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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. Hope the driving lesson goes well Jane, it’s a great responsibility. I actually slept right through to 5.45am this morning! We had our new mattress delivered Thursday (wow can’t believe the price of them now!) and I don’t know if it’s a coincidence but I’ve had two decent nights sleeps.
  2. Morning all, looking quite bright here in North Kent, John’s working today so I’m just chilling and doing chores. Yesterday was bitterly cold, even in work! It’s bad enough going up to the office for 8am without it being colder than it is at home! Later I met a fried for coffee so that was good. When John gets home we’ll pop over to my parents for a couple of hours.
  3. Ah yes I should have guessed it was Don Vincenzo’s. I discovered Mamma Mia’s when I went with friends in the ‘eat out to help out’ scheme and loved the food and Italian staff! Went with hubby after we went to the Cathedral light show and he couldn’t believe how busy it was for a Tuesday night!
  4. I’ve found a couple of photos taken from the Spinaker Tower
  5. Loved the Jorvik centre. Also a really good museum that has every day things from the 50’s, 60’s etc. we enjoyed spotting things our parents and grandparents had. Been to Portsmouth a couple of times, the Mary Rose was very good. Also the Spinaker tower at Gunwharf quays - you can go up it and get a great view of the Isle of Wight ferry manoeuvring in and out, loved it!
  6. For my 50th we had afternoon tea in a nice hotel with all the family.
  7. Afternoon tea is very popular nowadays with younger people I work with. Seen so many done for things like baby showers. I love an afternoon tea myself ‘on land’ but often have it as lunch. I don’t have it on the ship though as it’s too much as an ‘extra’.
  8. Morning Lincslady and all. Sorry to hear so many of our regulars aren’t well, hope you all feel better soon. John has a nasty barking cough, though it’s eased a bit since Saturday, he says everyone at work has it . No one seems to at my work but perhaps they just work from home if they do. I’m pleased to say I did have a better sleep Sunday night than I often do. I wouldn’t say I’m an insomniac as such but I go through periods of not sleeping well, stress does not help! Often wake at 2 or 3am and am awake for 2 or 3 hours. Grandson coming today, haven’t had him for 2 weeks so I’m looking forward to that. Have a good day all.
  9. Hello all, been catching up. Work is crazy busy and everyone seems fed up. Been a decent weekend, met a friend for lunch yesterday at a garden centre. Today Grumpy John didn’t want to go out because our close was full of cars and he didn’t want to lose his parking space 🙄. The weather was lovely for February, mild and sunny so we just went for a walk round the local streets which got our steps up. I’d been awake since 3am today so made myself lie on the settee when we got back and had a half hour nap.I don’t usually sleep well on Sunday nights (sure I would be better if I worked from home Mondays ) so hoping the walk and nap will mean I’ll be ok tonight.
  10. The Alhambra is a place I’ve always wanted to go to. We were going on a cruise that included Malaga this October but sadly I’m going to have to cancel it. I will get there one day….
  11. I’ve been following a couple of YouTubers who were on last week and they said although they had pre booked some things they just turned up at some restaurants and got seated so perhaps people don’t need to get too stressed. They were concerned what it would be like as a full ship (half term) but found it good. Check in was smooth and well organised with just your boarding pass and passport needed. So different to the half a tree worth of paper I took with me last Easter!
  12. Afternoon all, being a Southerner I only learnt ‘gunnel’ from Corrie! I had a friend in the bank who came from Liverpool and she used to say ‘back passage’ - we’d say ‘alley’. There was a path by our bank that led to a grassy area we used to sit in at lunchtimes. She came back one day and said ‘ooh it’s a bit windy down the back passage’ and couldn’t understand why we all fell about laughing 😂
  13. Last April was the last time I was on a ship and I was very disappointed that the always available chicken wasn’t on anymore. I’m not mad on fish and don’t eat lamb or pork so it was always good to know I could have the chicken. I did struggle with a mains choice. Seems to me they want people to go to the paid for restaurants more.
  14. Great detailed review thank you. MDR food sounds disappointing. I’ve recently watched a cruise video of Arvia and they thought it was better than Iona, though they thought Arvia being in the Caribbean helped as the sea dome was open most of the time.
  15. Hello all, typical I didn’t pop in yesterday and so missed Phil’s birthday, Glad you had a lovely day @yorkshirephil🍻🎂🎈 @grapau27I thought you’d been on a cruise, glad you had a great time. Re Pobs, I’ve never heard of them but then I’ve lived down South all my life! I hate milk and the thought of warm/hot milk makes me gag so I wouldn’t like them ☺️ Nothing much going on here, popping over to my parents in an hour or so and not looking forward to back to work Monday.
  16. Good morning all, dull here but dry. My hairdresser comes to my house so I’m just waiting for her to arrive which should be in about 5 minutes. John is at a garage having two new tyres fitted -sounds expensive! Have a good day all.
  17. I agree, I like Kai, I was gutted he and AJ missed the final last year. I think Gorka was just disappointed in the moment, he did congratulate them though. Interesting his tour is with Karen, I didn’t realise they got on so well.
  18. Very frosty this morning but a sunny day. We went for a drive to Herne Bay, it was sunny all the way, then as we reached the seafront it was misty! The sea was so calm. We had a walk but got quite cold so went into a chippy that had a sit down area. We warmed up nicely and the sun had come out, so we had another walk. before and after photos 😆
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