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Everything posted by mtnesterz

  1. Great info from wallyj. Just to clarify since the OP may not be familiar with the Princess line. On the two smallest ships, the Coral Class, and the mid-sized ships Grand 1998 through Ruby 2018, there is self serve syrup coffee and decaf in the buffet, which most agree is not very tasty. One tap is left on at night for crew and night owls. The Sapphire is new information. And the agreement with Lavazza is recent. Beginning with the currently newest and largest ships, the Royal Class, self-serve brewed coffee by machine is available 24/7 in the buffet. I find it acceptable, but those with more refined tastes might opt for barista coffee. Looking at the future Sun Class, rumors say there will be Nespresso pod machines in the cabins. I'm not holding my breath on that. Yes on soda and wine, soda must be in cans. No soda in bottles. Some have said they got stopped with fortified wines, sherry, port and the like. Others say no problem. You may bring aboard more at port stops. On most Princess ships, you can look up which ones, the International Cafe is open 24 hours. Barista coffee at a charge, and goodies. Many here will tell you it's a favorite place on the ships. There is a non-alcoholic beverage package, if you don't get Plus or Premium, but personal opinion, it is overpriced.
  2. A solution to that would be to go to Passenger Services and ask for a Cruise Card instead of the Medallion. Since you are new to Princess, all the Medallion broadcasts is a code, that connects to your account, like a car's license plate, not your name or credit card info.
  3. Actually, it's their ship and restaurant. Not yours. They could require, but they only recommend.
  4. Having viewed the above photo and not being able to verify accuracy of the one I mentioned. Personally, I'd request a different cabin, stating your reasons and you have the photos, both above and on the CC review to show them. Princess may answer that it's a BF, but it is clearly not the same as the cabin L206 next door. As I mentioned, our cabin had a metal rail and was considered obstructed, but we booked knowing that. Good luck to you!
  5. I have viewed an image of what is represented as Emerald L202. The shot is a personal photo, not a publicity shot. The balcony barrier in the photo is glass. Princess lists the cabin as BF, a standard balcony, which would be glass. A metal barrier on the balcony would make it an obstructed balcony and have a different cabin code. As an example, we stayed in a DW, a deluxe obstructed balcony due to a metal railing. If you paid for a standard balcony, you got one. If you paid for an obstructed balcony, appears that you got upgraded.
  6. How about downloading the brochure and making some choices first? https://www.princess.com/brochures/ All I'll say now is if you're first time in Alaska and doing a Cruisetour, pay for the Connoisseur package. Tour first, cruise later. Sapphire, then Grand. We have been to Alaska on Celebrity, Princess and RCL. Princess first, then Celebrity and RCL, least favorite.
  7. Thank you so much for posting this. We are on the Diamond in Japan later this year. Regarding TV, does the ship have NHK World? Doesn't matter English or Japanese. Will be during the Grand Sumo tournament, which NHK covers. TIA!
  8. Whichever cruiseline you select in the future, know this. Since this was to be your first cruise, you must be able as a cruiser to be roll with whatever comes your way. Ships will nerf docks, weather will cause a bypass of ports, a mechanical failure will shorten your time in ports. In our 20 cruises on 5 different lines, we have lost days to searching for a man overboard, been throuh a storm and once a fire onboard. (Pretty scary!) You're at the mercy of the seas and weather. Notwithstanding worker incompetence or lost luggage that can happen on land as well as sea. Cruising is not for everybody, but it's the only way we travel, I hope you give it another try with your compensation.
  9. Mess Dress is equivalent to Black Tie. You could wear that. I've seen a USAF Colonel on a couple of cruises in Mess Dress. Do a search for used tuxedos online. If you cruise a couple times a year, it might make sense to buy used.
  10. This being about, "Footwear For MDR," and the "outdated" dress code saying shoes must be worn, then you are saying that footwear should be optional in the MDR? Surely you didn't mean that. Princess does right by putting in writing that something be worn to protect the feet in the MDR. The older demographic has common sense to wear footwear around broken glass remanents, regardless of written policy. The younger demographic often demonstrates in the news that they don't have any common sense and need a written policy. 😄
  11. No, but all of them leave too early, because you won't want to leave. That is, until you get hungry. What are you missing? The map doesn't relate just how far apart things are. You are exhausted when you arrive and after a short sleep and breakfast, you're on your way again, for a one nighter. Of the two options you mention, I'd prefer D, but if you can afford it, go P, a Connoisseur tour so meals and tours are included. P spends two nights at each of the lodges. You will pat yourself on the back for buying a package that prepays meals, which include tips, everytime you see menu prices in Alaska.
