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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Maybelline just a thought May-be a certain Chuck Berry song!
  2. Thats absolutely fine especially if for the evening for instance you add a wrap, one worn well looks really classy and fools most of the people most of the time, or a little bling say belt or shoes or necklace just watch it doesn’t drop into the soup. I must admit to finding the dressing bit a lot of fun especially when you wear that little bit of something that looks exquisite and cost pennies. It’s all part of the preparation and build up to your cruise. Lists lists and oh yes more lists use to pack then forget and go with the flow.
  3. To a certain extent it’s the juxtaposition of the large (but certainly not the largest no room) static music “makers” and the exquisite tiny bird boxes with there little tweeters. My DH was at first not best pleased when I purchased a bean to cup machine he soon learnt how to use it though. I’ve now got about six different coffee making systems including a stand alone grinder so I usually purchase beans rather than pre-ground. It’s amazing the different varieties that are available.
  4. DH says yes it was I found their website and the front is the same. Ah memories.
  5. At one end of and top of the arch of a bridge in Bath there is the head of Old Father Thames and at the other the head of Sabrina supposedly so that the boatmen knew which river they were heading towards.
  6. Beautiful beautiful flowers maybe a bit regimented for me but what exceptional colours.
  7. Think on this okay it was a business cruise, out from Southampton across to the Channel Islands and back (the only sea cruise I’ve been on!) all the bling and matching dress and pocket square. Enough to put me off sea cruising for ever. I much preferred being the plus one to the USA!
  8. Absolutely- precisely one has to keep up standards!
  9. I think any river can have a hissy-fit I’m sure that’s why the old boatmen being superstitious named them to Saints or beings that they thought were good to look over them. Some are recognisable but some not such as Old Father Thames and Sabrina Celtic goddess for the Severn. Very useful if anything went wrong who else but a God or Goddess to blame.
  10. I hope you don’t get a speeding ticket in your mobility vehicle, mind there is something about a man in uniform!
  11. Suites from a small tailors in Sunningdale who apart from the fuss of choosing the aforementioned suites I was on tie choice duty and yes I believe a gentleman should have just that little Je ne sais quoi, so two suites needed at the very least four ties, silk of course as I have it on good authority no other fabric ties so well. Liberty’s scarves are to die for.
  12. As I’ve said before email or phone the ship nearer the time. I bet the crew will be far more accommodating.
  13. I used to wear a tie as part of my school uniform and once on a school trip going across the Italian border the Carabionarie complete with guns came on board the coach and one told me off because he was not happy with the way my tie was tied, us teenagers were quite pleased at all these fit young Italians checking the vehicle. When DH retired so did his ties and he had some really nice ones.
  14. Yes ask for a ‘black coffee’ and the server says ah yes an Americano will that be with ‘milk’ dahhhhh. Another dislike is Irish coffee with squirty cream. Leave me to hunt say in Whittards to find different coffee beans to try.
  15. Notamermaid what a super analogy MS Gentleman, inside design ‘looks a bit male’ wonderful!
  16. I’ve never done it but taking the train in Europe is usually a safe bet, obviously the Swiss and the Germans are the best at timekeeping but the trains are good. At my age though (having trained all over the world) lugging luggage around would not be my choice. Good luck whatever you decide to do.
  17. Absolutely b********* brilliant, thank you.
  18. Were those who went to the Commonwealth Cemetery given poppies? Each year in the past we have been especially on our first Seine Cruise. In each instance we’ve had people on board who for whatever reason could not make the tour so we ended up with quite a few poppies which we placed them on the memorials of those ‘known only unto God’ these places a so special. I lost two grand uncles in WW1 and my dad was on HMS Rodney WW2. Your last pictures bring back memories but I’m kicking myself as somehow I missed the Chocolate!
  19. Now that would have been a difficult choice Ghent or Brugge. My first European school trip was to Brugge to see the Pagent Of The Holy Blood if you ever get the chance go it is amazing and again an amazing city. It was going there that started me learning to make lace, Bruges lace is exquisite.
  20. Looks beautiful although I do wish some of these places could get someone more used to the English language to check their websites, it’s not really a complaint and I for one wouldn't but some most certainly do. It’s now on my ‘oh dear’ ever growing list.
  21. You should have seen the picture (in your minds eye) of my grandson soon to go to senior school being taught to tie his tie by his grandfather my DH. I must admit definitely an ahhh moment. Wow did DH and GS get brownie points GS ended up passing on his new found expertise to not only his class mates but others as well. GS’s dad rarely wears a tie so couldn’t do the honours not surprising as his job working for The Kings Trust doesn’t call for it.
  22. I’ve tried to copy the French Waterways website but failed abysmally see if you can find it. Reading it, it looks like low water would be more of a challenge. There’s been nothing on the news.
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