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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. I now have a vision of all these ladies surrounding a port soaked Stilton!
  2. Over the years there have been loads of debate about its demise - the oldest ones I found were around 2014 and referred to Oriana moving to platesd cheese offerings. For reasons best known to a certain poster on CC every time there is a discussion about falling standards on P&O he brings it up as an example and form of Micky take when people say things aren't as good as they were. He loves the non existent clown as well.
  3. Yes but they were for the middle balcony cabins. The suites were apparently unaffected. I would guess if it was to do with that every rear cabin would be closed off, although I'm sure Moley can say. Conversely if you are doing major adjustment to the ship you surely wouldn't do it in the very week your having a special event on-board - it apparently lasts a week according to the blurb - and obviously you'd want the ship as near damn perfect as you can get beforehand, particularly with all the previous bad publicity.
  4. Can't speak for Ventura but on Britannia you are given a wine list by your waiter. You select and he sends another person over with the bottle - in our case a young man. On one occasion the selected wine was unavailable and he was told to tell us the name of the substitute. It was efficient on our cruise and arrived promptly. However I don't think if I'd wanted to discuss the wines either of these lovely men would have been able to tell me anything other than what was on the menu. The Glass House waiters however still had an excellent knowledge of the wines they had for sale.
  5. Noooooooo! Please don't start that one again!!!
  6. You have described exactly what the P&O comparison Is trying to reflect. A quick cheap no frills service. No matter how excellent it is (and I don't disagree although I don't use them because of reasons connected to Michael O'Leary not his airline) you know exactly what you're buying. People paying for a supposedly luxury cruise experience being presented with a no frills service are comparing their experiences with the experts in that field. It's not snobbery or derogatory because they most likely fly low cost themselves. It is an expression of disappointment with P&O because they do not market themselves truthfully unlike Ryanair, Easyjet, Butlins and Wetherspoons.
  7. I assume it was for quarantine? I'm finding the OPs problem strange as it was stated by our P&O mole last week that there were no longer quarantine cabins and isolation takes place in your own cabin.
  8. When are you cruising please? The only operational reasons in recent times that involved cabin changes were due to isolation requirements and we were led to believe they were no longer happening. Could you provide suite details so a comparison can be made? If the "operational" reasons is for something other than quarantine does your travel agent have any further details?
  9. I believe you will be on Arvia very shortly so you can judge for yourself.i hope you have a great cruise.
  10. Mine appeared at midnight going into the next day.
  11. And??? Sorry I must be missing the point. I can't see anything wrong with all four organisations but they all constantly get used as things to laugh at. I doubt their millions of customers even think about if an individual somewhere is taking the micky out of them when they use their services so I can't understand the need to get defensive.
  12. Derogatory ... I notice that the OP referred to Ryanair in his post. Not many rushing to say that's derogatory or for that case the very often poked at "spoons" I've read on other parts of the board. I'm not sure why Butlins causes such a rush to accuse people of being rude. Butlins strikes me as a fine organisation which offers a great many people pleasure, however the comedians and the media have to find something to mock and use for cheap laughs and figures of fun and Butlins became a target long ago. As I say Ryanair and Easyjet suffer in the same way, they're ridiculed. If you read the papers you'd think everyone who has a drink or a meal in Wetherspoons is some Neandratyal. These insults slip into modern every day use. My last comment on this. I've re read the OP post. He says "This was a topic of much conversation among a great many of the passengers with a general consensus of goodbye P&O this is the last time, we expected better and there are better choices out there. Butlins on sea! and is P&O now owned by Ryanair! being common banter". Nowhere does he say that's his opinion or what he thinks, he is commenting on banter amongst passengers and as such doesn't deserve to be ridiculed. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time on Britannia. She remains very much my favourite P&O ship so why wouldn't you.
  13. I've no idea where you thought I'm not cruising with P&O but you are wrong! I am booked on Iona on 18th March (a booking made on Britannia at Christmas), am considering Arvia for February if the reviews of the current cruise improve and am seriously looking to book a 65 night Caribbean cruise with them as discussed on another thread. I'm also looking at the three week Iceland cruise next year, so a very long way from not sailing P&O again. Basically if I have a bad or disappointing experience I will call it as I see it and not throw my toys around, it doesn't however mean every holiday I have sea or land based is as I'd wished. I do respect others opinions, there are others who are happy with things I'm not, why should I disrespect them? My husband will not be cruising on Arvia as planned - it was a booking for Christmas this year. He was very upset by the anti social behaviour we witnessed and does not wish to understandably repeat the experience. His choice, his right.