  12. Princess is more comparible to Celebrity than to Royal. If you've cruised over 30 times, then you've learned by now that little stuff will go awry on a cruise. You just have to roll with it. If a person can't do that, then cruising is not for them. Since you've stuck with cruising, it says to me you've learned to shrug off the small stuff. One person, a contract worker, maybe new on the job, gave some wrong info and was not deferential to you during your first cruise. If you can truly let go that trivial matter which happened 15 years ago, then you will enjoy it. If you are the type to hold on to the past, you will be preoccupied looking for a deficiency to validate your prior opinion. Let it go.
  13. If it ever comes that we must use our phones on a ship, it will be our last cruise with that line. I never want to have the problems the OP experienced. If I want a drink, I'll go to a bar, simple.
  14. A few answers to your questions, then one, "If I could do it all over again, I would..." First, download the Princess brochure here: https://www.princess.com/brochures/ The cruise first itineraries are cheaper because they are less desirable. You get tired from the bus and train travel and we feel it's better to cruise last, but up to you. In Anchorage, Princess contracts with Captain Cook Hotel, that's where the bus will either pick you up or drop you off. It's included in the packages. The wilderness lodges, McKinley and Denali, are owned by Princess. There's no going down the street to another hotel, at least at the time we were there. You will see in the brochure there are several levels of Cruisetours offered. On Your Own is nice if you know what you're doing or the active adventurous type; no meals, no excursions. More inclusive is the Explorer package, which includes a couple tours at the lodges, but no meals. We did that to our regret. If this will be your only trip to Alaska, and my do-over wish, is to go for the Connoisseur package. This includes most meals on the land portion and tours. I want to emphasize that otherwise, food is very expensive in Alaska and you plan to be on land for days.
  15. Live KRON4 TV is reporting passengers are boarding. Behind the reporter, viewers can see people walking into the terminal.
  16. Perhaps you missed it. It is the one absolute in the dress code. It is there for everyone's safety. Beyond avoiding someone's feet getting cut up, no problem with style. Shoes must be worn.
  17. No problem. I always wear solid black athletic shoes in the MDR. Less packing. The only absolute in the dress code is that shoes must be worn. We've all heard plates and glassware breaking in the MDR. Despite your wish not to cause debate, it probably will end up there. Let's keep this about your safety. Hope your recovery is quick and complete!
  18. Frequently asked question. Voljeep mentions Diamond, but Diamond is cruising Asia these days. Sister ship Sapphire would be my choice and has sailings there. Coral class ships would be best, but not doing Alaska either. Why the Sapphire? Full Promenade and a Skywalker's. Some love the Grand, which is doing Alaska but it had Skywalker's removed. Royal class ships are too big to take the full inside passage.
  19. Some here will say the Caribbean is their favorite Princess ship. Some will tell you it is too old for their tastes. True, it is a unique build. Also true it has the least space per passenger of any Princess ship. From what you write, sounds like what is important to you is port experiences and the ship simply a conveyance. If that is your priority, I think you'll really enjoy yourself, whichever ship you sail. Yes, Princess Cays is a tender port. For those with mobility challenges, tenders are a problem. Using a tender is just part of cruising. Personally, I find them fun. Return to the ship early to avoid lines at the dock, which seems to be the main complaint.
  20. Honestly, I'll probably forget to respond a month and a half from now. Here's a live thread embarking in two days. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2947517-live-emerald-princess-16-day-hawaii-july-6th-to-july-22nd/page/2/ To @BamaVol, Via is made from Arabica beans usually used in brewed coffee. Instants usually use Robusta beans. Compared to the usual instants, or syrups, it has a smoother taste, like a cup of brewed. Try it!
  21. You are also foregoing the included free shipment of your Medallions at $10/ea if Plus is pre-purchased. You may prefer, as we do, to pick your Medallion at the pier. But for a couple, the charge without Plus is $20. Yes, a small amount, but if you going to run the numbers, it figures in.
  22. What @CruisingWalter meant by older ship was that the Grand and Coral Cass ships still use the syrup. They did switch from Douwe-Egberts for Nescafe. It is better, but still syrup. On Royal Class ships, the ground coffee in the buffet has been very acceptable. Back in March, Princess announced a partnering with Lavazza for coffee, but whether this extends to coffee in the buffet, ground or syrup, we have not heard and will find out in August. Personally we will bring boxes of Via, as a plan B, and get water from any barista so it's hot enough.
  23. On that thought, here are 8 short lessons, like 3 minutes each that give the traveller some basic phrases for Japan. We are cruising Japan in October so following this thread with interest. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ondemand/program/video/easytravel_j/
  24. This question comes up frequently on the board. Best post I read on that said, in a nutshell, that at one time Princess collected cash tips for the pool, but no they longer do that.
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