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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. My friend worked for Lloyds all her working life ( and me for most of mine - was TSB first) She told me the other day she’s written a letter of complaint to them . Her Dad is 88 and goes to the next town to do his banking as our nearest one shut last year. He was very upset as he was told very rudely he couldn’t go to her till for what he wanted to do and he had to go to some pod area. He likes to chat to a cashier. They are both planning to change their bank to Nationwide now!
  2. Morning all, life is just jogging on here, feel like we are in lockdown! Ridiculousy excited as my sister is coming up tomorrow and is taking my mum for lunch and going to her flat to pick up any post. John and I are going to get on a bus to the local shopping centre and have some lunch out ourselves! It’s the little things….
  3. They used to be called Baker days when my son was little, after the Education secretary at the time who ‘invented’ them!
  4. John agrees with you on the clingfilm in the shower business! He’s finally got an appointment at the fracture clinic at the hospital but the voicemail didn’t make it clear if the appointment was this Thursday or next! Apparently a letter has been sent but how long it will take to get here is the problem!
  5. Morning all, life is chugging on here in fairly boring fashion. We all really miss going out in the car! It was my birthday on Thursday but it was a fairly boring day. John cooked us a nice meal. Friday was better as son, partner and grandson came to dinner which they cooked and we heated up. Pudding was chocolate and Baileys cupcakes that Amy made, yummy! We seem to be having post issues again, I had most of my birthday cards the day before but yesterday I got three, one had a first class stamp and had taken 3 days!! I had also given up looking at 2pm (we have a porch and have to open the door to look) and John found them when he locked up before we went to bed! We should have been having a long weekend at Centre Parcs this weekend so I’ll be off work tomorrow but I do feel a bit grumpy! Pictures are the gin that was a present from my son and the cupcakes!
  6. Regarding Christmas ads I have to say Asda’s with Michael Buble is the best for me!
  7. Morning all and thanks for the many good wishes you sent me. A draining day yesterday but it went well as far as these things can. It wasn’t until 2pm as we had some people coming from up to 2 hours away. We were surprised my son and partner brought our 5 year old grandson with them (I mean we did know in advance we were just surprised they did) but he was very well behaved. As he has a mop of blonde curls and cheeky grin he charmed everyone. We had the wake at a nearby cricket club and got a local cafe to provide the food. I’d provided the photo for the front of the order of service taken at that cafe last year on his birthday. They’d also blown up the photo and put it by the coffin. Considering it was only taken on my mobile I was impressed with the quality and everyone thought the photo was lovely. Just sister and hubby and son & family came back to ours after which was nice. My uncle texted later to say we’d done him proud. Phew!
  8. I despair of some people, I really think the world’s gone mad at times. I’m glad P&O had a word with these horrible women but they should have been thrown off at the next port in my opinion.
  9. Thank you, every time I sort something out something else happens! We’re having the wake at a cricket club but as John can’t drive at the moment we’ll need someone to take us home. My son will do it I thought but his “father in law” is taking him! My Bro in Law has a tiny car with virtually no boot so 2 should get in but there’s 3 of us plus Mum’s wheelchair! Aargh! I’ve decided to just wing it and hope someone will take pity on us!
  10. We went on a P&O tour to Ypres from Zeebrugge. Our guide told us they still find bodies now in the fields we were driving past 😞
  11. My Dad was 86 too, he never thought he’d reach that age as both his parents died in their 60’s. My Grandads didn’t fight in the wars, they were too young for the first one and a bit too old for the second one. My maternal Grandfather was in the Home Guard though. My Nan was quite a bit younger, that generation didn’t have many men to choose from! He was a farmer so exempt I think and my paternal grandfather was a miner so another important occupation. I had two Great Uncles who died though. Can’t imagine living through those times.
  12. Oh @kaloswhat a worry you had! As you say at least you didn’t have to wait in A&E for hours! Scary though but sounds like P&O looked after you well. Thanks for everyone’s good wishes for tomorrow.
  13. Thanks again Selbourne, great read. Glad you had a good cruise in the whole.
  14. I’m with you there Jane, keen to know the end of Kalos’s story. Sounds worrying to me. Been having a good clean up today as it’s my Dad’s funeral tomorrow. I have a stinky cold too. Just going to ‘watch the silence’ which sounds all wrong. Wishing it was this time tomorrow….
  15. I’m so sorry to read this Josy, how heartbreaking for you all. Sending hugs xx
  16. Also I have a November birthday and next year is a ‘big’ one. I often fancied doing the Canaries for it but the bad weather we seem to have had a lot of has put me off! I might celebrate in September!
  17. Just been catching up Selbourne. Re Lanzarote, I wonder if you docked in a different place to us. We went in 2015 and went on the Fire Mountain excursion which we really enjoyed then had a walk round the port area and we had a nice marina bit to look round. I want to go again because I want to do the Manrique tour. We enjoyed Eric and Ern on Britannia but the setting was more intimate in the Limelight and we’d had a good meal first. Also we were right at the front and John got picked on a bit 🤣 That butter dish is 🤢
  18. Oh dear, hope they are ok. I bet the people being held back were getting panicked!
  19. Well this means I have been in the true BoB as our very first cruise went to La Rochelle and Bilbao! First night was a bit bumpy but not too bad!
  20. I have been looking at old photos today, as you do, look at this typical 1970’s photo - that’s me on the left!
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