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Posts posted by jcgld62

  1. I got this Nicole Miller dress in the Neiman Marcus sale online last week and it arrived yesterday. Been looking at it since it was full price and finally bought it for 70% off although had to get a 6 and bust needs taking in a little. Just need that Caribbean weather now...oh and new shoes and bag to go with but can't decide on colour. ru8yve4y.jpg


    Ohhh, I love this dress! Not sure I would have the 'assets' to hold it up, but it looks like something I would buy in a hot minute whether it was on sale or not!

    Absolutely gorgeous!!

  2. Good morning ladies,


    Thank you everyone for your kind words. Please no worry; I am not going anywhere. I have never let anything get to me and I am not going to let anything get to me now. Life is good.


    While in Paris I bought few handbags, new shoes and clothes. I need room for them so here are few items for you


    I am going to take a shower then going to Del Mar to see a friend's horse race today. Race four #1 Life's Journey. I am going to bet a few dollar on it :).


    Have a fantastic day everyone.






    Yay! You didn't leave us! I would love to see pics of what you bought in Paris! Good luck at the races!

  3. And to those gals who were talking about living life to the fullest I just want to say H*LL yes!!


    Live everyday like it's your last....seize life! Try to make your experiences positive ones. (and that can be hard for all of us) I've had two brushes with death and nothing I know will wake up up faster than hearing *You were two weeks from dying*. It's a sobering experience, trust me. I worked too hard, spent time trying to keep everyone happy (never myself!) and took everything so serious and held on WAAAAAY too tight! In the time I heard those words, I made up my mind that from there on out, it was about the people in my life and me. They still burn in my ears even today. We know not the hour, nor the day that we will go home.



    I had a lady tell me that I was vivacious the other day at the market (LOL, all because I was in a two seater convertible probably acting like a school kid!). I had some FB school friends tell me that my hubby and I always look like we are having fun. I'm a receptionist at a small non profit and people have told me they can hear the smile in my voice. I'm so happy it shows because having fun is really something I try to live by.


    It's not to say you can't have bad days because everyone does from time to time, but I try to think how I want my kids and grandchildren to remember me. I positively know that they will remember me as the wild woman....because fun is all around, you just have to make it! So when you are in the store and you just want to buy something fun, DO IT!! Life is way too short. Eat off the good china, embrace your children, hug your hubby just because. It's all good!


    This is my hubby and I in my new goofy glasses I bought at Five Below....I bought them for the bike trail, but they work in the convertible too!;) Just a note....on my FB page, I wrote *LOL, we're out on bail!*


    Keep smilin' all!


    I LIKE HOW YOU THINK!!!! This is exactly how it should be. Sometimes it's hard, but I try to take a moment every morning when I first wake up and say "YES! I get to do this one more day, thank you God!"

    @arhillbilly-I love your attitude and spunk!

  4. Okay, what happened to my kinder gentler thread here? ENOUGH already!




    I know right! I was wondering if this thread had been taken over by jr high school girls! I think I got whiplash trying to keep up with what the heck everyone was saying. And I still have absolutely no idea what or who anyone is talking about.

    However, I do hope Marie will continue to at least post pics of herself in her gorgeous dresses on her amazing trips. I really enjoy reading her posts and seeing her outfits.

    And all you other ladies too!

  5. I drink ginger hot tea for nausea from cramps. They sell some really good ginger tea at Trader Joes. I took some with me on our last cruise and drank some at night and didn't need the pills I took ... bonus: I wasn't groggy the next morning. Sometimes those motion sickness pills make me completely loopy in the mornings after I take them the night before.

    Kid humor: Just had a first grader tell me another kid had said the "F" word. The kid's defense: "No I didn't. I spelled it."

    Friday, how I've missed you.:rolleyes:


    Our kids come back next week. Fortunately for them I don't work on a campus, but I hear a lot of cute things the students say and do. I think it takes special people to care for our children the way teachers do. Thank you for that!

  6. Bad news. Two days ago I used the self service machine when the line was too long to ship all shoes and Christi’s package. I just checked; you are not going to receive your package until next week. Sorry :D. I have your tracking number; email me if you want it.


    Maureen, Margaret, Amy, Kathy, Judy and Kim. I shipped your package this morning; in person :), you should get it on Saturday.




    Thanks for letting us know, I will have to be patient for a little longer. My bf works for the USPS, I love giving him a hard time about their mishaps! :p

  7. Happy Hump day :).

    Yay... my list of things to do is getting a bit shorter. I just booked an Alaska cruise for next year. We met Dennis and Anne on the last year cruise. We became good friends. They will be joining us on the next year cruise. After the cruise they will be staying with us ten days to see the sites, then we will drive to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Lake Tahoe, Yellowstone, Seattle then to BC for our 14 day cruise to Alaska. Our first time to Alaska; I am very excited. The most important things to do on my list is to renew my husband's passport and add pages to my. I better get my ass moving :D.


    Alaska sandwiched between 2 world cruises??

    Do you need a personal assistant or will you just go ahead and adopt me!!!! :p


  8. I started doing this my last few trips and it really helped me by selecting my outfits according to the activities I had planned for each port. Instead of just packing a number of shorts, tops, etc. I pack a specific outfit for each day and port. Doing this assures that I don't forget anything but also don't over pack things I probably won't wear.

    I also plan each evening dress and usually save whichever happens to be a little roomy for the last night!:eek:

  9. Good morning ladies,


    Hope everyone is doing well. I have a new walking boot. It is UGLY, but I can walk and I can TAKE IT OFF :):):). I am a very happy camper. Yay!!!!


    I shipped all the shoes and Christi's package an hour ago. The rest I will ship tomorrow or the next day. I had to get some boxes.


    Have a fantastic day




    I am so happy for your progression in healing! It's been 19 days since my shoulder surgery and I am still having horrible pain. I can't imagine what you have been through.

    Very excited for my package to arrive :D Thanks Marie!

  10. Thank you so much for caring and asking about me. Was feeling sorta hurt because no one had written to me or asked about me.


    Surgery went relatively ok. It was 12 hours. At one point I stopped breathing and they had to breathe for me. Other than that it was successful, but the recovery time is soooo slow and painful. Don't want to be kicked off the site because someone asked about my health so I will continue this in the Floataway Lounge under Recyclers


    So glad to hear you are doing well!

  11. I love this board for that reason. When you watch the news, there is rarely any "good" news, so it's nice to see that there are still nice people out there!! I know what you mean - when I read of fellow posters health problems, I'm crying for them, even though I wouldn't recognize them if they walked in my front door! Love you all!!


    Well said!

    I have been wondering if anyone has heard from Sheri (shorbr) recently?

  12. So excited, just booked a cruise for "St. Paddy's Day" so I get to wear this BEAUTIFUL "Green Gown" that Marie sent me. (not a good picture of me, no make up, hair not done, bad posture, etc. LOL) Just wanted everyone to see the dress. (Thanks again, Marie). :D




    You look beautiful! Green is one of my favorite colors!:D

    Unfortunately for me, I don't have the 'assets' for a dress made like that!

  13. Two more days! I am 90% sure the doctor is going to let me walk with a walking boot. If that the case, I will be shipping all the packages next Monday. Yay...I am so excited.


    Have a great day ladies.




    Good luck Marie, I hope you are on your way to a speedy recovery! I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

    I will be going under the knife as well on Wednesday :eek:. Just having repair done for tendonitis and some pesky little bone spurs on my shoulder. I am a real wimp when it comes to this kind of stuff but your story has given me inspiration to suck it up and be a big girl!

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