the GTA. We are not in South Western Ontario. We are the Centre of Ontario! Which, BTW is the Centre of the Universe!!! 😁
  10. I heard a rumour that Captain Kate is being replaced with this guy. 😉
  11. And when they were building that 'best house', they forgot to include a proper foundation. 😉
  12. @Mark_K and @seba1 posted great advice. Check you credit card you used for any travel related benefits. If nothing there, contact Royal. All the best finding a solution. 🤞 And hoping your daughter will be OK.
  13. Very true, but I couldn't figure out how to write out War and Peace Squared. War and Peace 2 ? War and Peace ^2 ? X ? 😉
  14. Is there a Coles Notes version of this thread? Jeepers, it's like reading War and Peace meets Finnegans Wake. 🤯
  15. I always travel with Mrs. Dawg. Any cabin she sails in IS the ROYAL SUITE!!! (And yes, you can read that a few different ways.😇)
  16. I'll wager that at least 4 out of those 5 .1%ers are not sailing on Royal. They are probably sailing on Carnival - that's how they save and be worth $25 mil. 😉
  17. Because this is Cruise Critic and we LOVE to know why anyone does anything differently than we do. 😱 And, of course, being CCer's we LOVE to judge others who do things differently too.😉 😁
  18. Do you really want to know this because I know exactly how people afford those $20,000 suites, and who they are. But it's going to cost you ... ... $20 Gand sounds like a reasonable price. 😊
  19. Heck, after reading some of these posts I don't even want to go into our own hot tub anymore. 🤢 Last night, Mrs. Dawg went in and invited me to join her. From my facial expression she got her answer. And yes, I sept on the couch last night. 🛋️
  20. No Worries. All the best to you and get better soon! They say humour is the best medicine. Frankly, I prefer a good surgeon, great drugs and then a big dose of humour. 😁
  21. But if Royal is reasonable and it's a 1 hour grace then I wouldn't have my L and L joke. C'mon, Ret MP get with the program. 😁
  22. I don't know about anybody else but by the time a go to the Loo and then get a snack it can be way more than 30 minutes especially on seadays with all the lineups. I do hope the pool attendant would grant expedited L and L passes (Loo and Lunch) as I'd hate to have an accident waiting in line for to get his/her permission to go for a whizz. 😇
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