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Everything posted by Eglesbrech

  1. I’m onboard relatively soon so will let you know what I think, for what my opinion is worth. Selbourne said the Head Chef has changed so things may be on the up (hopefully).
  2. As Tring says Fred allow you to sit comfortably indoors and wait. To be honest with a time of 2pm it’s likely that if you are a bit early you may just get checked in and get onboard if embarkation is going well. IMO what P&O do is disgraceful.
  3. Even if you think the menus are vaguely the same (and personally I don’t think they are, particularly not for lunch), the quality is not IMO. Just as one small example do you get the same choice of cheese now that you got 15 years ago? If you do then can you tell me how you manage that please. Recently all I have been presented with is some very small and very bland bits of over chilled basic cheese and it’s exactly the same plate every single night. Have you seen a Stilton soaked in port on formal nights recently because I haven’t even when it is requested. The cheese used to come out on a board and you selected what you wanted from it which the waiter cut. The round of Stilton used to be scooped our at the table. All of this was not that long ago so I’m not talking ancient history here. I also used to get a nice little bowl with a selection of nuts, apricot, dried apple etc with the cheese which I haven’t had recently. The choice of crackers has gone form a full basket with a good choice of different types of crackers down to almost take it or leave it. Even of the formal night recently when the menu actually said the cheese was different, out came the same tired little plate. I asked about that, pointed out the menu and they didn’t actually have what was on printed there in the kitchen. Food is very subjective but some things have manifestly changed and not for the better IMO. Yes we pay much much less but personally I’d rather pay a bit more and go back to having better quality and choice. The cheese is just one insignificant example but as I seldom eat dessert it’s one I certainly notice.
  4. That’s absolutely dreadful and actually so unusual for Madeira where they are normally very nice.
  5. Really interesting to read about your cruise. Thanks for doing the “live”, much appreciated. We are really lucky on this part of CC to have so many interesting travel blogs. On some of the forums there are next to none.
  6. @Megabear2 if @zap99 doesn’t use it then he is still paying twice. Any how back onto the topic at hand. @enjoysailing that’s a fair question however we have been on many ships where there is a split between package and no package passengers. I haven’t noticed any preference given to non package passengers. The only “difference” I have noticed is a preference to serve some passengers from the US who drop a cash tip with every drink (over and above the % gratuity already added to the drink). That’s not an issue on P&O where most Brits who choose to tip, tend to do in once towards the end of the cruise, not with each order. Out of curiosity what are the current average prices for standard things like beer, wine, decent G&T etc. We were on Iona last year but they have obviously gone up in price since then. Just curios, like Bazrat I don’t go on holiday to count the pennies.
  7. Yes they have rather being pushing it.
  8. It all depends what the price rise (if it is confirmed) is. If it’s just an annual updating for higher costs then there will probably be a limited reaction from pax. As I’ve mentioned before it feels like the P&O and Princess brands are pulling ever closer together. Higher drinks prices will mean some don’t purchase as much but this is just as likely to push others towards the drinks packages. On Princess it seems like most people buy a package of some sort because the price per drink is so high. Perhaps P&O are looking for the same result? Until we see if / what any price change is it’s all speculation (which is always fun and there would be fewer posts on here if we didn’t engage in a bit of it).
  9. How is Sarah doing? Im sure there will be many prayers for her Dad from people who knew him. My prayers are for you, Pauline and Sarah, while I have never met you in person I do feel I know you. God Bless.
  10. Berry picking. One in the basket, one in my mouth, one in the basket, one in my mouth. I used to love picking blae berry. You don’t see them as much now but we had a prolific picking place not far from the house. Amazing in a pie.
  11. Reading your post takes me back to digging for lug worms to go catch fish, which we always gutted and enjoyed. Worms for the cod, shiny things for mackerel then onto tied flies for salmon. My dad took me fishing regularly and the fresh fish made a tasty meal. Any extra caught was shared with neighbours (days before a freezer big enough to take much more than a block of ice cream) and they in turn shared extra produce from the garden. Everyone had a glut of something so passed it around. Waste not want not. We are fortunate to have all we could ever need now but I still really, really hate food waste and have numerous recipes for any leftovers. Sharing food is an important part of the bonds of family and friends. I suppose that’s why many world religions have it as part of their rituals.
  12. Up early. I got a few hours sleep then that was that. OH is still happily snoring away. I do envy those who get a good. Ight sleep every night which i seldom do now.
  13. Yes we bought a shredder as well a couple of years ago. The cost for garden waste went from included in council tax 3 years ago to doubled year on year. While it cost more initially for the hot composter I reckon it will pay for itself in 2 years with the added bonus of the compost. I remonstrated with the council when they brought in the charge. I don’t see why I should pay for a garden waste collection when it’s one of the very few services I (used to) actually get.
  14. That’s utterly ridiculous. I refuse to pay the Council any more for garden waste as they already get a hefty amount in tax. So we bought a hot composting bin which now resides at the back of the garage out of view from the house. Might be worth thinking about if you have space for one?
  15. So @Selbourne I have all thoroughly enjoyed reading all about your adventures. I’m glad to hear you and Lady S are home safe and sound after whats sounds like an excellent cruise. It’s a lot of time and effort to write a comprehensive blog like this one but much appreciated. The question now that everyone would like know of course is….. when is your next cruise?
  16. We have been on ex Southampton cruises where it has been English only and others where it has been multiple languages. In Europe at least it seems to depend on how many embarkation ports / range of pax there are. Our last winter cruise they had Southampton, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Zebrugge and Le Harve and so 5 languages. In the summer the only embarkation was Southampton so English only.
  17. There is a really good book about travelling the Camino. Travels with my Donkey by Tim Moore. Like you I was a lazy pilgrim and did the bit from the bus!
  18. How hard is it to get some decent cheese. Not very! I’m with your lass in this.
  19. @TigerB again the cheese looks truly inedible. Dry and shrivelled up. I don’t tend to eat pudding so cheese is important to me and your pictures, which I thank you sincerely for, look dreadful.
  20. I’d say it is too risky in my humble opinion. The Italian rail system (like some bits of the rail network in the U.K. to be honest) is not the most reliable. If you did DIY once you are actually in Florence most of the main attractions are within a nice compact area and not too far from the station.
  21. I don’t know to be honest as I don’t work 😀. Good question.
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