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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Jazz pretty sure DH has tried that one on me driving to and from Scotland.
  2. Weird isn’t it? takes a bit of getting your head around.
  3. Have any river cruise companies got their boats in Paris this Friday? Wow if they have! It looks like the actual event is North of the Eiffel Tower and the river cruise companies moor south.
  4. On Scenic we had a superb Moselle experience but missed the opportunity of photographing the confluence. Our Captain invited us photography nuts to the experience early in the morning for a river cruise so four of us up and bushy tailed dahhh but were out and away. Basically the best laid plans the Captain had received notice to exit the Moselle asap as the waters were rising - fast. So no confluence photographs, I do keep reminding DH but he says it could happen again and I say - could. The Moselle is beautiful not to be missed if you can help it.
  5. You’ll get used to the technicalities - if you want to. It is just a tad weird so up to the start (source) and this one is more straight forward down to the end (where it meets the sea). There are loads more but you soon get to understand the language of the rivers. A river flows away from its source which could be just the smallest trickle out of the earth becoming the magnificent Rhine or Danube. Enjoy whichever cruise you choose.
  6. I live vicariously through friends with cats as DH is really allergic to them but if we visit friends with cats they all make a b-line for him one in particular a Siamese, beautiful cat will sit on him the only human she will acknowledge.
  7. As I age I seem to be getting less flavourful to all of these little bitting beasties but when it was at its worst I discovered that they were at their most awful if I had any form of perfume about me. So no body low, shampoo and would you believe fabric softener etc. it really does help a lot to try for a neutral aroma. When in the U.K. watch out for Horse Flys boy do they bite!
  8. Rebel your right they are really nasty little beasts I’ve seen them in Africa bigger and really really nasty.
  9. Ants hummm could this be a situation where a quick check of your ‘pants’ would be appropriate!
  10. Got and it’s not black but not the one I intended also Scenic Gem moored Honfluer.
  11. Don’t worry if you think the view may be better on the port side rather than the starboard just adjourn to the lounge and indulge in a coffee or aperitif whilst appreciating the views on offer. Enjoy!
  12. The amount Viking must lay out to keep their name to the forefront of people’s minds must be worth it to them, and needs to be to fill their many vessels. Here in the U.K. apart from individual advertisements they also sponsor various television companies and or programs. I have no problem with this it’s the way of the corporate world and apart from the theme music which is absolutely grating I’d let it by. I can also understand why many feel that they are the only river cruise company/supplier, I applaud the marketing person/s (note I did not attribute a man) who devised this especially the latest with the owner himself smoothing. I’ve been married to so lived with a brilliant marketing man for over 50 years so understand the system. I now enjoy sitting back and watching!!!!!!!!!
  13. Some years ago with Scenic on your final invoice the tour content and cabin content amounts were shown separately. Why I don’t know as Scenic is all inclusive.
  14. On our first Seine cruise the tour guide told us a story of an apple farmer/cider maker and his pipe smoking dog, now his explanation was a peep smoking dog you can imagine a coach load of Brits and Aussie’s at this. If anyone now mentions cider and dogs at the same time well it’s out of this world. Being a Brit now in the cider area of the U.K. I must admit to actually really appreciating Normandy Cider if your in the U.K. do watch out for the real! rough stuff it’s really leathal.
  15. For being Notamermaid she certainly has a ta(i)le to tell. Sorry couldn’t resist, but my full respect always.
  16. I understand you have been on a previous Scenic cruise so have therefore - hopefully have experienced an evening at Portobellos and I would have thought you would have realised the experience was a wine (evidently your area of expertise) paired dinner, was it or was it not? It always has been in my experience and has been an especial experience enjoyed with like minded cruisers. On our Seine cruise our restaurant manager placed us on a table with another birthday couple joint birthday cake and extra special champagne for all that evening. It’s those little touches that make the cruise extra special.
  17. A push boat in action on the Seine pushing two huge barges these, little boats are a bit like tugs small but immensely powerful.
  18. I certainly appreciate the occasional tipple especially in excellent company be it face to face or over the (ether, airwaves - my age) oh got it the net! Although zero alcohol wine to me has always seemed a non sequitur the other reason for loosing the cognitive ability is even more horrific to contemplate and I will hang on kicking and screaming so pick up the jokes across the pond this getting older lady enjoys the banter.
  19. Okay I’ve hit a tech challenge again I attempted to post a drinking picture of Vieux harbour and it keeps transferring black oh well ,it it is a super place to relax with your favourite tipple and watch the world go by. If you get the chance don’t miss it.
  20. According to an Australian friend Scenic actually waited to start their Douro cruising, specifically around the mooring situation. Portugal and the Portuguese is and are in general European terms different they knew how they wanted their river cruises to work and went for it, be blowed to how the rest of Europe worked. They have gradually softened their approach to a certain extent but I for one applaud that they wouldn’t be pushed around by the so called big companies and stuck to their guns metaphorically. Actually I may be just a tad biased as Portugal is Great Britain’s oldest alliance.
  21. Pont du Normandy straight on for the English Channel, turn left for Honfluer. Getting ready to reverse into the inner harbour ahead is the historic Honfluer harbour. Just to whet your appetite.
  22. If you research (see Archivist) the original background of many of the river cruise companies you realise are based on the original tour company - Thomas Cook although touring not by road but by river. A good idea that for once did not go to waste.
  23. I understand all of the above and this may seem a silly question but has the family actually sold the trading names?
  24. Bizet is in port at Honfleur at the moment. You could try checking who’s in port on Marine Traffic it may take a bit of time but a bit of research fun! Good luck. Oh you can use the basic site to do this.
  25. Will try to find list but as far as I remember it’s only about four companies. I think though that the others mostly aim at mainland Europe customers, I think one is MS Jayne Austin. Keep up the research. The 11 day Cruise on the Scenic Gem is superb I’ve done it twice now.
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