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Everything posted by pete14

  1. Oh I do love to be beside the sea side etc ☔️🎼🎹
  2. Nah, I’m not even slightly interested in acquiring rare baubles and trinkets. Well maybe a few.
  3. Go for it, if only so we can read another award winning review.🥇🏅
  4. I certainly would never dream of doing such a thing if I am ever on that stretch of road (or any other).
  5. 6 months ago would have been a better time.
  6. Probably much too early to restore the payment of dividends though?
  7. I know very little about such matters, but as they are still low compared with pre Covid levels, I would presume that people would hold onto them, potentially maximising profit rather than short term gain. I would hope institutions and pension funds would do the same if they have them in their portfolios.
  8. £9.99 now. Will they break the £10 target before inevitably coming down to earth?
  9. If it is a nice day (cannot be guaranteed), I think I would prefer the scenic fjord cruising to a stop in Olden.
  10. Better still would be a professional review writer with free cruises thrown in to review. Maybe a mystery cruiser rather than a mystery shopper.🥸. Perhaps the omniscient beings who review our musings and ramblings could assist. Will you put your badge on your CV for future opportunities? 🌞
  11. Whatever is that little computer icon beneath your name and why are you rare? Does that mean you are special?
  12. A knighthood for doing something good for other people? It will never catch on.
  13. I am not being awkward and I know it is first come, first served, but doesn’t making bookings for multiple nights deny others the chance because they are fully booked more quickly? I am not suggesting that it is something you do personally or would do given the chance.
  14. Only if it is dressed appropriately for a celebration night.
  15. We try offering water etc but they often refuse because they have nowhere to use the loo. Not a problem I would like to have!
  16. All that and with a missed port insurance payout on top. Seems like a good result.
  17. Where should you have been going to today. I suppose you didn’t do an advance booking of the weather on the app. That must be the issue. Insurance depends on your policy
  18. not a comment but a picture. Sorry it is upside down but the sky looks the same whichever way you look at it
  19. Just make sure you are on the side of the M6 going South rather than North. 😊
  20. I was surprised recently about the rise in my premium but a quick phone call produced a fairly small discount. It did get me thinking though. Insurance companies must have done well during 2020-2021. All cars were insured but hardly used as we couldn’t go out, homes were occupied most of the time which probably reduced the number of burglaries and no-one went on holiday but many kept their annual holiday insurance policies in place. Lots of money coming in, less going out and some staffing costs paid for by the furlough scheme. Naive thinking? Possibly.
  21. Although I realise P&O have to generate as much revenue as they can from onboard spend, ‘encouraging’ people to potentially drink 15 alcoholic drinks a day (potentially stronger drinks on the highest package) could easily result in a higher level of alcohol fuelled incidents than most cruisers would like. Larger ships on sun cruises may be at greater risk. Whilst I am not suggesting that anybody on here would succumb to this, it seems fairly likely that others might. I guess they keep records of such incidents and cross match to whether culprits have the drinks package but it must be a concern. Maybe that is a contributory factor as to why drinks packages are not available on short cruises.
  22. Like most other products, the price of alcoholic drinks, especially in pubs / restaurants, has risen over the last few months. Wine is likely to cost even more soon as the duty on most wine is going to rise, especially those with a higher alcohol content (ABV).
  23. May the best team win. Only sorry I won’t be able to be a spectator as the Welsh sunshine is detaining us at our static caravan. 🌞☀️
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