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Everything posted by pete14

  1. That may be the case for those approaching 65 but for those currently over 65, they will have to wait until they are 70, not for their next birthday (unless they are currently 69)
  2. We were told we couldn’t have a shingles jab because we are not 70. I know the advert says 65 but that is people who reach 65 after August 1st 2023 so there are probably around 3 million people, like us, stuck in the middle. You couldn’t make it up.
  3. I think I spoke too soon. A pretty restless night, two sore arms and generally feeling under the weather. Never mind, it will pass and is better than the possible alternative.
  4. Went to have the flu jab at the doctors that we booked a couple of weeks ago and was offered the Covid one at the same time. Needless to say, we took them up on it so I now have a sticker for both. No problems so far.
  5. I must admit, I don’t mind listening to a saxophone. There was a guy who was on Britain’s got Talent’ several years ago who did a couple of shows on a cruise we are on, who was excellent but nobody is like the late great Clarence Clemons from Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band who also had a superb bass singing voice he kept well hidden for some reason.
  6. You may be right Avril but part of me hopes you are not. 😇 Is there someone called ‘complicated sax’?
  7. As if Verstappen would ever use any unfair tactics. How can you possibly suggest such a thing.
  8. Is that what you typed or has it autocorrected? 🤔
  9. Maybe the cabin availability changes are the result of P&O upgrading those booking cabins on a select fare to slightly better cabins leaving the perceived inferior ones for the allocations to those paying less on a saver fare.
  10. Do your figures take into account the effects of inflation, rise in the cost of living and other economic factors? It is not too long ago for me to remember the financial struggles we endured buying a house and raising a family with the help of overdraft and maxed out credit cards. We both had good jobs but no foreign holidays, driving an old car because it was all we could afford, rarely eating out or having takeaways, taxes and mortgage rates higher etc. Of course, in those days pension contributions were seen only as another draw on limited finances. I do feel sorry for younger people these days who are struggling financially but their expectations of what they ‘need or want’ are much higher than ours ever were. Mind you, phones, expensive satellite TV, computers and the internet along with other items that are now considered by many to be necessities, either didn’t exist or were items only the well off people had. Incidentally, although the works pension (on which tax is paid) and state pensions we receive ensure we have a reasonable standard of living, the extras we enjoy (such as cruises and our static caravan) are financed by earnings through part time work on which tax is paid, not ‘handouts’.
  11. I think you are correct. During lockdown and working from home, the number of cars owned did not reduce by any great degree but all had to be insured. However usage of these cars reduced greatly because many people had nowhere they were allowed to go and no need to use them for commuting. Consequently, there must have been considerably fewer accident claims. Did the premiums fall during this period and the following year? Yours might have done, but mine certainly didn’t.
  12. I guess they will say a win is a win but, especially in a game to celebrate 150 years of the fixture, you would think they would put a greater emphasis on entertainment. At times, the way England played was like watching beige paint dry.
  13. I may be wrong but I think the 15 drink limit is only for alcophrolic drinks. I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong. Presumably a 50ml brandy counts as two though.
  14. So is Brandy which mixes very well with Hot Chocolate, especially on a cold day.
  15. We are seriously considering the deluxe package on Aurora in November. As we are going to Norway in the hope of seeing the Northern Lights, the short days, several sea days and the inclusion of most Costa products for internal heating, plus more than basic alcoholic drinks (some also for internal heating), seems to make it a good option.
  16. I rinsed the sand off the car this morning, a couple of hours later, more had appeared 😩
  17. Possibly due to the number of bookings and pick ups en route, or maybe different companies (are they different?) having contracts with different services or even to limit the number of stops which can be frustrating for passengers already on the coach.
  18. Here in normally sunny North Wales it is warm, very humid but little sign of the sun. We have already had a couple of rain showers which we hadn’t been expecting.
  19. I don’t disagree with that but a lot can happen, especially weather wise, between printing Horizon and arriving in port.
  20. The word ‘scheduled’ is a key one. Delays can easily happen for a multitude of reasons which may be why P&O seem reluctant to give specific timings.
  21. ( Can anybody explain to me why you can drive more quickly on the wrong side of the road than on the correct side?
  22. How awful. The moronic yob who did this should have the legal book thrown at him very hard.
  23. Don’t worry, you will be in our thoughts as we sit out looking over the sea, chilled glass in hand, possibly feasting on barbecued food.
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