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Posts posted by lindaler

  1. Good morning all. Thanks Rich and all who contribute. Finished my lawn work so today is a do what I want day. Of course I do that every day but still, it sounds good. 28 days until I fly to Seattle to join my sister and visit Alaska. Then she will fly back with me to spend a week here in Mobile. In those days I have to close on son's house, get him moved, set up furniture for sister to enjoy guest room, paint said room, and a slew of other items. I keep reminding myself that I can only do what I can and be happy with that. Have a great Sunday. 


    • Like 30
  2. Good morning all. Thanks Rich and all who contribute. My knee is healing and since as I lay crying on the pavement, I said I never want to ride a bike again, my children have decided that I needed to ride a tricycle instead. My son found one about two hours away and we went to look at it. We ended up bring it home. It had a platform and ramp that attaches to the back of my jeep. Learning to turn on a three wheeler is not easy and with a bum knee my kids say to take it slow and not plan to ride with a group for a week or two. It's got more programs for peddle assist and torque drive then I am sure I will ever learn. But I will learn. It will be fun to ride around old town or where ever.  Hope all stay well, and have a great weekend. Lasagna makes me want to take the family out to where they make the best vegan dish. Guess that means I won't need to cook. 



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  3. Thank you Rich and all who contribute. Yesterday was not a good day. Not only was the weather not cooperating but we had to reregister my grandson for school, deal with a friend and projects relating to getting my son's house, we went bike shopping.  I thought since I was old it would be good to get an electric bike. Then I would be able to keep up with others when they go on their tours of downtown Mobile three times a week. We were trying out different kinds and somehow my legs got tangled in the frame and I took a terrible crash. No bike for me, at least until I heal. I was so embarrassed. It was all caught on security cameras and two sales men were watching my old lady fumble and crash.  It totally tore up my jeans and left horrible knee injures. But I will survive, I am a tough cookie and will try another day.

    I like bagpipes but usually only hear them at firefighter's funerals so they make me sad. Hope everyone has a good day.  

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  4. Thank you Rich for the Daily and all who contribute. Start of the week so lots of things to get done. I had a great weekend with the grandson. We went exploring old haunted grave yards. I saw the resting place of Joe Cain who is claimed to be responsible for starting the Mardi Grau in the US. History is always so interesting and walking around a two hundred year old cemetery helps make it come to life for a teenager. Then we went to dinner in town. I am so lucky to be able to spend time with him. 


    For a short trip of 14 days or a long trip of 40 I still pack only a carry on and just enjoy the laundry service. If someone notices that I've worn the same blouse twice I hope they like it because sometime they will probable see it again. 

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  5. Good morning everyone. Thanks Rich and all who make this a great place. We finally got news that the offer on the house I was getting for me son was signed. Only three days after the offer expired but I will continue as it is the best house we have found so far and will require only a day or two to get it move in ready. Not that he has a lot to move. When he drove across country to join me and his brother in Mobile he sold everything and brought only what he could pack in his car. It will be fun to help him furnish the place. Life is always interesting. 

    • Like 28
  6. Good morning all. Not much news here. Still waiting to hear about the house offer. It was promised no rain for a few days but so far they have been wrong every day. Lightning and thunder comes for about three hours every day but not at the same time. It would be easier to plan around if it was always say an afternoon shower. It may have rained alot in the Northwest but the difference is there its like a shower, and down here its like someone turned the garden hose on you full force. Just have to get used to our new home. Best to everyone.

    • Like 30
  7. Good morning all. Thanks Rich and all who contribute to making this place so great.  Yesterday we placed an offer on a house for my oldest son. It's a simple place but close to the heart of Mobile and will be nice for him.  It is close to his work. I am waiting to hear if our offer has been accepted. Today is work in the yard day to try to keep up the work my hired crew has done. Things grow so fast here. My sister is asking my planting plans but I have just unearthed the back yard so I want to live with it for a while, learn the shade patterns and then slowly plan what goes where. Gardening in a place where it has all the water and sun any plant could use and does not snow or freeze much is all new to me. I better get out if I am going to beat the heat today. 

    • Like 30
  8. Good morning all. Thanks Rich and all who contribute to make this a great place to come every morning. Today is phone day. I have a list of five things to do long distance that will require patience and time dealing with automated answering features on each call. I just wish I could speak to a real person and I would do so much better. It looks like it will be hot everywhere today. I will enjoy my evening kayak with a group of nice friendly people. 

    • Like 27
  9. Good afternoon all you wonderful Dailyite family.  I have been working so hard getting things done here that I just fall into bed.  The submerged sailboat that came with the house is gone.  We spent two days raising it and then cleaning some. Offered it free and it went away today. No more threats of fines for a wreck in the waterway.  Between me and my neighbor and a lawn crew I have reclaimed my back yard.  There was a pile hidden under two years' worth of black berries of a full large trailer load of limbs and tree stuff, but its gone and now I just need to keep it up and decide what to plant and do with the nice size yard. And just now I learned that my house in Oregon got recorded so I am now officially a resident of Alabama. So much weight off my mind.  I think of you guys often and try reading each day but about halfway through there is another chore I need to do, or trash can to fill or something. Life is good. 

    • Like 34
  10. Thanks Rich for the daily forum. And good afternoon to all my dailyite family.  Hawaii brings back tons of memories. Some bittersweet as those I traveled with are not here now. I worked too hard yesterday trying to rescue my back lawn from 6 feet tall growth.  Today I pay the price.  Why can't I remember I have all the time in the world and it doesn't have to be done in a day. 

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  11. Good morning Dailyite family.  On Wednesday instead of driving back to Oregon my son found a way to fly with his pet for all of us for half what it would cost to drive. So we will be arriving back at the cabin on the river almost two weeks earlier.  


    Thank you Rich and all who contribute to the Daily that make it such a great place to be.  We will go kayaking tonight one more time before we start on our next adventure. I am actually looking forward to driving my jeep and tt back here to Alabama as I can go slow enough to enjoy and stop when I want.


    Be safe. I will be reading but probably not posting as I enter the next chapter of this adventure. 



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  12. Good morning all. Thanks Rich. I have arrived in Mobile. 2700 miles all by myself. With son’s  help the uhaul is unloaded and returned. Son has done so much work getting the house ready by fixing things and cleaning. I’ve painted three room. And been kayaking twice. Next week son, grandson and I rent a car to cross the country again to return to Oregon. Many things to do once we get back but for me they include getting my cabin on the river officially for sale and final visits with family at the cabin. Then another trip with my jeep and Casita travel trailer across to Mobile. Hopefully the last trip will be more leisurely. One very busy summer so I may not post a lot but I am lurking and I care about my Dailyite family. 

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