  14. Having experienced this cruise, I'd rather this discussion didn't go down the age old clowns, cheesewheel and Butlins route. I'm glad Bazrat didn't have to deal with it all and didn't have his holiday spoilt. Unfortunately I agree with Alangoff about very many aspects of his experience and it's his review, his experience and his perception that counts, he doesn't deserve to be ridiculed because a different cruise had a different demographic. I've never stayed at Butlins but know many who have and also many who go to their soul weekender etc. I would saying looking at the entertainment offering on Britannia at Christmas Butlins offer a far superior product in that area. Comparing something to Butlins doesn't actually have to refer to the people going there and isn't necessarily derogatory. It can be a fair comparison about what your money actually bought, ie value for money or quality. You'll note alangoff mentioned it rather tongue in cheek as banter on board, there was no malice in his writing. It's very unfair every time someone reports their own experience to belittle them, particularly as insinuations are being made about their cruise not having disappointed.
  15. Can't have been helped by the reported plumbing problems assumedly. The trouble with norovirus is it hangs around. Hopefully it will be sorted by this new deep clean. Interesting the Margaritaville ship was denied too. The Bahamas were very tight on coronavirus too so appear very cautious in their approach to any illness/sickness.
  16. In my personal opinion, and that's all it is, Cunard is far nearer to the traditional style of cruising than P&O. QV is of course Arcadia sized so offers the more intimate offering many on here seem to want. There isn't a "class system", what there is are three type of separate dining rooms for those who choose to pay more, Grills, Club Britannia and Britannia - majortom missed the Club class Britannia offering in his reply. The suite passengers eat in their own restaurants dependent on their suite class - Princess Grill guests don't eat in Queens Grill as it's a grade below and therefore are also "banned" from an area if you look at it that way. Having paid a big premium for this right Grills passengers have a small lounge and deck area for their exclusive use. Personally I can't see how that is a class system (P&O suite guests eat breakfsst in the Epicurean, does that make me second class? Considering that most cruise lines are now adopting "the ship within a ship" concept (MSC Yacht club, RC Genie, Celebrity Retreat) the idea of restrictions on Cunard is frankly no longer something to speak of. The Cunard experience is unique. If I didn't travel solo so often I'd never sail on any other line. If you can get a good price on an itinerary you like I wouldn't hesitate. Happy to give any information on the ships and experience if you have any questions, I cant speak on the Grills being too poor to travel there!!
  17. I thought it looked great with so much variety. Waiting to get the okay for the jab at the actual clinic and then I will book. Quite excited and fingers crossed. Is there a roll call at all?
  18. Aurora November 2023 12 nights £183 Aurora December 2022 12.nights £132 That's from my BIL. Glad I don't need to drive to Southampton.
  19. Hello to you too! I assume you're referring to the same large group as me, but there were unfortunately quite a lot more. I couldn't understand how they were allowed to continue all the way through. Started with the world cup final with the shirt throwing off incidents and running up and down in the theatre after they hurled their beers in the air and continued until I saw them very much the worse for wear nearly missing their call for the plane whilst shouting they needed a p... at the top of their voices. Total nuisances to the staff. Sadly met a couple who were forced to have Christmas dinner with some of them. Do write, I believe it is essential P&O know their real passengers are upset by this.
  20. Okay, thanks. Same one as myself. We were on 16th. I personally wrote to P&O about the anti social behaviour and lack of response by security - I have two threads on here about this cruise, one on security one my live blog. I agree with a large amount of your comments and that is why I have contacted P&O for their comments. If you were as upset as you appear could I suggest you also drop them a line telling them your thoughts? I personally am not seeking anything other than a response to say what is being done to improve things. Do claim your air delay money though if you were affected.
  21. When did you cruise, please? A date is helpful.
  22. Appreciate that, I'm looking at the 65 night Caribbean in January 2024 instead and the trip takes in Mexico/Costa Rica/Panama and it seems to state these countries have some requirements? Correct me if I'm wrong please!
  23. Not on here and reviews a bit dodgy on current one.. Nevertheless it does need some perspective as it was a full ship, Christmas and many had paid full price on select fares before it became the maiden. Mind you I'm thinking of chancing it as I've got an astonishingly cheap offer into my inbox this morning for late February and yet more extracOBC offers arrived by post if I cruise before April.
  24. "£150pp is a massive gesture" - hmmm Reading the comments of our correspondents they didn't seem too pleased with it.
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