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Everything posted by pirate4me2

  1. Thank you! That was my first attempt at a live, I will try and make this one better! And not get as distracted by the Alchemy as I did on MG 😂 Well c’mon aboard, I’ll try and at least help the next week go by faster! Welcome to the Crazy Cruisers Club!! Any questions about the ship, just ask! I’ll try and get answers!
  2. Welcome aboard! I hope my trip will be just as awesome and relaxing. This week at work has me more than ready for a few Alchemy drinks! I'd say it does!
  3. I would choose Liberty. She's bigger than Elation, and when we did an 8 day cruise on her we had a great time. The decor is so pretty too....lots of wrought iron and color changing lights, very elegant!
  4. YAY!! Although I do not mind the app, I really prefer the paper version. It's easier for me to plan out the day.
  5. I am really leaning toward Monty's, glad to hear someone urging me to go there! I not really eyeing any at the moment, we are booked up thru spring 2025 so I gotta wait for summer/fall 2025 cruises to be released. I want to sail Legend to finish out the Spirit class, and Venezia has me interested.
  6. I am bored at work, and when that happens I either a) book a cruise I have been eyeing, b) research cruises I want to book, or c) begin planning excursions/hotels/pre cruise stuff for cruises I currently have booked. If my IT department tracks my internet usage, they are probably about to put parental controls on that block the CCL website. That or they roll their eyes and say, “this girl dun got problems….if she didn’t cruise so much, she could be livin’ the high life!” Anyway…it’s almost lunchtime, so I am BUNGRY….that’s Bored and Hungry combined. Today, I decided to research where to eat in Miami on our evening there. Yeah, big mistake, now I am SUPER hungry. But, I have narrowed the decision down to 2 places: Bahama Breeze, or Monty’s Raw Bar. We know we want seafood, so that is the only criteria for our pre-cruise dinner. We ate at Bahama Breeze before our Conquest cruise in 2020 and really liked it, but Monty’s is kinda calling to me….partly because the menu looks delicious, partly because they have a cocktail called “Summer of ‘69” (my mom has a picture of me JAMMING OUT as a 2 year old to my uncle’s band playing that song), and partly because my camper (my home….no really, my camper is my house right now) is named Monty. She is a Montana High Country, so the name was fitting. 😊 Depending on how far they are from the hotel and the Uber cost and just our general moods that evening will determine the final outcome. Side note: I just looked to see if BUNGRY is a word, because my spell check didn’t pop up red like it does when I make up words, and, uh….yeah, apparently Urban Dictionary has it as a word….but I am NOT what that definition states. I am just bored and hungry for FOOD. Like, a hamburger. With mayo, pickles, tomato, onion, shredded lettuce (I HATE big leaves of lettuce on my burger), and super duper melty cheese. Yeah, I am totally getting that for lunch.
  7. Hey Kim, glad to have you along! I agree, this itinerary is NOT one of my favorites. We booked it to a) sail the new ship, and b) sail with friends we met a few years ago on a cruise. I know I am in the minority, but I prefer the Cozumel/Costa Maya/Roatan run that the MG and Celebration do as opposed to this one. But hey, at least I will be on a ship!
  8. See you onboard!! Yes, his and Jeff’s reviews have been keeping me somewhat sane as I count down the days until we head out!
  9. This resort looks like a place I need to make note of for next year!
  10. Thank you! The pics I have seen look beautiful! Welcome aboard! This sounds like how I want y port days to be! I hope I can help the time (or at least the next week) pass quickly! I did the same thing! 😂 Friends cruises are the best!!! I hope y’all have a great time onboard!
  11. Oh yes, I would get a small side of that as well....it was yummy!
  12. I think this is the Voyager burger....one of my favs! They have 2 burgers, one with an egg and one without. It's super messy and DELICIOUS!!!
  13. See you onboard! I am all packed and ready to go....although I have not done my usual pre-cruise "unpack and repack to make sure I didn't forget anything/make sure I didn't overpack" routine yet. That'll most likely happen Friday night. We will also be driving down Saturday, we plan to start our bright (not really) and early at 5 a.m. Safe travels to you and your group!
  14. @Hogladyrider, small world.....right now we are full time RV dwellers too! We sold our house in Nov 2021, and we were going to build a new one right away (we own 2 acres to build on). However, when building prices skyrocketed, we put that off. I actually like the RV life....its so much simpler, less to clean, and our Montana 5th wheel has enough space that I really don't mind it. My biggest issue is space for my clothes...I'll admit, I have a clothes problem, and when the seasons change and it comes time to swap wardrobes I get grouchy. In the house I had a huge closet that was able to house them all, so no hour or so spent swapping clothes from storage containers to the closet. But hey, right now we are living debt free and I can't complain!
  15. @Hogladyrider Glad to have you along! I have never done a cruise where I stayed on the ship and didn't have something planned for the ports, so this will be a new experience for me.
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