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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. Thanks Kalos, we had a boarding time of 12.30, showed up at 12.15 and were sent straight in! Small queue to check our boarding pass then straight through to report to our muster station. Cabin’s weren’t available til about 2.30 but we went to our cabin and asked if it was ok to leave our overnight bag there and it was fine.
  2. I always have a different outfit for each night but the longest I’ve done is 12 nights and I will double up on the trousers and skirts just with a different top.
  3. Another thing - no using the app to queue for MDR but we had lunch in the Glasshouse on the last day and we were asked if we’d joined the queue! We hadn’t but he did it for us and said we were no 3, we must have waited about 10 mins! We used the MDR twice, both times we went at 6pm so that we had plenty of time for the entertainment, both times we went straight in! Although we were in Amsterdam til midnight the formal night so I expect many were off the ship. Pleased to say Beef Wellington was on the Formal menu and chicken and steak were on every day.
  4. Afternoon all, we got home from our 4 night cruise this morning, self disembarked so were home about 10am. Had a lovely time, didn’t want to get off! I’ve started a new thread with more detail.
  5. Afternoon, we’ve just been on Ventura for four nights to Amsterdam, we had a lovely time. Highlights - No using the app now for Freedom dining, just show up like ‘old times ’ Lovely meal in the Epicurean, big excitement as my Crepe Suzette was cooked at the table 😊 It was delicious! The weather was fab, sunny and at times too hot 😆 We went to the ADam tower for a fantastic view, also had a breeze up the top! We went on a free ferry just behind the station. I only knew about this as I’d seen it on YouTube! Unfortunately Ventura was moored so it’s aft was towards us! We went to our first ever silent disco, what a laugh! Great fun and John, who hardly ever dances was dancing away! Any questions just ask.
  6. It was fantastic, we’re leaving at midnight tonight so we won’t see much leaving! Funnily enough not long after I posted my photo I looked at my emails and discovered next year’s cruise to Amsterdam has been changed to Rotterdam!
  7. Afternoon all, loving our cruise on Ventura to Amsterdam so far, we’re just sitting on our balcony watching our transit into the city. We dock in an hour!
  8. Yes I would think so too, especially Aurora. We had 3 formal nights on Azura on a 12 night cruise, was pre you know what though!
  9. I’ve read a recent report ‘elsewhere’ that on Ventura they flambéd the crepes by the table!
  10. So sorry to hear this Avril, I know how close you were. Sending love xx
  11. Great review Thankyou, you had fantastic weather.
  12. Thanks for your review, I must say I’ve hardly ever seen port talks on P&O just leaflets in the cabin with often a local map.
  13. Pleased you are home now, hope it’s been successful x
  14. Even on Ventura we have booked Epicurean for the first night. It’s only a four night cruise but it’s virtually all booked up for the Epicurean, just the odd 6pm or 9pm left.
  15. Very warm here today and I had 2 half hour sessions in my garden with my kindle. Grandson arrived at midday and was a bit grumpy as he isn’t keen on the heat. It felt quite cool in our house and as he had no desire to go outside we spent a quiet time indoors.
  16. Morning TigerB! I have just caught up with your posts and enjoying your tales! Looking forward to hearing more ….
  17. Morning all from my, at last, sunny and warm corner of Kent! Had Mum’s birthday lunch Sunday with son and family. We went to a local pub (save us the cooking this year we’ve got a lot on at the moment) and then all back to ours for a sit in the garden with sun umbrellas up and shade from the hedge! I think the temperature here went up about 10 degrees overnight! Yesterday I worked from home and I work in a North facing room, last week I had several scarves draped round me yesterday I was in shorts! Madness!
  18. Very best wishes, hope all goes well. At least it sounds like you’re in lovely surroundings!
  19. I’m never totally relaxed until my luggage arrives!
  20. I was going to ask the same question! Looks like you had a fantastic time.
  21. Oh no Sharon, that sounds scary too. I hope they find out the best way to treat you soon.Hope you’re not too bored. Not having much luck our posters on here at the moment!
  22. Oh my! That’s sounds awful, you poor thing, hope you’re not feeling quite so sore now.
  23. Thank you, she had a visit from my son and grandson in the afternoon and then we’re all going out for lunch on Sunday. My sister was invited but she’s swanning off to Santorini tomorrow 🙄
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